I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1185: Trying to do good!

Bamboo Lanka will.

Zhao Jixing was in the Yuan Dynasty, and the three of Zuo Qingna were almost simultaneously in the silence of the silence.

After all, now Anzhen North is inquiry is to deal with Chen Mo's approach, so they don't dare to open it easily, because once you are opening, your approach is definitely, the remaining two people don't recognize your way, and finally what Things are definitely yourself to assume this responsibility.

"Old Zhao, you are with the longest time around me, you should talk about any good way you have!"

Anzhen north directly turned to Zhao Jixing, and asked Zhao Jixing, no expression.

Zhao Jixing heard the sentence in the north of Anzhen, then whispered: "An always, I think we may be too underestimated from the beginning, so our best way is to seek headquarters. Help, after all, even Shi Wu Long is not Chen Mo's opponent, then the power we can find is naturally not Chen Mo's opponent, so you should ask the headquarters to help, find a truly martial author who can deal with Chen Mo! "

"Yes, I also think so, and now Chen Mo is not only Chen Mo, but he also has the people of Tianshan Zongmen, and the ability of our three people is really limited!"

He Yuanfa quickly followed him.

"I have also thought about this, I also contacted the headquarters, but now the situation is that the headquarters also take time to find someone, and the headquarters will take time, you think Chen Mo Will you leave so long? "

Anzhen north faintly said.

"This one……"

Zhao Jixing's eyes flashed a helpless, and shook his head and didn't continue to say.

"Since I have already betrayed us, then Chen Mo is now affirmed that we have already mastered our information, so according to Chen Mo's doing style will definitely shoot!"

Zuo Qingna slowly said.

He Yuan sent the expression on his face after heard the words of Zuo Qingna, and then asked: "Then we have to think about it!"

"Qing Na, is there any good way?"

Anzhen asked Zuo Qingna.

Zuo Qingna hesitated, then whispered: "An always, I have one, but I don't know if it is not feasible!"

"When is this all, don't sell Guan Zi, what is the way to say it!"

He Yuan sent a very anxious shout.

Zuo Qing Na glanced He Yuan sent a look, then whispered: "You don't forget, this time Chen Mo's sin is not only our silver business, but also the entire Hong Kong Island!"

"What do you mean?"

He Yuan wrinkled and asked.

"Tianshan Zongmen came to Hong Kong Island, and also took the initiative to go out of our Hong Kong Island, this matter has violated the agreement between Hong Kong Island and the inland priest, and our Hong Kong Island is due to development Slow, so the realm of the military has always been very low. It has been suffering from the inland priests, and later because of our Hong Kong Island, there is a martial artist called Guan Qiankun, and the officer has changed all Hong Kong Island. The fate of the war, the Guan Shi's war with the landlockeeper three days and three nights, and finally he closes to the hand, so the rules will not be able to shoot in Hong Kong Island. The inland warrior has no way to continue to bully our Hong Kong Island, but now Chen Mo has broken this rule with Tianshan Zongmen, I think Hong Kong Island will definitely be very dissatisfied! "

Zuo Qingna slowly said.

"I also have something to say!"

Zhao Jixing nodded gently.

"But what is the relationship between Chen Mo?"

He Yuan wrinkled and said.

"Of course, there is a relationship, Chen Mo's people have moved in Hong Kong Island, which is equivalent to all the martial arts of provocative Hong Kong Island, so I feel that it is possible to deal with Chen Mo, I don't need to take us at all, I can use Tianshan Zong. The door to the Hong Kong Island militors caught the dissatisfaction of the Hong Kong Island millennium, and finally there may even have some warners to take the initiative to shoot Chen Mo, Chen Mo is even more powerful, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of all Hong Kong Island militors! "

Zuo Qingnina quickly said.

And the north of Anzhen hesitated and whispered: "Qing Na, I think you are really good, but the effect may not be very good!"

"An always, what do you mean?"

Zuo Qingna asked again.

"This is the case, although the martial artists are really hostile, but helpless Chen Mo defeated the news of Shi Wu Long, and many of the martial arts know that Chen Mo's skill is not simple, so most people are not courageous to Chen Mo. And those who have the ability to shoot may also choose to be seen without seeing the Tianshan Zongmen, so that our situation is too passive ... "

Anzhen north slowly said.

"What do you think of what do you think?"

The words of Zuo Qingnan are very clear, and there is still a reason to say in the north of Anzhen.

After all, I want to gather all the martial artists who are not an easy task for Chen Mo, and this matter itself needs time to work.

But Chen Mile does not seem to give them a long preparation time.

"I heard that the relationship between Guan Zongshi is a good relationship with your grandfather? You should be able to think about the world with the left family?"

Anzhen northern light said.

"An always, you are going to ask Officials to deal with Chen Mo personally?"

The eyes of Zuo Qingna flated were shocked.

"Yes, you have just said that this rule is Guan Zongshi, but now someone destroys this rule. It is also very reasonable to solve this thing, and the strength of Guan Zhan is clear, so Let Guan Zongmu remove Chen Mo's best choice! "

Anzhen north slowly said.

"But Guan Zongshi has been closed for many years. I have never asked things outside. I am worried that Guan Zhan will not take this thing!"

Zuo Qingna frowned.

"That's because things have not been big. If you are inciting the emotions of our Hong Kong Island? I think Guan Zhan's definitely will not sit on ..."

Anzhen North stopped, and then continued: "If you don't try it, how do you know that it is impossible?"

Zuo Qing Na took a deep breath, then whispered: "An always, I understand what you mean, I will go with my grandfather, but I don't dare to guarantee that the Guan Zhan will shoot this time. ...... "

"try your best!"

Anzhen north looked at Zuo Qing Na smiled.

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