I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 117: Important Videos

At this time, Chen Mo can clearly smell the faint aroma on the water, an abnormal temptation, Chen Mo is also controlling his own brain and don't think about it.

On the way along, Chen Mo and the water are both psychic.

However, the luck of the two is still very good, there is no acquaintance.

Chen Mer finally succeeded with the water to leave the mall and returned to the car.

After getting on the bus, the water is also long and long, then said softly, Chen Mo said: "You drive me home!"

"Is it a bit less convenient to return to your home? Can my car go in?"

Chen Mo hesitated and looked at the water.

When the water was soaring that Chen Mo's sentence was not stunned, then whispered: "If you don't say, I forgot, your car is no way to open, then I am now like this. Can't go back! "

"Submissions, otherwise I will send you to the hotel? You can go to the hotel and then change your clothes and go home!"

Chen Mo knows that the water has bought a lot of clothes today, as long as I find a place where she can change clothes.

"Okay, take me to the hotel!"

The water nodded lightly.

Chen Mo launched the car and then found a good hotel in the nearby shopping mall.

Chen Mejin entered the hotel alone, then held the water in the hotel's room in the previous method.

After entering the room, the expression on the water appearance seems to have changed, covering his belly in bed.

"Zi Yan, your belly is uncomfortable?"

Chen Mo shouted in the water.

"A little……"

The water is looking at Chen Mo's light.

"What is the one, let me wait!"

Chen Mo said that this sentence will turn it directly to the room.

And the water is not a stomach pain and does not take care of Chen Mo.

After a few minutes, Chen Mail returned to the room, Chen Mo's hand held a sanitary napkin and a brown sugar.

Because Chen Mo opened a presidential suit, there is a kitchen.

Chen Mai entered the kitchen to give a bowl of red sugar water, and then carrying brown sugar to the side of the water, rushing to the water, said: "Son, this is a brown sugar, you should be able to drink better!"


The water is proud of hearing Chen Mo, then slowly looked at Chen Mo and then said softly: "Thank you!"

"Nothing, this thing is also my wrong, if not because you give me something, there is no so much thing!"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence, then continue: "Sanitary napkins I bought it, but I don't know what brand of use, so I bought a ..."

"I didn't expect you to be quite heart!"

The water was soaring that Chen Mo's words were smirk.


Chen Mo smiled and then continued: "What is the one, if there is nothing, I will go first? Do you have anything directly to call me!"


The water is looking at Chen Mo's light.

Chen Mo knows that there is nothing to stay here, so he turned and left the room.

After the water, I saw Chen Mo leaving, I couldn't help but laugh, then softly sigh: "I didn't expect Chu blue, this little outside is still a warm man!"


Although Chen Mo is still quite embarrassing today, Chen Mili has no time to consider these things. For Chen Mo, the most important thing now is to hurry to contact Zhang Ziqing, then meet Zhang Ziqing Take back the U disk of Fengxing.

Therefore, Chen Mo has driven back to Yan family. After the family, Chen Mo found Yanme, and let Yanme found a laptop.

Chen Mo put the U disk into the laptop, and found that there is two times in the U disk.

Chen Mo did open the first video.

The first video is the picture of Zhang Zicheng murderer, the picture is clear, and the face of Zhang Zicheng can see the victim's face.

Chen Mo knows that the video is already enough, as long as it is handed over to the police, then Zhang Jia's willingness is not used, Zhang Zi is committed to sitting.

Yanme saw this video was also surprised, and asked Chen Mail: "Where did you get this video?"

"I am not very clear, Chu blue is given to me!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"Which is the second video?"

Yanme pointed to the computer.

Chen Mo hesitated and opened the second video.

When Chen Mo and Yanme saw the second video, all stunned.

Because this is a video of a group of rape and killing this girl.

The girls in the video have always been asking for mercy, but Zhang Zicheng still chooses to kill the girl.

"It is a beast!"

After reading this video, Yanme read the video and shouted.

"The two videos should be enough, can you help me find Zhang Ziqing's contact?"

Chen Mo said he said.

"I will call you and ask!"

Yan Xia is low, then takes out his mobile phone to start calling.

After a few minutes, Yan Mo said Zhang Ziqing's contact information told Chen Mo.

After knowing Zhang Ziqing's phone number, Chen Mo directly dialed Zhang Ziqing's phone.

"Dudu ..."

After a long time, Zhang Ziqing took the call after a long time, then said the sound is cold: "Which?"

"It's me, Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

Zhang Ziqing couldn't help but screamed after hearing Chen Mo, then said: "How can you have my contact?"

"I want to find your contact information should not be difficult!"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"Is there anything you need?"

Zhang Ziqing asked softly.

"Let's find two more people, I have found Zhang Zicheng's criminal evidence, you put the U disk, let's trade!"

Chen Mo said very calmly.

When Zhang Ziqing heard Chen Mo's words, I couldn't help but said: "So you found Zhang Zicheng's crime evidence?"

"Of course!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Okay, we will meet in the suburbs of the Lu Xiang tea building in the suburbs tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Ziqing didn't say much, and told Chen Mo when he told me.


Chen Mo has promised, and then hangs up the phone.

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