I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,560: How is $ 10 billion?

Qin Ying didn't help but laughed after hearing Chen Mo's words, and then faintly said: "I heard that Ren Jian and that woman are already married, and under the woman's father, Ren Jian's business It is also more, the bigger the market value of 100 million, but no one thinks that the old man of Ren Jian is actually reported, and finally, because of the corruption, he did not have any influence. Later, I was investigated. Is his old man in Ren Jian News! "

"I report my own old man, this person is really quite! What is he doing this?"

Chen Mo asked someone.

"He didn't want to have been controlled by his old man, so he will cross the bridge. Now he has divorced the woman, I heard that the woman didn't get a penny in Ren Jian, this Jian is not as good as the beast! "

Qin Yifu slowly said.

"This person is really not a person!"

Chen Mai helidly returned a sentence.

"I met me in a gathering, he knew that I was the general manager of Tianyun, so I hope I can help him contact some people, but I refused to be, then he started to wrap me every day, think To comply with me! "

Qin Yi Bing continued.

"I have never seen such a man who has never seen such a woman!"

Chen Mo is speechless.

"Ice, you open the door soon!"

Just at this time, I was shouting with my scorpion.

And Chen Mo said softly after hesitating: "Ice, you will open the door, just here, I am here today, what questions can be said, or if he is so troublesome, it is not a thing ... "

Qin Yi Bing heard Chen Mo's words and then slowly looked at Chen Mo. If Chen Mo is not here, Qin Yibing is absolutely impossible. After all, she doesn't know what kind of people will make this kind of person. Come.

But at this time, Chen Mo is around her, so Qin Yibing is also brave enough.

The house living in Qin Ying is not a villa. There are many neighbors around. If you let Ren Jian, it's not so awkward, so Qin Yimei has hesitated a moment, and finally went to the door. door.

Chen Mer's consciousness saw an eye outside, a young woman wearing a black suit holding a bunch of roses outside the door.

"Ice, you can open the door!"

Ren Jian looked at Qin Ye's laugh, and then went into the house with steps.

Qin Yibing directly reached out and stopped Ren Jian, then said that there was no expression: "Ren Jian, I have already told you last time, you can don't wrap it, you continue to be awkward. I, I really want to report! "

"Ice, I know that I did wrong this year, I have already regret it, I hope you can give me a chance, I promise that this time I will definitely not hurt you, as long as you agree that we can get married at any time. I really like you! "

Ren Bin whispered very excited to rush to Qin.


Qin Ying was heard after hearing this sentence, then he couldn't help but said: "Ren Jian, your kind of person is really ridiculous, we have two people have broken up how many years, I You have no feeling, you still want to marry me, can you be awake? I have never seen you of the man who doesn't want your face! "

"Ice, no matter what you said, I will not give up ..."

Ren Jian shouted in Qin.

And Qin Yibing heard the sentence of Ren Jian, I didn't know what it should be said.

"Ice skating sister, what happened?"

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly walked to Qin Yimei.

Ren Jian saw that Mo's ability was in the future, and then said some doubts: "Ice, how do you have a man in your home?"

"Is there a man in my home to have a relationship with you?"

Qin Yixi had a small mouth back.

Ren Jian did not continue to take care of Qin Yi Bing, but pointed at Chen Mo: "What is your kid?"

"My name is Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Chen Mo?"

Ren Jian's eyes flashed in a different, then continue to ask: "What is your relationship with Ice?"

"I with Ice ..."

Chen Mergang is ready to say that he is the relationship between the owner of the boss. "

"Your man?"

Ren Jian suddenly stopped when he heard this sentence, he was very understanding Qin Ying, he knows if Qin Yibing did not follow Chen Mo, never bring Chen Mile to home, nor will it be close to Chen Mo.

But if you don't understand how Qin Yibing will look like Chen Mo's ordinary people?

Ren Jian took a sigh of relief, then whispered Chen Mo: "Kid, do you know me?"

"Do you seem to meet the first time?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Yes, we are the first time, but I think you should have heard of my name, my name is Ying Jian, Nice Group's chairman!"

Ren Jian said that he was very proud of Chen Mo.

Nice Group is indeed a little famous in Behang, mainly to operate a class of milk products. Many people in Beihang City have heard that the group is the group, it is like most people know that Huawei Yili is the same. .

But Chen Mo is not a Beihang City, so he does not understand this Nice Group.

"Sorry, I don't know you!"

Chen Sile did not express his nun.

"You don't know me?"

Ren Jian heard Chen Mo's words after the eyes flashed.

"do not know……"

Chen Mail shook his head again.

"Yes, you don't know, I don't matter, I hope that you will separate your ice now, and I will meet you any conditions."

Ren Jian is what plan to use money to solve Chen Mo.

"Can anything?"

Chen Mima holiday is a surprised expression.

"Yes, let's talk, how much you want!"

Ren Jian talking to the check from his own clothes, as if it is planning to give Chen Mo.


Chen Mo looked at Ren Jian did not speak.

"Speaking, this opportunity, don't tell you, how much is it, you want to be good!"

Ren Jian has some impatient rushing through Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Ren Jian, then smiled and said: "How is $ 10 billion?"

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