I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,580: A ratio?

Yan Jia people heard the sentence of Yan Xiao stunned, then took the initiative to close his mouth, they knew that the real good play was about to start.

"Yes, this is my boyfriend Chen Mo!"

Yan Mao said softly.

When Yan Xiao saw Yan Mao, the expression on his face was more unnatural. The upper and lower and down, then the faint said: "I was still curious about your boyfriend, I didn't expect it. Such ordinary, Yanme, when is your eyes become so bad? "

After the words of Yan Xiao, all people almost in place were quiet, and the expression on a face was very incredible.

Although these people who have previously active provocation Chen Mo, they can be so straightforward, they are very concealed to provoke Chen Mo.

But no one thought that Yan Xiao actually started to humiliate Chen Mo, which is obviously not putting Chen Mai in the eyes.

The years have not said more after hearing this sentence, after all, Chen Mima is placed in front of the excellent Yan Xiao, saying that Chen Murdong is also normal.

"Yan Xiao, what does you mean this sentence?"

Yan Mo is somewhat dissatisfied with Yan Xiao.

"I mean is very simple, this man does not have any place to take it, he can't help you, if you like him, then he is with him, then I really don't understand him. Which place is attracted to you! "

Yan Xiao said on the side of the meal.

In fact, Yan Xiao said that this sentence means that he doesn't understand what you have lost to Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo ..."

Yanmei mouth is to refute Yan Xiao.

But Chen Mo reached out and stopped his horses, then said that there was no expression: "There are many places in my body attracted Yanme, and these things are not!"

Obviously, Chen Mo's sentence is also full of gunpowder.

From Chen Mo entered this yard, Yan family began to think about the mile of humiliation Chen Mo, which has made Chen Mo feel somewhat uncomfortable, and at this time, this Yan Xiao is more too much, so Chen Mo is not intended to continue low-key, since these People feel that they can not match Yanme, that is not as good as hitting these people, let them understand that there is no qualified superhavous.

Although Chen Mo is a boyfriend of fake Yanme, but the humiliation is humiliated by people, Chen Mo is also a bit can't help.

"which I do not have?"

Yan Xiao heard Chen Mo's sentence, I couldn't help but smir, and then faintly said: "I really didn't see what you have, what I didn't!"

"I just listened to these people saying that the championship you took the shooting game was?"

Chen Mo asked with Yan Xiao.


Yan Xiao was disdainful.

"Since you can get a championship of shooting, you should say your shooting level should you be?"

Chen Mo looked at Yan Xiao to continue.

And the scenery in the scene was all stunned after hearing Chen Mo's sentence.

"What is it ok? How do you talk? How come this person? My brother's shooting level is that the whole Huaxia is all countless, although there is no way to compare with the legendary gods, but in the young generation. In the shooter, it is absolutely calculated that the top existence! "

At this time, Yan Xiao's sister's expression was very excited to shouting with Chen Mo.

"Yeah, some words are best not to say, Chen Mo's chess is OK, but chess with shooting is completely different ..."

Yanfeng also said.

"Yan Xiao is recognized as the strongest shooter!"

Sun Ping said with his mouth.

"Confirmed strongest shooter?"

Chen Mo didn't help but smile after heard Sun Ping, and then said: "Who is recognized?"

"You don't understand this shooting competition. This shooting competition is the national all of the country to choose two shooters to participate, shooters to participate in the age of 30, and Yan Xiao has been continuous In the three years, I won the championship of this competition. Is it not the strongest shooter? "

Sun Pingping rushed to Chen Mo's big eyes.

Chen Mo smiled and said that there was no expression: "It is just the mutual contest between the various military regions. I think the real goder should not be in this game. After all, if there is really powerful, there is no care care American! "

"Do you mean that there are people you know more than me?"

Yan Xiao finally couldn't help it, put down the chopsticks in his hands and asked Chen Mail.

Chen Mimei watched his eyes and then said: "I think I should beat you ..."

Everyone was all stunned after heard Chen Mo, and the expression on a face was very incredible. When they didn't think that Chen Mo, who had always been very low, will be so arrogant at this time?

"You can beat me? Are you driving?"

Yan Xiao was laughed by Chen Mile, and I met very disdain.

"I haven't been driven, but you should be very simple!"

Chen Mo is often calm.

"Chen Mo, you are too bragging?"

"Yeah, you haven't opened the gun, you can defeat Yan Xiao Ge, you know how difficult this shooting game is there? Some people have no way to complete the game!"

"Isn't it? How do this person love to brag, Yan Xiao, don't know it in this kind of person!"

"I didn't expect Yan Yan to find such a boyfriend, it is too hot, I think he is not eligible to be with Yan Yan!"

"If you really marry this kind of person, it is just a shame of our families!"

The scenery in the scene naturally won't let such a good opportunity, you say that I am laughing at the beginning of my words.

The expression of Yanme is also a bit helpless, she wants to understand why Chen Mo will say such a word, although Chen Mo is a military person, but if if you participate in the shooting competition, the Chen Mo does not have any advantage. Words.

"I am not bragging, we know more than one ratio!"

Chen Deng said to everyone's ridicule and tone.


After listening to Chen Mo, the face was anger, after all, I have never been so provocative.

Yan Xiao took a sigh of breath and bite his teeth and asked Chen Mail: "Kid, your words mean to try to try with me?"

"Yes, if you can provide the venue, I can be more than you!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

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