I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 147: Passionate girl

It is not a lot to go to the mountains, or you choose to take a taxi, or you choose to take the bus.

But the taxi driver is generally unwilling to go to the mountain, because it takes a long time to come back, and the security is not very good, so even if Chen Mo has made a high price, the taxi driver still thinks Chen Mo is a liar. Therefore, it will not agree at all.

Finally, Chen Mo and Tianhai Xi have no way, only the simplest passenger car.

After the passenger car, Chen Mo's passengers on the passenger car were not a lot, so they casually found a place to sit down.

Tianhai Xi is the choice to sit by Chen Mo.

The bus is generally there is no fixed departure time, and the driver will send it to the person in order to make a lot of money.

Sometimes it may even need to wait for two or three hours.

But Chen Mo's luck is still very good, because they have just got a large group of students who haven't had a long time. These students should be born in the mountains.

In an instant, these students were full of many seats.

However, there are two empty locations around Tian Hai Xi no one to sit. The reason is very simple. Tianhai Xi's woman's momentum is too cool. The ordinary college students don't dare to sit around her.

However, there are two girls who are last bus, and there is no other location on the car at this time, so the two girls can only choose to sit by Tianhai Xi.

Chen Mo has always closed his eyes in his body, so he did not pay attention to the two girls sitting around him.

One of the beautiful girls with black frame glasses took the initiative to say: "Hello!"

Chen Mo said slowly to open his eyes after this sentence, then smiled and said: "Hello!"

"My name is Zhang Wei, is a student at the University of Hong Kong. We are planning to write in the mountains. What is your name?"

Zhang Wei's girl seems to be some coming, see Chen Mo's attitude is still a good time to take the initiative to talk to Chen Mail.

"My name is Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Is this beauty your girlfriend? Your friendly friend is beautiful!"

Zhang Wei looked at the Tianhai Xi, which he was around, as if it was an enviable.

"I am not a girlfriend of Chen Gongzi, I am Chen Gongzi's secretary!"

Tian Hai Xi did not let the stranger misunderstood, so it casually made an identity.


Zhang Wei couldn't help but heard the words of Tianhai Xi, and then said that the expression was surprised: "I didn't expect you to be a big boss. I didn't take such a beautiful secretary. You won't be The rich second generation of the legendary family? "

"I am not a big boss, just just have a little business!"

Chen Mo's helpless explanation.

"So this is ah!"

Zhang Wei nodded lightly.

"Xiao Wei, who do you talk?"

At this time, the girl around Zhang Wei seems to be a little curious about Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo realized that there was a girl around Zhang Wei. If Zhang Wei is absolutely a beautiful woman if it is placed in ordinary people, at least it is the kind of middle, but Zhang Wei The girl around him is a beautiful woman who is surprising. It will even exceed Tianhai Xi even more than Tian Hai Xi.

The girl is wearing a white long skirt, the exquisite face, such as the water, the beauty of the water, and this girl seems to be a mixed-race, giving people an unusual temptation.

After seeing Chen Mo, he did not seem to show what the mood didn't show it. He was seeing that Tian Hai Xi was flashing in the beauty, but because at this time, Tian Haixi still took sunglasses, so she and Nothing to pay attention to what.

"Little Dance Sister, this is Chen Mo, I just met friends ..."

Zhang Wei quickly explained a sentence in the glamorous girl.

"Hello there!"

The glamorous girl shouted with Chen Mo, and then did not give Chen Mo's opportunity to turn his head to the side of the phone.

Zhang Wei's eyes flashed, and quickly rushed to Chen Mo's explanation: "Chen Mo, Xiao Dance sister is this character, you don't care, she doesn't like to talk to strangers ..."

"It's ok……"

Chen Mo said calmly back.

And Zhang Wei took the initiative to introduce Chen Mo. This glamorous beauty called An Xiao Dance, which is Hong Kong Island.

When Heaven, Hai Xi learned that Qian Xiao Dance was after Anjian, the expression on his face seems to be a bit surprised, and the next consciousness looks more and loving two eyes.

Because Sun's house can be a big family in Hong Kong Island, especially the last few years, the wind is more victorious, but Tianhai Xi does not know the girls in the Qian Dance, this shows that the status of the Qian Dance is in place Not very high.

And Qian Dance is still very famous in Hong Kong, is a flower of their art.

It is necessary to know that the art line of beauty is like a cloud, it is definitely very beautiful.

Therefore, the pursuit of the young dance is very much, and the family environment that is very good, this has led to a little proud of the personality of the dance.

However, the beauty of Chen Mo is too much too much. A young dance in the district is nothing to do. Even if Chen Mo's Tianhai Xi is more tempting than this dance, after all, Tian Hai Xi The body is that the existence of truly let men want to stop.

Chen Mo is now there is no idea for Tianhai Xi, so this security dance naturally can't enter Chen Mo's eyes.

If Chen Mo is really a non-division of Tianshi, then Chen Mo is just a look, you can let the arrogant Tianhai Xiu take off his clothes and take the initiative to serve Chen Mo.

Now Tianhai Xi knows that his life is in the hands of Chen Mo, so no matter how much Chen Mo has put forward, Tianhai Xi can only be a choice.

Of course, Chen Mo will not choose to do this. After all, he is now so inexpensive for women.

Chen Mo clearly needs to be responsible for Su Mu.

"Chen Mo, should you listen to your accent? Is it Hong Kong Island? Is this this time to travel?"

Zhang Wei joined Chen Mail.

"It should be counted!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"Is there any friend in Hong Kong Island? If you don't have a friend, you can hire me as a tour guide, as long as you can eat it ..."

Zhang Wei looked at Chen Mo's continued.

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