I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,520: Waiting for you for a long time!

"I don't know this, and there is already this when I gave me people!"

Zuo Qingna looked at Chen Mimi and said very fear.

"Less door, let me take a look!"

The second elders took the initiative to Chen Mo's face, whispered to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, I took a deep breath, and then took the initiative to give the second elders to open the position.


Two elders walked to Luoqiu, first touched the forehead of Luoqiu, and then put his right hand finger on the wrist of Luoqiu.

And Chen Mo stands in the face of an expression abnormality.

After a moment, the two elders slowly stood up, then rushed to Chen Mo: "Less head, you don't have to worry, Miss Luo has no life in danger, she is just because she takes the cold and Yin Dan , You can wake up as long as you find antidics! "

"What is the cold?"

Chen Mo stunned, and asked in a doubt.

"Cold Yin Dan is actually a very common Dan medicine between our warrior. Once you take this kind of medicinal medicine, you can let your body enters a very slow-growing state, although it will be unwaken, but During the coma, it doesn't need to drink water. Therefore, the kidnappers like to use this kind of medicinal medicine, so you can easily control the hostage! "

The two elders are loudly covered with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo has long been long after hearing the two elders, then continue to ask: "What effect will this kind of medicinal herbs will affect the body of Luoqiu?"

"Will not!"

The two elders shook their heads.

"That's good ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, then rushed to Zuo Qingna asked: "Is there any explanation in your hand?"

"Chen Gongzi, Miss Luo came here, I am like this, I don't know how this is something, where I come to deactivate!"

Zuo Qing Na is very helpless, he is rushing to Chen Mo.

"Is there any explanation in the hands of Na'an Town?"

Chen Mo continued to ask.

"I am not very clear ..."

Zuo Qingnan shook his head in Chen Mer.

"Less head, you don't have to be so nervous, even if there is no anticipation in the hands of these people, the cold Yin Dan is not a poisonous, so I want to find antiphasics or very easy, our Tianshan can refine Exploze the medicine! "

The second elderly rushed to Chen Mo.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo listened to the two elders, the original nervous emotions were relaxed.

Chen Mo hugged Lu Qiu, and then turned to Zuo Qingna: "You go to the second long old sign now, first transfer all the assets under your name to the second elders, then the remainings you have finished I have come over, I will come over, I hope you don't want to play, this is your last opportunity ... "

"Don't dare to ..."

Zuo Qingnan didn't want to quickly shake his head in Chen Mer.

And Chen Mo also said more, directly holding Luoqiu walking outside the cave.

After more than half an hour, Zuo Qing Na signed the contract with the second elders.

Chen Mo took the villa who left Luqiu and left the villa who left Luoqiu, he was accompanied by the second elders and rivers.

The car flies on the road.

Chen Mer is always looking down at the Luoyiu in his arms.

At this time, Chen Mo's heart has been covered with guilty, and he is really regret that I should not walk into the life of Luoqiu.

Although Chen Mo did change the fate of Luoqiu, let Luoqiu completed their dreams.

But the same, Chen Mo also brought a lot of dangers to Luoqiu.

It seems that every person around Chen Mo will change because of Chen Mo, but these people will face very many dangers.

Jiangxi sitting around Chen Mima is also keeping the Qiuqiu, this is still her first time to see Luoqiu, she has always been curious to have a woman like a woman that can let Chen Mo live in life and death.

Therefore, Jiangxi has seen some feelings in the heart after seeing Luoqiu.

This is not because Luoqiu is not beautiful, but because Jiangxi feel that the girl in Luoqiu does not seem to be too special.

"Chen Mo, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

However, at this time, a voice rang in the mind of everyone.

When Chen Mo heard the voice, suddenly looked up at the road in front of him, but found no one in front of it.

The second elders and Jiangxi seem to have heard this sentence, so the expression of the two faces is abnormal.

"Two old, have you heard that sentence?"

Chen Mo's low voice asked.

"Less head, bad, it should be Guan Qiankun!"

The second elders instantly responded to what happened, even quickly shouted, then rushed on the driver: "Faster, turn back!"

Although the driver did not know what happened, but did not dare to violate the command of Liu Rui, and quickly move the steering wheel to prepare to open.

" !"

But at this time, Chen Mo's four wheels have all burst it, and the car also stops in the middle of the road.

Those cars that pass through because the speed is relatively fast, and there is an insurance in the car of Chen Mai.

"It's over, it's too late!"

Liu Rui knew that the car was anchored, and he flashed a desperate.

"Liu Rui, what do we do now?"

The eyes of Jiangxi also flashed a fear, and the expression was excited to ask Liu Rui.

Liu Rui heard the sentence of Jiangxi, I took a sigh of relief, then whispered: "Jiangxi, you escape with less head, I try to delay time!"


Jiangxi was busy nod, then reached out and opened the door, and said to Chen Mo: "Less head, hurry to get off!"

Chen Sime clearly clears that it is now possible to continue to deal with an ordinary martial arts. The car.

After getting off the bus, Jiangxi ran in the roadside with Chen Mo.



However, Chen Mo's just got off the bus, and the two stations were directly rushed to Chen Mo and there was Jiangxi's location to fly.

The two did not even react, how did it come out when it is.

"Cough ..."

Chen Mo felt that he had just hit by a truck, and his face was very painful.

At this time, Luoqiu went from Chen Mo's arms.

Chen Mo used to struggle with the whole body and struggled to stand, and then took Luqiu.

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