I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 151: You have no chance to defeat me!

After a while, Chen Mer finally walked to the front of the mountain ladder.

"Chen Gongzi, you can see Guan Gong on the mountain ladder ..."

Anzhen North stopped the footsteps and rushed to Chen Mo.

"okay, I get it!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Miss Qi Miss Jiang, you will follow us here!"

Anzhen north looked at Tianhai Xi and the two of Jiangxi said.

Tian Hai Xi was launched in the north of the north of Anzhen.

"Don't worry, I will definitely live!"

Chen Mo smiled at Tianhai, and then walked towards the mountain ladder.

But just at this time, Anzhen is reached again, then smiled and said: "Chen Gongzi is really embarrassed, in order to ensure the fairness of this decision, you can't use God Dan, so I also hope that you can cross the goddess! "

"what did you say?"

Jiangxi heard this sentence in the north of Anzhen, and it was very angry that the expression on his face was also very angry.

After all, Chen Mo is now in the biggest releasing, it is borrowed from God. If there is no borrowing God's help, Chen Mo is just a five-stage warner, it is impossible to be a close to the opponent.

"Guan Gongzi will not use any medicinal herbs, so Chen Gongzi naturally can't use, this is to fair!"

Anzhen north faintly explained.

"What is this fair? I have never heard of it than I can't use the medicinal medicine!"

Jiangxi is very uncomfortable to rush to the Anzhen.

"Our Hong Kong Island is always such a rule!"

Anzhen North replied.

"If you are like this, then we are not better, less head, let's go down the mountain now!"

Jiangxi quickly reached out Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is standing in place.

"Less head, what do you mean?"

Jiangxi saw that Chen Mo did not move in the same place, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, and the expression was unpakenly asked.

"Chen Gongzi should now be worried about Miss Luo?"

Anzhen North smiles.


Chen Mimei went to see the north of Anzhen, and then faintly said: "Nothing is a few Dan medicine, don't bring it up, don't bring it ..."

"Chen Gongzi, no!"

Jiangxi saw Chen Mo's prepared to promise the request of Anzhen North and quickly shouted, and the expression on his face was abnormally excited.

"why not?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then reached out will borrow God to take it out and handed it to Jiangxi.

"Chen Gongzi, if if there is no way to borrow God Dan, you will be dying now!"

Jiangxi shouted in Chen Mo.

"Due to death?"

Chen Mo heard the sentence of Jiangxi, I couldn't help but smile, and then faintly said: "There is a lot of people in the day from me to Hong Kong Island, I will die, but unfortunately I am still alive. Good, since it is a fair duel, then I don't need these things, you help me get better! "

"Chen Gongzi is really worthy of Li Zongshi's apprentice, with courage!"

Anzhen north did not think that Chen Mo had agreed so happy.

Chen Mo called his head and looked at the north of Anzhen. He said that there is no expression: "In order to deal with me, you also use it!"

"Haha, Chen Gongzi said what is this!"

Anzhen north can't help but laugh.

Chen Mo did not continue to take care of Anzhen North, directly moved towards the mountain.

Jiangxi looked at Chen Mo's back, his face was abnormal, because she didn't understand why Chen Mo would promptly unreasonable demands, if there is no help of God, then Chen Mo is now following death? Difference?

At this time, Anzhen North is very proud, because they know that Chen Mo's strength is strong, because of God Dan, once Chen Mo is not helpful, then he is an ordinary The war is, this is the way to add a few more than a difference.

Chen Mai said that the steps rushed to the mountain ladder.

At this time, Chen Mo will choose to give up the goddan, which is also very simple.

Chen Mo knew that this war did not only represent himself, and also represents the martial arts of the inland, also represents Tianshan Zongmen.

Therefore, Chen Mo felt that the last losing won no matter, it should be decent.

He didn't want someone to feel that he was defeated by Shen Dan, or even if he borrowed the goddan or losing it.

In this way, the martial arts of the inland will make Tianshan Zongmen, and even let Li Taibai be ashamed.

But there is no borrowing God, his win may reduce a lot.

But Chen Mo still doesn't have to retreat, and a step is walking on the top of the mountain.

The martial arts under the mountain seems to know Chen Mo's news from Shen Dan. At this time, these people are very worried about Chen Mo.


I didn't know how long it took, Chen Mo finally walked to the top of the mountain.

At this point, there is a quiet sitting on the top of the mountain. The young people are still very handsome, but the skin is somewhat dark, and the eyes are very strong, the body is very well, giving people very well, but But there is no sense of bloating, this may be because of the sake of small exercise.

Young people opened their eyes after hearing the footsteps, and then got up and down, whispered: "You are Chen Mo?"

"Yes, it is me!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"I thought you won't appear today, I didn't expect you to come over!"

Youth slow stood up and looked at Chen Mo.

"Since I have already war, then I have no reason!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"You make me feel somewhat disappointed!"

The youth suddenly said.


Chen Mo heard the sentence of this sentence couldn't help but stunned, then said: "Why is it disappointed?"

"Because you are too ordinary, I think you are not this!"

Guanyi said that Chen Mo said very straightforward.

"That's really embarrassing, I have been so ordinary, I have no way!"

Chen Mo has a helpless laugh.

And I'm looking at Chen Mo's eyes and said: "You are just a five-segment warrior, if you don't borrow God Dan, you can't be my opponent, I really don't know if you are brave or stupid. I know that I will fight in the event that I will be in the case of it! "

"How can you know that I will be willing today?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Because you have no chance to defeat me!"

Guan Yifan replied.

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