I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,644: Resignation?

And Chen Mima didn't think about it. Just wanted to pick up Qin Yipi, so he reached out directly to Qin Yibing's slender waist, and then Qin Yi ice whole people After turning over, let Qin Yimeng in bed.

Qin Yi ice is only wearing underwear, and the round and sturdy shaft buttocks are directly exposed to Chen Mo's sight.

Chen Mo's brain is hot, and there is no too much. It is a slap in the palm of it.

"Let you play me, let you play me ..."

Chen Mo slammed the hips of Qin Yi Bing, and he looked at him.

At a moment, Chen Mo Chen's voice of the Qin, an ice ass, and his shouts resounded throughout the office.

I don't know how much it is, Chen Mo is finally alleged.

At this time, Qin's Ice's white hips have been popularized by Chen Mo.

Qin Yibi saw Chen Mile to struggle after the hand, then extended his own hands and fits the face of Chen Mo's face.

Chen Mer's consciousness rebells, but it was pressed in bed by Qin Ying, and then raised his little fist, and he went to Chen Mo's chest.

But after playing a few times, Qin Yi Bing found that Chen Mo did not seem to react, so she gatched Chen Mo's arm and biting.


Chen Mili called, and then shouted in Qin Ya. "How do you still bite?"

"Chen Mo, you are a metamorphosis, I can help you manage the casino. You are so bullying me, I don't do it, you go to find someone ..."

After that, after the words, Qin Yibing buried his head between his legs, then whispered.

When I saw Qin Yimei, I immediately recovered calm, and the expression on my face began to be nervous.

He didn't think of something at all.

Original Chen Mo is just that I want to teach Qin Ib, there is nothing else.

But perhaps because of the disdainful attitude of Qin Yip, Chen Mo did not control his emotions.

Qin Yi Bing This woman itself is very sexy and beautiful. Plus, when you cry, it seems to be a bit moving. Chen Mo also seems to have some distressed. The heart is secretly regretted, you have a little heavy, you should not Do things so too much.

"I am wrong, I haven't controlled my emotions, but I don't do anything else, can you forgive me?"

Chen Mo said tense rushed to Qin Yi Bing.

Qin Yimei turned his head to see Chen Mo, then said: "Chen Mo, I am not doing you here, you go to find someone ..."

"No, ice sister, you will not resign this thing, you are a bit too impulsive, I admit that I really don't do it, I don't do it, I will hit me, I want to be other. Measures, as long as you can take the gas ... "

Chen Merloo said to Qin Yi Bing.

Qin Yibing reached out the tears on his face, and then said very strongly: "I don't want to talk to you now, I have made determined to resign, you don't advise me, you haven't used anything now. ... "

Chen Mo saw Qin Yibing's attitude so resolutely completely dumbly.

He realized that he made a big mistake.

Qin Yi Bing's ability is obvious. If Qin Yibing really wants to resign, who is going to deal with it?

Chen Miman does not find a more suitable candidate.

At the beginning, Chen Mo will stay in Qin Yifa, it is not to please Qin Ying, but today, because of his own impulses, Qin Yibei should resign, how can Chen Mo may not be anxious?

If Qin Yibei really resigns, then things may be trouble, so Chen Mo is sitting in the same place, and I don't know how it should be good.

"What do you still do here? Not going out!"

At this time, Qin Yili shouted with Chen Mo.

"I go out, I am going out ..."

At this time, Chen Mo did not dare to sin Qinyi, after finishing this sentence, he walked toward the lounge.

After leaving the rest room, Chen Mer is sitting on the sofa of the office waiting for Qin an ice.

At this point, he still wants to explain with Qin Yibai, after all, he doesn't want to see Qin Yibing's true resignation.

Chen Mer is sitting in the sofa of the office, waiting for almost a while, Qin Ying has finally gone from the lounge.

At this time, Qin Yibing has been replaced with uniforms. It seems that it is still so exquisite and beautiful, but there is a little red, it should be because I just cried.

Qin Yibi saw Chen Mo's expression very excited: "What do you still do here? Hurry to go out ..."

"Ice sister, can you listen to me explain?"

Chen Mo said helplessly rushed to Qin Yibing.

"I don't want to listen to you now, I don't want to see you, please give me a left ..."

Qin Yimeng pointed to the door of the office with the big eyes of the water, and said in Chen Mo.

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Qin Yime, he was helpless, and his heart was clear, and the Qin Yibei should be on the air. If you continue to talk to Qin Ying, the effect will be reversed, it is not as good as first Leaving waiting for a while, Qin Yixi, once again explained it with Qin Ya.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not say more, and left the office directly to leave the office.

Although Qin Yimei let Chen Mo send this thing is wrong, Chen Mo feels that it is too much to do, and plus, in any case, it is also alive, these two places are now in all. Kai Qin is ice, so Chen Mo must let Qin Yibing forgive himself and continue to work around himself.

Sometimes Chen Mo wants to think that he is very sad, a boss actually needs to please yourself, this is what is going on?

Chen Mai strolls in the hall because it is hard.

He felt that his luck is not very good, so there is no choice to play in the casino.

After all, Chen Mo is not very interested in this kind of thing.

After more than an hour, Chen Mo finally saw Qin Yimei came out from the office.

However, at this time, Qin Yimei also followed a staff member, and the expression on the face is still very serious, it should be to deal with what is going.

Chen Mo also knows that there are more things in the casino. Qin Yibing must have no mood to take care, so Chen Mo has not taken the initiative to talk to Qin Ying.

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