I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 142: Doesn't dare to fight?

However, it is not only the safety of Tianshan Zongmen, but Li Juncheng Du Tianhao and others are also very worried about Chen Mo's safety. At this time they are also discussing how to guarantee Chen Mo's safety.

However, their influences in Hong Kong Island are too small, and I can't find a suitable way.

Chen Mo has received too much attention from the battle between China. After all, it has never had such a battle.

Chen Mo and Guan Yifan represent two top-level military masters, so the war between the two is not only related to the individual's honor, and even the honor of Li Taibai and Quanliu.

Even many inland priests have come to Hong Kong Island, that is, they want to witness the victory of this war.

However, recently, Chen Mo has been concentrating on practicing, this day, this will lead to Tianhai Hai to tell Chen Mo, but Chen Mo did not give Tianhai Xi.

The Jiangxi is naturally very urgent, but she has no way.

But just three days before the battle, Zuo Qingna actually took people to the villa of Qijia.

When Hai Xi saw Zuo Qingna, the expression on his face was very nervous, because Tianhai Xi Qing Zuo Qingna is a silver businessman, she doesn't know what to come over.

"Miss Qi, hello!"

Zuo Qingna was very politely hitting a greeting in Tianhai.

"Do you have anything to do with us?"

Tianhai Xi simply adjusted his emotions and asked whispered.

"I want to see Chen Gongzi, there is very important thing to tell him!"

Zuo Qing is faint to answer.

Tian Hai Xi looked at Zuo Qing Na hesitated for two seconds, and said that he had no expression: "Okay, you are here waiting here, I will go to Chen Gongzi now!"


Zuo Qing Na did not say much, directly choosed to sit in the sofa quiet waiting.

And Tianhai Xi did not dare to delay, even if Chen Mo's room ran, gently knocked on the door, shouted: "Chen Gongzi, some people want to see you!"


Chen Mail asked.

"Is the silver business!"

Tianhai Xi said.

"The people of the silver business actually came to me."

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt, then got up and opened the door.

"Are they changed attention? Ready to put Luoqiu and ask me?"

Chen Miman asked with Tianhai Xi.

"I don't think ..."

Tianhai Xi shook his head.

Chen Mo saw that the expression on Tianhai Xi face seems to be slightly asked: "What happened in the past few days?"

"Chen Gongzi, I heard that some people want to challenge you!"

Tianhai Shi whispered back.

"What is the game challenges me? Is I come to Hong Kong Island?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, and immediately rushed to the living room directly.

At this time, even if Zuo Qing is not active to see Chen Mo, Chen Mo also intends to continue to hand over the silver business, and since some people take the initiative to send the door, then Chen Mo will not be polite.

Zuo Qing Na did not help but flash in the eyes after seeing Chen Mo, although Zuo Qing Na has already known Chen Mo very young, but she didn't think that Chen Mo was so young.

After seeing Zuo Qingna, the eyes were flashing, because this left Qingna is really very beautiful, the temperament is very fascinating, especially Zuo Qing, now 30 Years old, with a single mature woman with a mature woman.

Zuo Qingna is wearing a black OL uniform today, the towering double peak is coming out, the straight legs are set with a black stockings, the feet are placed on a black high heel, and the whole person looks very temperament.

"Chen Gongzi, hello, my name is Zuo Qingna, yes ..."

Zuo Qingna, I want to introduce myself.

"Are you a silver business?"

Chen Mo sat in the sofa, and Chen Mo has interrupted Zuo Qingna.

"Yes, I am a silver business!"

Zuo Qingna stunned, then nodded directly.

"You should know that your silver businessman kidnapped my friend. I came to Hong Kong Island this time to save people. If you now let go, I can do it, but if you are not going today, Then you may not walk this yard! "

Chen Mo said very straightforward.

"Chen Gongzi, I am not coming to present today, but give you something!"

Zuo Qing Na said softly.


Chen Miman asked with a brow.

Zuo Qing Na directly handed the battle to Chen Mo's.

Chen Mer is briefly looked at the battle, and then opened it directly.

"After three days, Guan Yifan Chen Gongzi is on the top of the North Xuanshan, but also hopes to enlighten!"

At this time, the word is simple to write these words.

"Who is it?"

Chen Mo saw this name and flicked in the eyes.

"Chen Gongzi, the disciple of Tianshan Zongmen, the disciple of Tianshan Zongmen, was innocent to our Hong Kong Island, which caused the dissatisfaction of many Hong Kong Island priests, so it would want to represent all the martial arts of our Hong Kong Island. You will fight! "

Zuo Qing Na whispered.

"This thing is like me, there is nothing to do with me. It is a person who is Tianshan Zongmen. It is she brought, not what I brought, you want to challenge it directly to find her!"

When I was talking to the desk, Chen Mo was thrown into the table, it was obviously not going to fight.

"Chen Gongzi, are you doing this?"

Zuo Qingnan squinsed softly, he asked Chen.

"Don't dare to fight?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Zuo Qingna, I couldn't help but a smile, then faint, I said that I didn't want to fight: "What is I not dare to fight, I don't even know this one. I don't know. I don't know. What should be war, and I have just said, I am going to save people this time, I will plan to find the people in the north of Anzhen tomorrow, as long as I saved people, then I will leave, as for others What is nothing to do with me ... "

"Chen Gongzi, you want to save people, I know, but if you are fighting, you can save people!"

Zuo Qing Na said softly.

"What does your sentence mean?"

Chen Mer didn't stand it.

"Chen Gongzi, you should clear the Shuangqiu now in the hands of An,?"

Zuo Qingna looked at Chen Mail.

"Of course it is clear!"

Chen Mo nodded.

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