I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 152: I am taking!

After inheriting the heritage of Wangcheng, Chen Mo has been in order to protect his life, he has been concealing his identity.

So during this time, Chen Mo is still just like an ordinary person. Unless someone actively provokes Chen Mo, Mo will control his emotions, but this time is long, Chen Mo's heart is suppressed, the more emotions.

Especially those who happen in Su Mingbai Company today, but also a deep stimulus.

Chen Mo didn't understand, clearly, you are so rich now, why don't you have to have no money before, no matter where you come, everyone is bullying, people laugh?

Depressed in Chen Mo's heart, I finally got out this moment!

And this Zhou Weir is very uncomfortable to become a tool for Chen Mo's venting.

"You ... do you dare to hit me?"

At this time, Zhou Wei stood up, and the expression was very angry, and Chen Mo shouted.

"I not only dare to hit you today, I have to hit you, I will give me a mistake!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression, and then rushed to Zhou Wei's face, and lifted his legs, it was a big feet directly in Zhou Wei's belly.

" !"

The surrounded by the standing is on the ground.

Chen Mo took Zhou Wei's hair in one hand, and another hand slapted a slap in the face of Zhou Wei's face.




A brittle and screamed a whole bar.

Everyone in the field is in the original place, the expression on the face is extremely shocked.

The security guards inside the bar have not been less than Zhou Wei, so when they stand at not far away, watching Chen Mimi's palms and slap in the palm of Zhou, but there is no one wants to stand up and block it. Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, what is it doing? Isn't he really crazy?"

Gao Feifei glared at the big eyes of Water, and the expression was very shocked.

She wanted to understand why Chen Mo didn't seem to have changed a person. When the school was at the school, Chen Mo was bullied, and he would only endure it.

But now Chen Mo actually has a courage to Zhou Wei, this kind of person, in Gaffield's eyes, this is not what Chen Mo can make.

When Li Kai, Li Kai was still in the position of Chen Mo, and the expression on his face was equally ideal. He thought that Chen Mo came to the end where the gut is dare to do it.

"This ... What is this little child? It turned out to be ... even Viagra dared to fight, he was dead, he was dead ..."

Sun Bo saw this after the scene, but he did not rush to stop Chen Mo in the first time, but the position of the bag and rushed to the private room.

Sun Bo knows that Zhou Xuan is now in the bar of the bar, so he is going to report to Zhou Xuan ventilated.

"Chen Mo, you don't want to fight, he is Zhou Wei, what should you do?"

After Li Si Xiaofang reacted, he quickly quickly rushed to Chen Mo's side, and Chen Mo shouted.

But Chen Mo is like two words, the palm is not lifted, and the blood is abnormal with the blood from the mouth, the scene is very bloody.

One of the kung fu, Chen Mima has more than 20 mouths, Zhou Wei's head is swollen with a pig's head, and blood is moving in the nose mouth, and the appearance is very miserable.

"Do you need me to apologize for you now?"

Chen Mo seems to be tired, slowly stopping the movements in his hand, and asked Zhou Wei, no expression.

"No need, it is not needed ..."

Zhou Wei has been completely afraid of Chen Mo at this time, and his eyes shook his head unusually fear.

After listening to Zhou Wei's sentence, everyone was in the original place. The expression on his face was shocked. Who would think that Zhou Wei was actually afraid of a small waiter by Chen Mo.

However, they may forget, in fact, Zhou Wei himself is in today's relationship with Zhou Xuan, so it is usually bullied to bully the waiter. If it is really not afraid of death, Zhou Wei will also Scared.

"Well, don't you need me now to apologize? Come, apologize to Sisijie!"

Chen Merlot was put on Zhou Wei's hair, and Zhou Wei went to Li Sisi directly.

Zhou Wei looked at Li Sisi in front of him, and his face was hesitant. Because he made it clear that if he now gives Li Sis, there is no way to mix it in this bar.

At this time, Zhou Wei is not only his own face, but also Zhou Xuan's face.

"Chen Mo, I don't need Zhou Wei's apology, you will go!"

Li Si's expression is very excited to rush through Chen Sail.

"No, today he must apologize!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

Zhou Wei looked at Li Sisi in front of him on the ground, and his expression was very tangled. He didn't know that he should not apologize now.


On the other hand, Zhou Xuanlin Qiu Shui is chatting in the private room, and I don't know what the bar takes place outside the bar.

"Forest, recently, the business of your bar is quite good in these days!"

Zhou Xuan said with Lin Qiuwei.

"This is not because of your care!"

Lin Qiushi returned to a sentence.

"Oh, it is mainly the general business!"

Zhou Xuan smiled and then continued: "What, Xiaowei is not bad in your side?"

Zhou Wei has always been very responsible! "

"That's good!"

Zhou Xuan looked at Lin Qiushi and nodded and said: "Since Xiaowei is doing it here, it is possible, then you have to consider giving Xiaowei, several people have added salary. ? "

Lin Qiushui has heard the words of Zhou Xuan, and she only gave a look at Zhou Xuan today, but I couldn't find any good excuses to return Zhou Xuan.

"Xuan brother, how much is you think of giving them?"

Lin Qiushu knows that he is inseparable from Zhou Xuan Zhou Wei, so even if you are not happy, she can only choose this fact.

"What is the shares you have for Xiaowei?"

Zhou Xuan said very calmly.

Lin Qiushu is flashing in a surprise. She didn't think Zhou Xuan was so embarrassed. When she opened 10% of the shares, if she now takes 10% of the shares, then Zhou Wei I have 30% of the Japanese bay.

"Xuan Ge, is there a little more than one percent?"

Lin Qiushi asked.

"Lin is always, Xiaowei people help you see the venue, your bar now can be so good, Xiaowei is also very good, so don't let the brothers have a cold, or otherwise At that time, the forest you may lose, not a simple matter, 10% of the shares! "

Zhou Xuan reached out and picked up the wine glass above the table.


Lin Qiushu looked at Zhou Xuan in front of him. The expression on his face was very tangled. She didn't know that she should not agree to Zhou Xuan's request.

" !"

But at this time, the door between the bags suddenly pushed away from the outside.

Sun Bo was very excited to rush, and then shouted in Zhou Xuan: "Xuan Ge, I can find you, big things, Viagra is giving people!"

"Xiaowei gave people?"

Zhou Xuan heard Sun Bo this sentence, then squintted: "Who? So big courage, even Xiao Wei dare to fight!"

"Yes ... is a waiter in their bars!"

Sun Bao said breathed.

Zhou Xuan heard this, couldn't help but see Lin Qiu Water, and the beauty of Lin Qiushui flashed, because she couldn't think of those waiters inside their bars, who would have courage to play Zhou Wei.

Although Zhou Wei has been bullying those waiters, it is also clear that Zhou Wei's identity is.

It is impossible to have anyone to do it.

"Go out!"

Zhou Xuan's voice shouted, then moved directly to the bag.

Lin Qiushu hesitated, and then he ran out of the package with Zhou Xuan.

After a few seconds, Lin Qiushui and others came down from the second floor.

But when Lin Qiushu saw that people standing in front of Zhou Wei at this time is Chen Mail, directly in the original place!

"Is this Chen Mo crazy? He ... how did he dare to fight Zhou Wei? What can I do this?"

Lin Qiu Water Heart was very crashing to catch Chen Mo, and his heart shouted.

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