I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,455: How can you not be welcome?

Mountain road.

Zhang Yan Li Kun and others stopped Chen Mo's way.

Original An Xiao Dance thought that he can solve these troubles for Zhang Jiuyuan, but no one thought that people Zhang Jiuyuan did not take this incident, but only let a small mixer came over.

Zhang Yan got up and down, Tian Hai Xi, smiled: "Beauty, I advise you still have been exhausted, how can you call people? Unless you are, please, please, otherwise any People are all used ... "

"Are you sure?"

Tianhai Xi is very calm back.

Zhang Yan felt that Tianhai Xi was just an ordinary beauty. If Tian Haihi really has any background, he has already told himself, no need to wait until this time.

However, Zhang Yan asked cautious, asked Tianhai Xi: "What is the name of this person you shout?"

"Zhao Qingquan!"

Tianhai Xi said faintly.

Everyone has exposed a doubtful expression after hearing this sentence of Tianhai Xi.

"Who is Zhao Qingquan?"

"I have never heard of this name?"

"Yeah, we don't seem to be the big surname near this vision?"

The younger brothers of Zhang Yan have stood a whisper.

And the expression on the loving dance face is a little negligible.

"How can these two people only travel, but how can they meet the big hide of Hong Kong Island?"

An Xiao dance expression is helpless.

Li Kun shouted: "Who did you say this person? How did I have heard that Laozi has never heard?"

"Have you heard it?"

Tianhai Xi was in a glance.

Zhang Yan has always standing in place. He feels that this name is very familiar, but he can't think of this person.

"This person you said is Zhao Police?"

At this time, Zhang Yan's face changed, and the tone was very excited to shout at Tianhai.

"Yes, he is a sheriff!"

Tianhai nodded.

In an instant, everyone in the scene was in the original place, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Zhao Qingquan knows that the person knows very little, but if it is the three words of Zhao Police, it can be said that no one does not know anything, after all, the most fear of these small mixers may be the police station. those people.

At this time, everyone attended the eyes of the beads looked at Tianhai Xi, no one thought that Tianhai Xi actually recognized such a great person.

"Do you really know Zhao Qingquan?"

Zhang Yan seems to have a little nervous rushing to Tianhai Xi.

"Yeah, I just gave Zhao Qingquan a call, it is estimated that he will come back soon!"

Tianhai Xi nodded directly.

In fact, this small thing is not looking for Zhao Qingquan at all, but she still chooses Zhao Qingquan today. The purpose is to let Chen Mo know that he is still a bit related to the side of Hangji, how to cooperate two people. Ji is simply using Chen Mo.

Zhang Yan seems to have some panic.

After all, if people are really awkward, there is a fear, but if the person is Zhao Qingquan, it is troublesome.

"Yan brother, I think this woman is here to say, how can you understand Zhao Qingquan so much?"

Li Kun went to Zhang Yan, whispered to Zhang Yan said.

"Yeah, it is a big man who can touch Zhao Qingquan. This woman is absolutely not to know Zhao Qingquan. He is obviously scared, and Yan Ge, you can don't go ..."

The rest of the younger brothers have also said.

Zhang Yan seems to be slightly eased by these words that their younger brother said.

At this point, he also felt that Tianhai Xi couldn't know so powerful, so Zhang Yan said directly in Tianhai Xi: "You will not lie to me?"

"Do you think I need to lie to you? If you don't believe what I said, then we are waiting here ..."

Tianhai Xi said directly.

"OK, I am waiting here today. If I find that you find you, Laozi is absolutely dead this evening ..."

Zhang Yan said with his teeth.

It is a quiet standing on the side, and he is very clear that this little thing does not need him at all, Tianhai Xi will definitely handle it.

At this time, Zhang Wei also flashed a doubt, then twisted his eyes and asked: "Little Dance Sister, do you know who they say Zhao Qingquan?"

"Zhao Qingquan is the policeman's sheriff. It is said that this person has a very energy. Whether it is a special influence in the Black Tao Tree, many major families in Hong Kong Island have to give this Zhao Qingquan a face ..."

An Xiao Dance is low.

And Zhang Wei heard this sentence in the face, after the expression is obviously very excited, his face said: "The little dance sister, if this woman really knows such a great person, we have saved today. What? "

"You think too much, how can Zhao Qingquan be so big? How can I know her? I think she may be delayed!"

An Xiao dance shaken his head very helpless.

And Zhang Wei looked at Tianhai Xi and his face was a little confused.

Although Zhang Wei felt that the words of the Dance said, it was a little truthful, but at this time, the expression on Tianhai Hi's face was very confident, and it was completely like it was delayed.

"If this woman really doesn't know Zhao Qingquan, then why is she confident?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but lamented in his heart, then the consciousness looked at Chen Mo's position, she found that Chen Mo is also very confident at this time.

Time is over one minute.

At this time, everyone is quiet, they don't know what the ending is the end of this matter.

I don't know how long it took, a black Audi car opened quickly, then stopped in front of the bus.

When Zhang Yan saw this Audi, he flashed a doubt.

Soon, the door opened.

A middle-aged person came directly from the car.

When Zhang Yan saw this middle-aged person, the whole person was stupid, and the expression on his face was unbelievable.

Because this middle-aged person in this time is not someone else, it is Zhao Qingquan.

Of course, the younger brothers brought by Zhang Yan also know Zhao Qingquan, so these people are also a little stupid.

"How is this possible? This woman really knows Zhao Qingquan. Who is she?"

An Xiao Dance also lamented in the water of the water.

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