I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,18: You have to compensate me

Chen Mo looked at the nausea of ​​the expression on Chu, blue face in front of him.

Because Chen Mo knows Chu Blue this woman has always valued his rest. After all, the rules are still very important to a woman's skin, Chu Lan even has a habit of nap.

So sleep quality is very important for Chu.

Chu Lan is now very angry in the heart.

But Chen Mo also thinks about why Chu's allergic reaction is so special.

"What is the matter today, I don't want to be deliberate, you don't be angry, isn't it not sleeping in the night? Now it is a little more, wait tomorrow, don't sleep in one night, don't sleep in the same night. Very big, I often stay up late ... "

Chen Mo looked at the Chu blue.


Chu is like a look at Chen Mo, then whispered: "Who tells you that it is not sleeping one night?"

"Isn't it a night?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"I last three nights for three days because of perfume allergy!"

Chu Lan is almost biting his teeth and said this sentence.

Chen Mo was in a very stupid blind eye after hearing this sentence, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

He didn't think Chu-blue would have insomnia for so long.

It is very painful to know that insomnia is still very painful, it is very sleepy, and there is no spirit, but you can't sleep, and you will be very annoyed.

If such a state persists three days, it is estimated that individuals have to collapse.

So, Chen Mo finally knew that Chu is knowing why Chen Mo's spurt is so excited.

Chen Mo smashed Qin Yiling in his heart. He didn't expect that Qin Yibei was so bad, using such a way to retaliate himself.

But there is already happened that there is no choice but to solve any problems.

"What do you want to have some other way to relieve insomnia?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked in Chu.

Chu Lan heard Chen Mo's words, he went to see Chen Mo and asked faintly: "Is there any way?"

"What about sleeping? Have you eaten?"

Chen Mail asked again.

"I have already eaten when I am allergic, but there is no effect at all, I can't solve the problem!"

Chu blue shook his head lightly.

"How much have you eaten? Is it less eating? I really can't eat more, ten eight must have effect!"

Chen Mo said quickly.

"Then I may die!"

Chu is helplessly shouted.

"That is also, the thing of sleeping pills does not eat too much, and it is really easy to die ..."

Chen Mo nod, then the next consciousness turned to the red wine above the tea table, smiled and said: "Two can drink, I will drink with you, it is easy to sleep ..."


Chu Bai's eyes flashed, then faintly said: "I also tried this way, I only let me feel a headache after drinking, just like a head to explode, but there is no way Sleep, so drinking can only make me more pain ... "

Chen Mo listened to the Chu blue, it was speechless, because he really didn't understand what Chu's body is constructed, and there is such a strange allergic reaction.

Moreover, Chen Mo knows that he must solve Chu blue, or you will definitely let yourself easily according to Chu's character.

Now Chen Mo still has a lot of things to do, so you can't waste time in Chu, here.

"What is that, have you went to the hospital this disease?"

Chen Mo hesitated and looked at Chu.

"I have already been there ..."

The Chu Bai's eyes flashed, then continue to say: "Whether domestic hospitals or foreign hospitals have been looking for people, but there is no way to do things!"

"Does the doctor have no way?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Chu, after the eyes flashed, and then bowed to Chu Blue and smiled and said: "Actually, I have a way to solve your problem, you may Will you eat bitter, I don't know if you can accept it! "

"any solution?"

Chu Zazhen, I watched the blink of blinking.

"This method is very simple, that is, I will give you a while, so you don't have to worry about the problem of insomnia, I guarantee that you can sleep very well!"

Chen Miman said with a smile and rushed to Chu.

Chu-blue glanced at Chen Mo when he heard Chen Mo, then said with a small mouth: "What is this? You still have to give me a ducratism, you let me allergic Is there any conscience this person? "

"I am not afraid that you can't sleep. If you feel that this method is not good, then I have no way!"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

Chu blue turned his head and didn't speak.

And Chen Mo knows that there is still no big response now, but if you want to sleep, if you can't sleep, you can't sleep, she will be very angry. I will try my best to get myself. So now the best choice for Chen Mo is right away.

"What is the matter today, I am wrong, I have a chance, I will compensate you, I still have some things there, I will not stay here, I will go!"

After that, after this sentence, Chen Mo directly got up and walked outside the villa.

"You stand!"

Chu Lan saw Chen Mo and quickly shouted.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a helpless, then turned to see Chu Blue and smiled: "Is there anything?"

"It's because you let me insomnia, are you going to leave now?"

Chu is rushing to Chen Mail.

"I have just gave you a lot of ways, but these methods have not been used for you. I am also can't, if I stay here, I will definitely be more troubles, so I am not as good. Go first! "

Chen Mo looked at Chu-blue explanation.

"You can't go now!"

Chu Lan looked at Chen Mo shouted.

"Don't walk, I really have a very important thing over there waiting for me!"

Chen Mo shouted.

"There is nothing more important than I am more important than me!"

Chu blue shouted.

Chen Mo hesitated and looked at Chu, and asked: "What are you going to make me? I will still solve your problem with your insomnia!"

"You don't have a way to solve my insomnia, but you can stay with me, I don't sleep, don't sleep, this, I will not be so bored, wait until I can fall asleep, you can left!"

Chu Lan thoughtfully rushed to Chen Mo.

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