I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,593: helpless

Although Chen Mo's tried to control this woman, Chen Mo also knows that this woman is likely to suffocate, and women's struggle is getting more and more powerful. If you continue to make a woman struggle, then people inside the room will definitely find a cabinet Intimate inside.

This woman should be Zhangjia people itself, so even if it is discovered, there is no big thing.

If Chen Mo wants to be discovered, then Chen Mo is definitely a dead road.

So Chen Mo has been thinking about how to solve a woman's breathing in his mind.

Chen Mo looked at the woman who hesitated for two seconds because of suffocating, and suddenly thought of a way.

"I can't help ..."

Chen Mo sighed in his heart, then gently pushed the door of the cabinet with his left hand.

After pushing the door of the cabinet, Chen Mo got his head to the position of the gap, and then smoked the two air and then put the door of the cabinet.

Zhang Ziqing who had just breathed a little bit saw that Chen Mo closed the door of the cabinet again, and the eyes flashed a desperate, and the instinct was struggling.

But Chen Mo is directly low, then kiss it with his own lips on a woman's lips.

In an instant, Zhang Ziqing was stupid.

Because she didn't think of it, Chen Mo did dare to kiss himself!

However, Zhang Ziqing found that he misunderstood Chen Mo, Chen Mo actually blows the air in his mouth into her mouth, Zhang Ziqing who has already suffocated after getting this air, I feel a lot, and the feeling of suffocation is also I have disappeared thoroughly.

However, Zhang Ziqing is still an anger, because she has never had such intimate contact with any opposite sex.

It is to know that Zhang Ziqing is Zhang's long princess, so from a small acceptance is the best quality of life, which also leads to the woman of Zhang Ziqing very much, she even wants to become a future home. Therefore, Zhang Ziqing is also very high for his future husband's request. She feels more excellent than her own man, and is more excellent than Zhang Jia's Zhang Xize.

Therefore, even if there are many excellent rich people in Beijing pursue Zhang Ziqing, Zhang Ziqing will not look at these people in the eyes, because these people in Zhang Ziqing is just relying on the relationship with the home, so there is a present achievement, once it is lost The protection of the family, these people may even have ordinary people.

Therefore, Zhang Ziqing is very demanding for men's choices, which will lead Zhang Ziqing never talk about love.

But Zhang Ziqing did not think that his first kiss was like a strange man to take it away.

Zhang Ziqing seems to have to break away, but when she felt the air in Chen Mo's mouth, she didn't dare to break free, because she had already suffocated, the air in Chen Mo can make her alleviate the kind of suffocation a feeling of.

So Zhang Ziqing is completely air that is not controlled to breathe Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo's moment when Zhang Ziqing, he could obviously felt that Zhang Ziqing's lips were soft, and there was a faint aroma that made people feel very comfortable.

After a few seconds, the air in Chen Mokou used the air, so he could only open the door of the cabinet again and started the breathing of the big mouth.

After Chen Mo's breathing is almost the same, he succumbed to the air and then rushed to Zhang Ziqing's mouth.

This time, Zhang Ziqing did not seem to have not been intense, because she also knew that Chen Mo did this to save her.

Zhang Xize in the secret room seems to have the idea that I want to leave after I talked for a while.

And Chen Mo knows that after the two people have to leave, the expression on the face is significantly relaxed.

Zhang Ziqing immediately pushed Chen Mo, it seems to tell Chen Mo's own breathing.

Chen Mo can only go to the door with your hand.

But maybe I know that Zhang Xize is waiting to leave, so Chen Mo is not so be careful before, his arm is inadvertently pressed directly above Zhang Ziqing.

Zhang Ziqing is almost because of instinct.

After Chen Mo heard the voice of Zhang Ziqing, the face changed in an instant, because he did not think that this woman would actually be so sensitive.

However, Chen Mo didn't know that Zhang Ziqing's place has never been encountered, so Chen Mo suddenly pressed, Zhang Ziqing will definitely can't help but make a sound.

After the sound of the sound, Zhang Ziqing has become very nervous, because she also knows that she has just done a wrong thing, so she didn't even have time to consider Chen Mile just not a gift.

The two of Zhang Xichuan who have already wanted to leave and Zhang Xize have heard the voice of Zhang Ziqing, and then stopped at the same time, then looked at the direction of the cabinet.


Zhang Xizawa shouted.

Chen Mo's two people directly scatched directly, and did not dare to issue any voices.

"Who is inside, come out soon!"

Zhang Xize once again shouted.

Chen Mo's brain is running quickly, because he knows that he has been discovered at this time, so Chen Mo is thinking about how it should be paid to the next situation.

Zhang Xuan quickly walked to the location of the door and pressed the alarm button.

In an instant, the harsh siren sounded.

The bodyguards in Zhangjia Villa are all in the first-level alert state.

Just because the local room is more confidential, even if there is a warning, the ordinary bodyguards can not come over, they can only block all exports, so that the invaders will prevent the invaders from escaped.

"Take a step ..."

The footsteps sounded.

The bodyguard team leader ran into the secret room with two small captains.

Because in such a special case, the bodyguard team leader has the right, he must ensure that Zhang Xize is safe with Zhang Xichuan.

The Captain of the Bodyguard was very nervous after entering the secret room. He asked Zhang Xize: "Total, what happened?"

"Wang Yan, how did you be the chief of this team? Someone broke into the room, you don't know?"

Zhang Xize wrinkled his brow, and his tone was very angry.

"Someone entered the secret room?"

The Captain Wang Yan was stupid after hearing this sentence, and his face was very incredible. Because he didn't know that someone broke into the room.

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