After Si Mu Yu saw Chen Mo's self-confidence, I thought that Chen Mo may really have two brush, but Su Mu Yu will not think that Chen Mo actually does not raise the first song.

And more people feel that Chen Mimer not only does not play the first song of the moon, but Chen Mo does not even look at the music, Su Mu Yu feels that Chen Mo is absolutely coming.

Although Chen Mo will play the piano, it is also a long time, and the Chen Mage will play the song of the song, all his mother teaches Chen Mo, so Chen Mo will not see the music is also very normal.

Zhao Yan's eyes disdainfully got Chen Mo, at this time, he is completely a lively look, because he thinks that Chen Miman will bring any threats to himself, after all, a person who does not look at the music, how can people be seen? Is eligible to compete with you?

"Miss Su, I think we still don't have to waste time? If this person does not look at the music, then he must have no way to play this song in the moonlight ..."

Zhao Yan took the front step and said softly.

"Well, I don't think it is necessary to waste time!"

Su Mu Yu nodded gently.

"Xiao Yu, Chen Mo's piano level is really very powerful, he will not see the score is also normal!"

Tang Qingqing quickly rushed to Su Mu Yu.

"Qing Qing sister, he will not see the music score, how do we work two?"

Su Mu Yu frowned very helplessly.


Tang Qingqing heard the words of Su Mu Yu, and he couldn't help but turn his eyes and then said softly to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, or I will teach you how to play this song?"

"Is it a little too late?"

Zhao Yan said yin and yang strange.

"Don't teach me, Qing Qingjie, you only need to play this song!"

Chen Miman said calmly.

"Can I play it over?"

Tang Qingqing looked at Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt.

"Yes, you can play it again!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

To know that Chen Mo is a military person, Chen Mo's memory is not comparable to the ordinary person, so Chen Mo only needs to listen to Tang Qingqing's play, and Chen Mo can learn this song.

This is also the maximum change in the body after the warrior.

After an ordinary person has become a military person, it is not only a very large change in physical fitness, and the reaction rate has been much higher than that.

Although Tang Qingqing did not know what Chen Mo did, but she still walked to the front of the piano after hesitating, and then moved elegant sitting on the chair.

"Moonlight" This piano is still very famous in the piano world. This song is not particularly difficult, and there is still a big gap with the world's difficulties above the traditional sense, but this song once If you enhance your violin, it will increase much.

After all, this is two music intertwined together, so whether it is a very big demand for the player of the piano or the violin, you not only need to follow the rhythm of the other party, but also need to make changes in the other party's rhythm change.

It is simple to say that this song not only needs you to play well, but more you need to work with each other.

Otherwise, there is a person who has no way to get the level of the other party, which is very large for the impact of the tie.

This is why Su Mu Yu has always found the reason for the right candidate.

Although Su Musu This girl is usually eager, but in fact, she is still very high for her request. From Xiaoyao Su Mu Yu, I have been learning the violin. Su Muyu's talent is also good, and I have also wishes a lot of competition awards. However, Su Mu Yu has never played in the school. This is the first time that Su Mu Yu is played in the face of so many people. She has a very pressure in her heart, and naturally I hope I can find a suitable candidate.

Of course, if the level of the ensemble is naturally the best on Su Mu Yu, after all, this month is the violin, if the piano is the violin, if the level of the ensemble is higher than Su Mu Yu, there is no pressure. So big.

At this time, the piano sound slowly sounded.

Although Tang Qingqing has not played the piano for a long time, it is actually that the level of Tang Qingqing is not retreat.

The melodious piano sound is really like a moonlight. It is usually shining in everyone through the window, as if it is only through the piano, and the emotional changes of Tang Qingqing, and as the sound of the piano is constantly changing, everyone's mood It seems to be changed.

Zhao Yan was deadly stared at Tang Qingqing. The expression on his face was very surprised. Because Zhao Yan can feel that Tang Qingqing's piano level is really very powerful, at least to him.

Chen Ming has always closed his eyes quietly and appreciates this song.

"Can he really understand this piano song?"

Su Muyu turned his head to see Chen Mo, and the expression on his face was very confused.

Because Su Mu Yu has never seen such a person who studies the piano music, just listen to it, can you remember?

If Chen Mo is able to learn this song, the Su Mu Yu can only use the two words of genius to describe Chen Mo.

After a few minutes, the piano sound slowly stopped.

Chen Mo also opened his eyes.

"Chen Mo, have you learned?"

Tang Qingqing stood up and rushed to Chen Mail.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Will you? Chen Mo didn't be a joke here?"

Su Muyu glared in the big eyes of Water, and his expression was very incredible to rushing to Chen.

"Do I need to open this joke with you? I said that I will be it!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.

"How can it be? You just listened to this song, you determined that you would really play?"

Su Mugu seems to have still no way to believe that Chen Mo said, she feels that this is a certain incredible.

"Do you want to try it now?"

Chen Mo said.

"Try a try?"

Su Mu Yu heard this sentence, then said with a small mouth: "Try a try, I don't believe you really learn!"

After the words were finished, Su Muyu took the violin directly, and Chen Mo took the step to the front of the piano.

All the attention is all concentrated on Chen Mo's body because they don't believe that Chen Mo is already learning this song.


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