I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 154: Chen Mo's Savior

Lin Qiushui's bar.

No one thought that Chen Mo was so bold, and the Zhou Wei was hit, and there was a piece of Zhou Xuan also gave it.

What is Zhou Xuan?

That is the big brother in Nanyang City, Heping District. Basically, as long as it is a peace of the Heping District, some people don't know Zhou Xuan!

Zhou Xuan was naturally angry after being in the face of so many people who were in so many people. If he couldn't clean up Chen Mo today, he still mixed in the peace area.

And Lin Qiushui is anxious. I don't know what to say. I quickly walked to Chen Mo's in front of Chen Mo. "Chen Mo, when I beg you, I'm going to give Zhou Xuan Road. About this! As long as you apologize to Zhou Xuan, I will definitely want to protect you! "

"Why should I apologize to him?"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"Why is it? Zhou Xuan is not what you can get sin, just because this thing is yourself to be disabled, do you think is it? You don't think about you yourself, you have to make your parents. Consider? "

Lin Qiu Water glared at the big eyes of the water, and his expression was extremely angry.

"I don't have parents!"

Chen Mo said faint.

Lin Qiushi is directly in the original place when he heard Chen Mo.

Although Chen Mo knows that Lin Qiushui is to care about himself, Chen Mo still does not have the idea of ​​interesting people.

If it is a little time, Chen Mo felt that he might apologize to Zhou Xuan.

But these days, Chen Mo felt that he lived too much. It was clear that there is money to have money. It was actually bullied by a little mixer!

If Su Mu Bai is bullying Chen Mo, Chen Mo will endure, after all, he can't expose the identity in front of Su Mu.

But Zhou Xuan Zhou Wei two do two things?

Du Tianhao will come over, even if Zhou Xuan Zhou Wei is so powerful, see Du Tianhao can't scare the diaper directly?

And Chen Mo is now doing this, there is another important reason.

That is Chen Mima to let Li Kai Gadfifi them know their true identity, and they will see them far away.

Otherwise, this is too annoying that the dog is really annoying. It has not been dead, and Chen Mo's trouble is found everywhere.

Chen Mo felt that he was a big lesson of his school, but he didn't expect this stupid actually a little bit of his face. Chen Mo did not intend to continue to use them, directly to clear the identity, let They rolled away, Chen Mo can also be a lot.

"Chen Mo, isn't it acknowledge? Is it so difficult? You are the poor silk, give you a narrow Dao, how is it?"

At this time, Gaffield seems to be a little worried that Chen Mo is really looking down, so the front step is in a small mouth to deliberate Chen Mo.

According to Gaffield's IQ, she feels that Chen Mo is now doing all things, all I want to express how brave in front of her, trying to let her change.

Chen Mo listened to Gaffeffey, couldn't help but watched Gaffield, and the heart was secretly stupid, and did not speak.

Chen Mo is now feeling that he didn't have eyes. Why did you find a stupid when G G Gifei is a girlfriend?

Gao Feifei's woman is a little longer, and the IQ is a negative number!


At this time, there was a sudden shouted voice in the door.

Everyone turned his head after hearing the voice, he saw the position of the bar door.

Almost two or thirty years old, it seems to have a baseball stick steel tube, and I have gone through the bar.

After seeing these people, Zhou Xuan came in, and the eyes flashed.

"Chen Mo, did you just be very arrogant? Continue to arrive! Now my brother is coming, you will wait to die!"

Zhou Wei's head was quickly made into a pig, but it was still very mouthful of Chen Mo.

In an instant, more than 20 youth all walked to Zhou Xuan, and then shouted with Zhou Xuan: "Xuan Ge!"

"Just now, this person will give me my brother. You hurry to interrupt this kid leg!"

Zhou Weimen said Chen Mo shouted.

Everyone heard Zhou Wei's sentence and turned his head to Zhou Xuan, and it seems to see what Zhou Xuan means.

"Interrupted this child two legs, then throw out from the bar!"

Zhou Xuan did not have any nonsense at all, and there was no expression.


More than 20 young people heard this sentence, I didn't want to raise the weapons in my hands, I rushed to Chen Mo's position.

Li Kai Gao Feifei et al. After seeing this scene, I couldn't help but show a happy smile.

After all, two of them waiting for today, this picture is too long.

"Xuan Ge, today, Chen Mo is not understanding, I beg you, I am willing to take out the shares of my wine, you can't let Chen Mo, don't you do?"

Lin Qiu Water expressions were excited to block Chen Mo's face, and the expression excitedly shouted in Zhou Xuan.

"Just now, this kid hit me a slap. Today, you will use it to give me the whole bar!"

Zhou Xuan said that it was cold and shouted.

When Zhou Xuan speaking, Chen Mo took out his mobile phone and then died Du Tianhao's phone.

"Chen Gongzi!"

Du Tianhao quickly turned on the phone.

"How long have you been?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"Almost just five minutes!" Du Tianhao hesitated to answer.

"I am now ..."

Chen Mo did not finish it, suddenly found that Lin Qiushui in front of him was pushed down by a youth.

"Your mother is playing, you are still a man?"

Chen Mo shouted, throwing away the phone to raise the chair around the phone, directly rushed to the young head of the young head that just pushed Lin Qiushui.


A loud noise.

The chair in the hand of Chen Mo is taken directly on the top of youth.

The youth sway two times, then they fell on the ground.

"Chen Gongzi? Chen Gongzi?"

Du Tianhao opposite the phone is very excited when he heard a burst of screams.

But helplessly, Chen Mo had thrown the phone and waved the chair in his hand.

Before Chen Mo's temper has always been very good, never take the initiative to do it with others, because he is worried that once if you have been fighting by the school, the school will give him a punishment. In this case, his poor and aids have scholarships.

But it doesn't mean that Chen Mo's crazy is not strong.

When Chen Mo is very small, he follows his father to practice some boxing, and plus these years have been doing physical activity, so although it looks thin and weak, it is actually very good.

At the very least, it is better than ordinary people.

Chen Mo has twenty people twenty people. When I started, Chen Mili was able to cope, but with more and more the opponent, Chen Mo also began to hold some horn.

There are often more than 20 people in the TV, but it is impossible to exist at reality.

If you are alone, you will be so bad, you can play five, it is already very good. One person hits twenty, that is purely the scratch.


At this time, a young man is directly in the belly of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's two steps, directly fell on the ground.


After the people saw Chen Mima, the position directly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

On the side of Lin Qiu, the gods of Lin Qiu, it flashes a desperate, because she knew that once Chen Mo went down, the other person so many people, he did not have a chance to stand up.

"Give me a hand!"

But at this time, the bar suddenly came back a woman's cold voice.

After listening to this voice, everyone looked at the location of the bar.

A woman stepping on the high heels anger into the bar!

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