I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,500: Guanyi's death

It's not moving at this time, so he throws it from the peak of the North Xuanshan, which is silent.

The mountains in the North Xuanshan also have to be nearly five or six hundred meters. From this height, it is difficult to live in the estimate of the martial arts.

He Yuan sent a dark cliff and took a deep breath and then turned directly to the road.

In fact, when the Northern Town, North has premedited today's battle, and Chen Mo said that it would be defeated.

Once Chen Mo wants to beat it, then the Anzhen North will lose everything you have now, so there will be such things at all.

Anzhen North made He Yuan sent to the mountain waiting. Once it is divided, no matter who lost, He Yuan has to kill the lost person.

Because if Chen Mili is dot, then Chen Mo will have a nephew.

Once you have lost it, then He Yuan has killed the off, then giving Chen Mo, then giving Chen Mo, such a word, will definitely revenge Chen Mo, once Chen Mo hit Guan Qiankun, naturally there is no way to continue I have this thing here, and when I arrived at this time, Anzhen can not only remove Chen Mo, but I can refund myself.

Of course, the original power failure is all all arrangements in Anzhen.

After all, this battle is a live broadcast, so he can't let the priest know that Chen Mo's fighting details, this way, it will be 100% to Chen Mo's body.

It can be said that the plan of Anzhen North is still very perfect, no matter whether it is the final Chen Mo, he can have a retreat to choose.

He Yuanfa has just left, and the militors in Hong Kong is looking for it.

But everyone did not find off after finding a circle.

At this time, everyone didn't know that it was already falling cliff, but thought that it was alone.

So today's battle has drawn a new year.

The news that Chen Mile defeated is almost the world through the speed of lightning.

Since today, Chen Mo Chen Gongzi will be well known by all the warfare.

Because of the younger generation in the Hong Kong Island region, Chen Mo defeated the more horrible, and Chen Mo's martial arts achievements can only be used in the future. Limits are described.

Of course, this news came out of time, and another news sent out of the shocked news.

That is the grandson of Guan Qiankun.

Guan Yifan under North Xuanshan.

After this news came out, almost everyone thinks that this is done.

After all, Mo Mo has a lot of people who have a very much, and finally Chen Mo won, and it also kills it directly. It is also normal.

The battle between the war itself is that there is no victory. It is only a life and death. Every year, I don't know how many martial arts are dead because of this kind of thing, so even if the police will not go to the versatile.

But the martial arts in Hong Kong Island is very clear, and it is absolutely not so simple to end.

Because of the grandson of Guan Qiankun!


Chen Mai consumed a lot of physical strength because of the truth of the battle, so after returning to Qijia Villa, he took a rest directly. I didn't know what happened outside.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes next day, he saw two women in Jiangxi and Tianhai Xi in their own room.

"What are you doing here?"

Chen Mo smashed, and asked in tone.

"Less head, how can you so confused?"

The Jiangxi expression is extremely desperate to rush through Chen Mo.

When I heard this sentence in Jiangxi, I've been able to rush to Jiangxi in Jiangxi in the words of Jiangxi. "What are you talking about? How can I confuse?"

"Chen Gongzi, you should not kill, close, the grandson of Guan Qiankun, you kill it, Guan Qiankun will definitely be crazy ..."

Tianhai Xi's expression is excited about Chen Mo.

Chen Mo suddenly sat up his body after hearing this sentence, then looked at Tianhai Xi asked: "What do you say? Is it dead?"

"Yes, isn't it to kill you?"

Tianhai Xi blinks, and the expression is a little confused.

Chen Mai sat in bed simple memories, then happened last night, then whispered: "It is impossible, I have really defeated it yesterday, but it is not dead at all, and according to the body of the body Quality, he is definitely able to live ... "

"But Chen Gongzi closed down the cliff to be thrown down, is it really not what you did?"

Tianhai Xi continued to say.

"I followed the first time, we have two free, why do I want to kill?"

Chen Mo has explained a sentence.

"What is this?"

The expression on Tianhai Xi face seems to be more confused.

Jiangxi has been staring at Chen Mo. Although she is not very long with Chen Mo, she knows that Chen Mo has a big gap with ordinary warrior, Chen Mo is really like a killing hand. People.

After all, Chen Mo did not kill in the face of Shen Qi and others, but the choice to leave a living road to these people.

When Jiangxi heard this news, he felt something wrong.

"That will not be closed because of losing to Chen Gongzi, and he jumps away from it."

Tianhai Xi really asked very days.


Chen Mima didn't want to shook his head, then continue: "I am very close, he didn't want to ask the death idea, and at that time, the whole body pulse was broken, it may not be movable, It is impossible to jump away! "

"That's a bit strange!"

Tianhai Xi looked at Chen Mo blinking.

Chen Mer is sitting in place, hesitating for two seconds, then whispered: "It is definitely a ghost in the Ningdom of Anzhen!"

"Why do you want to kill in Anzhen North?"

The beauty of Jiangxi flashed in a variety of people.

"Anzhen north kills, then give me a mortar, this kind of words will try to deal with me, and I don't have a manager to deal with him, all this should be a good plan. of!"

Chen Deh has no expression of expression.

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