I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1438: Why are you so sensation?

After hearing Chen Mo, Luoqiu, she couldn't help but looked up at Chen Mo, as if she saw something in Chen Mo's eyes.

"So clever? You do something to say to me?"

Luoqiu said Chen Mo, and he said.

"Do you have something to say to me?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Yes, I have something to say to you this time ..."

Luoqiu nodded gently.

"Do you have anything? Let's talk first!"

Chen Mail asked.

"This is such Chen Mo, I am ready to set up a recreational company, so that I am in the development of the entertainment industry later, but you also know that I am a net red, but I don't have much money, so I want to find you. ! "

Luoqiu said softly.

"how much money do you need?"

Chen Mo wants to ask.

"In fact, there are not many, 50 million is enough!"

Luoqiu's eyes flashed, then bite his lips and continued: "But you can rest assured, I am not white, you gave me this money, we have no relationship again. I will never bother your life again. I will all be a dream between you with me. I will never have the third person to know these things. How do you think? "

"Luoqiu, you ..."

Chen Mo looked at Luoqiu with his eyes, and the expression on his face was shocked.

Because he did not think that Luoqiu has ended their relationship between them in this way, and Chen Siles inside Qing Duqiu did not really need this money. She just used this excuse to let Chen Mo's heart. .

"I have such a money, do you have a little less than 50 million?"

Chen Mo said.

"I seem to be worth these money? I still have a clear!"

At this time, the sound of Luoqiu has been swallowed, and the eyeliner is also slightly red, but she is still trying to control himself not crying.


Chen Mo took a breath, then whispered: "Luoqiu, I think you are a good girl, I don't want to delay you ..."

"Okay, since it has already said it here, there is no need to foolish with me. You impressed my bed for a while, I now rely on the body to take back the money I need, we don't owe each other. Everything I need, I don't think who is wrong! "

Luoqiu said no expression.


Chen Mo looked at Luoqiu in front of him. Everything in his heart is in the heart, and everything is in order to let Chen Mo's more chic.

If Luoqiu does not say such a word, Chen Mo may be very determined, but after Luoqiu said these words, Chen Mo's hair really has no way to continue to hurt Luoqiu.

Luoqiu did not take a little more time to come with Chen Mima, but it is unfair to Welcome to Luoqiu.

Say that this may still be a person in Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is wrong to live in Luoqiu.

"50 million, remember to hit my account!"

Luoqiu rushed to Chen Mo.

"I know!"

Chen Mo almost biting his teeth and said this sentence.

Luoqiu looked at Chen Mo, hesitated for a long time, and finally slowly said: "Chen Mo, can I let me last?"


Chen Mo did not speak, but took the initiative to Luoqiu, put Luoqiu into his arms.

When Luo Qiu was held by Chen Mo, she finally had no way to continue to control her emotions, tears, and the body is constantly trembling.

"Why do you always understand this?"

Chen Mer bite his teeth.

"I originally thought that I can stay in your side, but I didn't think that I didn't even have the qualifications of your lover. I don't want to be so much, but if I don't know, how can I do? I just want to let yourself leave your life in a decent way! "

Luo Qiu said softly to Chen Mo after finishing this sentence, then turned around and walked away.

Chen Mer's personal eyes were standing in the same place. Although he didn't want Luoqiu left, he had a voice in his heart telling him that it is right.

Chen Mo admit that he is not a good man, but if you really have come to Chen Mo's location, when you are surrounded by all kinds of beauty every day, how many people can do alone?

There should be many people can't do it?

Chen Mo is now doing this, but it is to prevent Su Mu Bai from being harmed by two people in Luoqiu.

The moment, Luoqiu turned into the moment, was also tears, she did not think that it was one result.

Although Luoqiu has always known that Chen Mo is a fiancee, she doesn't care about these things, she evens is unwilling to fight for it. She wants to do it is to accompany the side of Chen Mo, even when it is a small three When people, as long as Chen Mo's heart is still her, it is enough.

However, Luoqiu did not think that she now loses the qualifications of lovers.

I don't know how long it is, Chen Mo saw Luoqiu's back disappeared.

Chen Miman helplessly turned around to go to the airport, after all, Su Mu Bai is not in Nanyang City, he continues to stay here and there is no meaning.

Chen Mo Shun has gone nearly five or six hundred meters away from the road. At this time, his mind has been stocked with the picture that he is known to Luoqiu.

"Drip ..."

At this time, Chen Mile suddenly remembered a whistle.

Chen Mo looked back and found that Su Jiyu drove to follow his body.

"Is it finished?"

Southern Suyu rushed to Chen Mail.

Chen Mo did not take care of Su Yun Yu.

"You have made the mistakes in my own, how do you make someone else sin?"

Su Youth Yu shouted his little mouth, then he continued: "But no matter what, you are still very good, at most, you don't have a slag man, I won't tell me this matter. The cousin, you can rest assured ... "


Chen Mo still did not take care of Su Yuci, and continued to go in front.

"Hey? I talk to you? Have you heard it?"

Su Yuci saw that Chen Mo still shouted after he didn't speak.

"What do you do when you do a little fart?"

Chen Mo has some impatient prostitute.

"You are a little fart, are you going home now? Don't use me to send you?"

Su Yucheng knew that Chen Mo is now in a bad mood, so there is nothing to fight with Chen Mail.

"Send me to the airport!"

After Chen Mo hesitated, he said whispered.

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