I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,533: Hidden strength!

"How did you do it?"

It is very excited about Chen Mail that is very excited.

"How did I do it without taking a management, anyway, even tell you, you have learned it ..."

Chen Mo fell back to a word.

At this time, it is as if it is crazy, I have been in front of Chen Mo, and a boxing of the Chen Mo's chest is hit.

But helplessness seems to have no way to cause any injury to Chen Mo.

Jiangxi, under the mountain, was also confused after seeing this scene, she didn't understand how Chen Mo did.

At this time, only the two elders have a proud expression, because the two elders inside Chen Mo should be used to use the practice, once to practice the training, I can use the breath to protect the fourth floor. Internally involvement of the veins, such words can resist most enemies.

Of course, this can be done if the strength of both parties is almost the same, if the strength of the parties is too big, it is useless.

"It seems that less head should now be more than just five weeks, or it is impossible to withstand a violent attack!"

Two elders are secretly sighed in their hearts.

And when I was playing Chen Mo, I found that Chen Mo didn't even matter, so I stopped the action on my hand.

"Why don't you fight?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"Do you think that I can't take you today?"

Guan Yifan, then said, "I think you are definitely what Dan medicine makes your body so strong, but it is not used by you, I can wait until Dan medicine. The effect disappears and then doing it for you, anyway, some time is, no matter how I have to defeat you anyway! "

"Dan medicine?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, after the eyes flashed, then said that there was no expression: "Dealing with you, I should not need Dan medicine!"

"What do you mean?"

Guanyi can't help but stunned.

"Just now, I have so many boxes, and now I also eat me!"

Chen Mo fell back, then the figure was directly rushed to the front of it, and raised his fist and rushed to the face.

Guan Yizhi did not think of Chen Mo's speed was so fast, so he was completely in the right hand.


A loud noise.

Chen Mo's fist with the right fist is together.

This feeling is like two cars hit together, even those people under the mountains have clearly heard this huge sound.

Previously, Chen Mo had always been in the game, and Chen Mo hit.

But this time Chen Mo took the initiative.

When Chen Mo's fist is in the face of the fist, the face has a few subtle changes, and he has retired his body after retreating two steps.

And Chen Mo is just a half step.

"How is this possible?"

Guan Yifan Chen Mo who looked at himself.

He didn't think of this time with Chen Mo is actually in the lower wind.

You must know that Chen Mo's realm is just a five-segment warrior, and it is a martial arts that can be trusted.

The awareness between the two is still very large.

Normally, there is no comparability between martial arts and military high people, but Chen Mo has already occupied the wind, this is really unbelieving.

The martial arts under the mountain also revealed the shock expression at this time, because they did not think that Chen Mo's first shot will actually be such an effect.

Jiangxi looked at Chen Mo on the mountain also revealed the surprised expression, then said that the tone was excited: "It turned out that there was a hidden strength!"

Hidden strength? "

Tianhai Xi stunned.

"Yes, it is not a five-stage warner who can see it from the first box that just opened. Because the fifth millennians can't have such a powerful force, no wonder the head is willing to borrow God Go, it turned out because he was hiding strength! "

Jiangxi shouted.

Although God Dan is very powerful, it is actually a certain limit.

That is, as your strength continues to improve, the effect of Shen Dan will gradually become weak.

Once the war of the martial arts, the martial arts above the martial arts, the effect is the same as that.

So now Chen Mo's dependence on Shen Dan is not so big.

And Jiangxi thought that Chen Mo did not break through the realm. After all, Jiangxi saw Chen Mo, when Jiangxi saw Chen Mo, Chen Mo is still a five-stage warrior.

"Will Chen Gongzi wins bigger?"

Tianhai Xi is not very understanding for these things about the martial arts, and the tone is tightly asked in Jiangxi.

Jiangxi hesitated, then whispered: "Although the little head is hidden, but I think he still does not reach the realm of the military high person, so who he doesn't want to win, who is worth it. I can't say it, but now Chen Gongzi's winning rate is definitely bigger! "

"That's too good ..."

Tian Hai Xi heard the expression of his face after this sentence.

At this time, Anzhen North and others seem to have a little ugly.

The reason is very simple, they also see that Chen Mo has been hidden with their strength.

"This Chen Mo is not too embarrassing, and it has always been intentionally hidden!"

An Hong frowned.

"It is also Chen Mo's ability to deceive so many people!"

Zuo Qing is faint to return.

"Yeah, we have been underestimating this Chen Mo, but I feel that this Chen Mo seems to be prepared by doing something, he is not a fool, but he is very smart!"

Anzhen North also said.

"Even if this is this Chen Mo hide the strength, how can it? Off is definitely defeated Chen Mo!"

He Yuan sent a big truth.

"I hope that is this!"

Zhao Jixing sighed softly.

At this time, Anzhen is always staring at Chen Mo's position. His mind has begun to plan if there is a real lost to Chen Mo, what should I do?

"Yuan sent, you come over with me!"

Anzhen north suddenly said.

He Yuan said, and quickly followed the south of Anzhen to the side.

Zuo Qingna looked at He Yuanfa's beautiful, but she didn't say much.

After a few minutes, Anzhen north is almost one person, and He Yuan is disappeared.

"An always, what is the Yuanfa?"

Zuo Qingni asked softly.

"I let him go to do something!"

Anzhen north did not explain what, faintly returned.

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