I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1555: The most powerful place

Inside the box.

Allen was in the words of Chu-blue, and Chu is quiet, and there is no talk.

"Miss Chu, I admit that you are all truth, I really need a lot of money to campaign, but you give me a little too low, I really can't accept it, if you If you don't want to increase the price, then I can only choose to give up to the electional owner! "

Allen rushed to Chu, blue.

"Allen, just give up the position of the election, are you willing?"

Chu Southern asked.

Allen looked at Chu blue, the expression on his face was very difficult, I don't know what to say.

"Miss Chu, $ 15 billion, this is my bottom line!"

Allen rushed to the blue.

"One billion, this is my bottom line!"

Chu is clear back.

"Miss Chu, I finally said a number, if you can accept us, if you don't think it, I don't have any way!"

Allen whispered in Chu.


Chu Lan nodded in Allen.

"One hundred and three billion!"

At this time, Allen is obviously this number that bits his teeth. He is really uncomfortable, but it is really no way to face Chu blue.


Chu Lan did not have a rush to reply after hearing this number of Allen, but twisted with Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, how do you think this price?"

"I think it can be ..."

Chen Mo is busy back.

At this time, Chen Sile is still very excited. After all, he originally thought that it would be two billion yuan, but now Chu Lan actually won the casino with more than half of the price, how can Chen Mo's heart? Not excited.

"Well, since Chen Mo agreed, then it is said!"

Chu Lan said softly to Allen.

Allen was helplessness in his face after hearing this sentence, but there was no way, and said softly, he said: "I am going to prepare for these few days, after three days later Let's sign the contract. As for the relationship between our casino, you also need to find a suitable person to dock with us ... "


Chen Mo nodded.

Chu blue hooked Chen Mimei, then said softly from Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, if there is nothing, you can go out now, I have some things to say alone with Allen ..."


Chen Mo will have a promise, and then turn it away.

After reading Chen Mo leaving, the eyes flashed a different, softly asked: "Miss Chu, what is this young person relationship with you?"

"I am his little!"

Chu is clear.


Allen was obviously obvious after heard this sentence, and then shook his head and said: "I think you should not only relatives, but I can feel that Miss Chu, you treat this youth very different ... "

Chu Lan looked at Allen's smile and did not explain what, but asked: "" One hundred or three billion acquisition of your casino, isn't your heart is not very unbalanced? "

"Of course, it is not balanced, that is, because you, if you change to others, I have already sent it!"

Allen did not cover up their dissatisfaction in his heart, whispered to Chu Blue.

"I know, the price is really a bit low, but there is no way, I am a businessman, in the commercial speaker!" Chu Lan is very elegant.


Allen sighed softly, then said that there was no expression: "Miss Chu won't want to talk to me these things?"

"of course not……"

Chu-blue looked at Allen's smile, then whispered: "I want to talk to you, you will talk to you!"


Allen can't stand in front of this sentence that I heard the Chu blue.

It is clear that the meaning of Chu said this sentence is to intend to help Allen to quickly select their family's homeowner, and Allen is a little understandable for Chu blue, he knows that if Chu is really willing to help, then The probability of the owner will greatly improve.

Chu-blue is very clear that I have a loss in the casino to acquire this thing in the casino, so I will definitely be very unsatisfactory in Allen's heart, so Chu Lan will take the initiative to talk about Ellen. Things, the purpose is to then Elan knows that although the casino is sold at a low price, Chu-blue can help him from other aspects.

This may be a place in Chu.

She is very clear that everyone needs anything. She also knows what she can get when they are helping others.

"Allen, you can help you, but I need you to promise me!"

Chu Lan is very straightforward.

Allen, I asked.

"You don't need to know what is it now, wait for your election, I will tell you later!"

Chu blue back.

"Good ..."

Allen did not hesitate at all, and quickly nodded.

"Below I told you about what you've ranks the owner ..."

Chu Lan said.


On the other hand, Chen Mo will take a person in the casino after leaving the box.

Chen Mo is actually very interested in gambling this kind of thing, so he also wants to understand why some people have so obsessed with this thing, even can do the point of income.

Chen Mo went to the casino seating area, and he had to say that the environment in this seating area was still very high, and there was a well-prepared pastry red wine, and a special bartender.

Chen Mo saw that Qin Yimei was sitting on the chair, so he walked to Qin Yibing.

Qin Yimei turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and then said softly: "How is the thing to acquire?"

"It's already talking ..."

Chen Mo fell back.

"Why didn't the Chu have not come out?"

Qin Yimei continued to ask.

"She should talk to Allen!"

When I was talking, Chen Mo took up a paste threw into the mouth.

And Qin Yimei saw Chen Mo, I knew that Chen Mo's mood should be very good, so I asked: "How much is the purchase of this casino?"

"Take a guess!"

Chen Mo said.

"$ 15 billion?"

Qin said the ice.

Chen Mimi was a little surprised to read Qin Ying, and then said: "I didn't expect you to guess it, it is very accurate, one hundred and three billion!"


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