I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 150: Multi-tube

I was originally intended to take a break, after seeing the guests inside the bar, I have no choice but to be busy again.

A blink of a blink of an eye, half a hour has passed.

At this time, it is already nearly a little more than a few hours, but the bar is still boring, countless young men and women have a dynamic music crazy twisting their own body, the dazzling lights plus the mothers, as if there is a kind of Powerful appeals can drive all the emotions of all guests.

Chen Mo can only take the tray to shuttle in various card seats, because Chen Mo's own is still good, so often heravles some female guests, of course, he will also dress up from some The beautiful young woman has some tip in his hand.

But this money is too unbearable for the current Chen Mo, it is too unbearable.


After a busy live for more than an hour, Chen Mo finally got a chance to rest, sitting in the stairs of the second floor, enjoying the beauty of the beauty of the dance in the dance pool.

"Chen Mo, today is tired today? When this week, I will give you some bonuses!"

At this time, a voice rang in Chen Mai's ear.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, quickly turned his head, I didn't know when Lin Qiushu came to him.

Today, Lin Qiushi is particularly fascinating, wearing a black tight bag, the double peak tower, the beautiful sexy clavicle is also exposed to the air, the exquisite face is a touchless makeup, sexy and rich red lips The seductive lip line, the miniskirt will be wrapped in Lin Qiushui, a stagnation of the fragrant scent, a grandchildren tuned the white straight legs exposed to the air, the exquisite little foot stepped on a black high heel, the whole People look very delicate and beautiful.

I don't know why, after I experienced the matter that night, Chen Mo did no longer got to look at Lin Qiushu.

After all, if it is not a call in Su Mu, Chen Mo has already happened between Qilu.

Lin Qiushui This woman is more than Chen Mo, so she always exudes the charm of mature women. Although she is not as sexy, she is so beautiful, but she always takes a piece of elegant, one .

Such temperament is often able to cause conquest of conquest in the hearts of men.

"How do you look at me? Don't you know me?"

Lin Qiushu saw Chen Mo asked in a long time.

"Qiu Water Sister, have you come over?"

Chen Mimi is awkward.

"Yes, I will deal with something else today, so some are late!"

Lin Qiusi nodded lightly.


Chen Mo has promised, and then the mouth wants to continue to talk, but the waiter Xiaofang suddenly ran around Lin Qiuwei, then rushed to Lin Qiushui: "Total, Xuan brother came over, do you want to see a greeting?"


Lin Qiushui has flashed a variety of beautiful in the eyes of Xiaofang.

"Chen Mo, if you are tired, go back to rest first, I will go to the guest!"

Lin Qiushui turned his head and said with Chen Mo, and then stepped on the position of the high-heeled shoes and Ting Ting's position.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Qiushui's back, and I couldn't understand it. Because Lin Qiushui just heard Xiao Fang's words, it seems to be a little less right.

"Xuan Ge, you come over!"

At this time, Lin Qiushui, who just went to the door, shouted.

"Lin boss, your business is not bad!"

A young woman wearing white Armani suit walks into the bar.

The age of youth should be not big, that is, there is a look of around, the long phase is still, but there is a ten-cm scar on the face, it looks very seep.

"This is not your blessing!"

Lin Qiushu looked back at the young and then took the opportunity to walk in the position of the youth.

Chen Mo saw Lin Qiushui and others, I couldn't help but twist the little Buddha around him: "Xiaofang, what is this person do? Qiu Shuji seems to be afraid of him!"

"You will not even know anyone, don't you know?"

When Xiaofang heard Chen Mo, the expression was very surprised to shout.

"do not know……"

Chen Mer shook his head.

"This person is Zhou Xuan, not only the autumn lady is afraid of him, the boss of the scene in the peace area is not afraid of him?"

Xiaofang returned to a sentence, then continued: "Zhou Xuan is a very famous big brother in the peace area, Zhou Wei is Zhou Xuan's cousin!"

"So this is ah!"

Chen Miman nodded.

Now he basically figured out what happened. Although this bar is Lin Qiu Water, because the bar will often come over, so Lin Qiushui takes 20% of the shares to Zhou Wei. Let Zhou Wei help Lin Qiushu to see the venue, and this Zhou Weimen is Zhou Xuan's cousin, and it is Yao Wuyangwei in the bar, no one dares.

"This Zhou Xuan is not a good thing. He read Lin has always been a color, and his cousin Zhou Wei is a color!"

Xiaofang looked at Chen Mo to continue.

Chen Mo listened to this, faintly smiled, couldn't help but consider yourself in your heart, don't help Lin Qiu water.

After all, Chen Mo is only to say words. Du Tianhao can take care of the bar of Lin Qiushui. In this case, Lin Qiushui does not have to take out 20% of the shares to Zhou Wei Zhou Xuan.

"Zhou Wei, what are you doing? You will release me soon!"

At this time, there was a scream in the bar.


Chen Mo and Xiao Fang have heard this scream, all stunned, then twist his position to the position of the bar corner.

At this time, Zhou Wei is pulling with Li Si, as if there is any contradiction.

"This Zhou Wei definitely is in the sister of harassment!"

When Xiaofang saw this scene, the expression was extremely angry, but it did not have the meaning of the past to block.

And the waiters around Li Si also did not respond after hearing Li Sis, continued to be all busy!

Chen Mo hesitated, get up and prepared to see what is going on!

However, when Chen Mo's lifted, Xiaofang quickly reached out to Chen Mo, whispered to Chen Mo's shout: "Chen Mo, what do you do?"

"I will go see what is going on!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"Are you crazy? You didn't see anything else? What did you have to do alone? Looking for death?" Xiaofang helidly rushed to Chen Mo.

"Yes, Sisi Jie usually makes everyone very good, why do everyone don't see it?"

Chen Mo stunned the expression of the expression asked with Xiaofang.

"Why can I, when Zhou Wei harassment, some people wanted to stop Zhou Wei, but they were directly opened from the bar from the bar, and later heard that Zhou Wei was driven directly. After the hospital, after a few times, everyone will pretend that there is no seeing ... "Xiaofang expression is tense.

"Nothing, no matter what this is."

Chen Miman asked.

"Qi Shujie is a woman. If she is sinned, Zhou Wei will not have any good fruit to eat, so she can only find way to compensate for Sisi, but can't stop Zhou Wei ..." Xiaofang looked at Chen Mo soft. Sighted and then continued: "Chen Mo, you don't have a lot of idle, you are now in the past, Zhou Wei ..."

However, this sentence of Xiaofang has not finished, Chen Mo has already gone in the position of Zhou Wei Li Sisi.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy?"

Xiaofang saw Chen Mail to go, and the urgent point, and smash the sound.

But Chen Mo is like not heard the words of Xiaofang, continue to go to the front.

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