I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,655: You can think of a way!

Although Chen Miman does not have a mood to go shopping with the water, but the helpless water is also a big busy. A good thing, so he has not refused.

After all, Chen Mo has already got U disk, so he met with Zhang Ziqing or as a difference in seeing tomorrow.

"Well, the sister, where do you want to go, I will take you now!"

Chen Mo had a very happy agreed.

"Go to Jiahua Shopping Center!"

The water is faint.


Chen Mo's head promised.

And the water is directly carrying out his own small bag, and Chen Mo is like a bodyguard, followed by the water.

After a few minutes, the two got on the car, and the position of the Jiahua Shopping Center was directly opened.

While driving, Chen Mo turned his head and tapped the water, hesitated for two seconds, and loudly rushed to the water, said: "Submissions, I listen to Chu Zai, I seem to be ..."

"Yes ..."

The water is highly as if the Buddha has already guess what Chen Mo wants to ask, and nod directly.

"I didn't expect your background so horrible!"

Chen Mo said.

"What is horrible?"

The water was faint, and then he continued: "It is very beautiful on the surface, but in fact, I am like a bird in a cage, I can't do anything, I can't do anything, I have When you really envy you, you can do what you want to do at least! "

"Envy each other!"

Chen Mo smiled.

"You are not born in the family like me. If you are born in the family like me, you will definitely don't say this!"

The water will look at Chen Mo's light.

"I have no such opportunity!"

Chen Mo looked at the water and sighed.

And the water excellence is that it is faint to smile.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Miman came to the Jiahua Shopping Center.

After entering the shopping center, the water is excellent to completely liberate the nature, starting crazy shopping, and Chen Mo is responsible for the bag behind the water.

Of course, Chen Mo also took the initiative to help the water purchase, after all, this money is nothing to say for Chen Mo, and the water is also a big busy.

Of course, the water will not be more than these things with Chen Mo, so it simply let Chen Mo pay for it.

The two strolled for more than an hour in the mall, and finally the water was very satisfied, and said softly to Chen Mo: "Good Chen Mo, thank you today, we can go back!"

When I heard the words of the water, I was often alive. He finally left this shopping mall, or it didn't go shopping, Chen Mo will definitely crazy.

The water was able to walk in the position of Chen Mile.

But I still took a few steps, and the face of the water suddenly flashed a different, then directly squatted on the ground, his hands lied his belly, and the expression on his face was very painful.

Chen Mo saw that the water was excellent, and he quickly ran to the water of the water, and then loudly rushed to the water, said: "Sub-expert, what happened?"

"I ... I am fine ..."

The water is so beautiful, and the lips are low.

"How do you still squat here?"

Chen Mohu continued to ask.

"I really don't have anything. Otherwise, Chen Mo is still going first!"

The water is highly low.

"No, the sister, what happened to you? How do you take this now? Do you feel uncomfortable? Otherwise I will send you to the hospital!"

Chen Mima can feel that the water is very unsatisfactory, so he will definitely not throw the water here to go first.

"Chen Mo, I really don't have anything, let's go first!"

The water is proud and whispered with Chen Mo.

"Sub-expert, what happened? If you don't tell me what is going on, I really can't go, what happened to you?"

Chen Mimi is really concerned about the water.

And the water is slow to look at Chen Mo, whispered: "Chen Mo, I seem to come to a big aunt, I am not very comfortable, you will go!"

"It's a big aunt?"

Chen Mo heard the long life of this sentence, then smiled and said: "You really scared me, I thought about what happened, it is to come to a big aunt? What is this? ? I will send you home ... "

After that, after this sentence, Chen Miman will force the water to protect the water.

"You don't touch me!"

The water of the water is very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

Chen Mima can look down on the water, and then the whole person is in the original place, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

Because he found that the water is on the white cheongsam, there is a blood, although the water is excellent in the ground, but Chen Mo can still see it.

And Chen Mo also finally knew that the water is excellent, and Chen Mo will go first.

Water is proud of discovering that Chen Mo's eyes are somewhat incomprehensible, the expression on the face seems to be more embarrassed.

"What is the sister, what should I do now?"

Chen Mo is helplessly asked with water.

"I don't know what should I do now? You can't talk about this, I don't know!"

Water You didn't think that there will be such a situation. In addition, it is not very familiar with the relationship between the water.

"Submissions, you can rest assured, I will definitely not tell this thing!"

Chen Mo said quickly.


The water is excellent to suck a breath, watching Chen Mo did not speak.

"Sub-expert, you still stand up first, you have been so squatting!"

Chen Mo said.


The water, I feel that Chen Mo said this sentence is still very reasonable. After all, she has been so misunderstanding, so she slowly stood up, then put her body on the wall, so that Prevent others from seeing her behind.

"Chen Mo, Chu-blue has always praised you smart, you can think about it!"

Water, you know that Chen Mo has seen it, so she is not intended to continue to take Chen Mo, she can only hope that Chen Mo will take himself away.

Otherwise, if you have been discovered to be sent to the Internet, then you can trouble.

The water is excellent to be a normal girl, but the strategy is very special, and it is also very famous in the rich two generation circles in Beijing. This mall is some international big names, so there are many The second generation came over.

At this time, the water is very worried that he has encountered an acquaintance, so the words are too embarrassing.


Chen Mo heard the water, after the eyes flashed, he couldn't think of any good way.

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