I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,646: Are you the boss here?

Ren Jian is thinking that this is a casino, even if Chen Mo is, it is absolutely impossible to do it in this place.

But let Ren Jian, who did not think that Chen Mo actually tried his hand, and it was a solid playing.

Qin Yimei looked at Ren Jian in front of him. The expression on his face was very helpless. She really didn't understand why Njacker was able to fall in Chen Mo's hands.

"What is your casino security? This person has just hit me, have you gone?"

Ren Jian clearly, if you also move, then things will be very big, so he did not let his own people, but the scorpion shouted with the security guards inside the casino.

The security guards present in the scene have exposed a helpless smile after hearing this sentence, and a quiet standing in the same place, and there is no meaning to Chen Silent.

After all, they are very clear in their hearts. Chen Mo can be the boss of this casino. Now, even if they give them 10,000 courage, they will never dare to do their own bosses!

After seeing the security guards inside the casino, all the security guards standing in the same place, and the expression on the face began to change, he didn't understand that this casino has never allowed to fight this kind of thing. What happened, but Ji Chen Mingming hit a slap in the face of these people, these people now actually react, this is really too strange.

"Where are you doing? What did you do? Just now, this kid hit me a slap, no matter whether it is?"

Ren Jian shouted with those security guards in the field.

"Chen Gongzi is the boss of our casino. Just now, you have a lot of things in our casino, harass the general manager of our casino, Chen Gongzi gives you a slap in the face, we think this has no problem!"

The security team has no expression of the nun.

After listening to this sentence of the security captain, he was in the original place in the original place. He looked at Chen Mo's position. How shock is how shock on the face.

"You just said ... What?"

Ren Jian's knotted Baba asked the security captain.

"I just said that Chen Gongzi is the boss of our casino!"

The security captain faintly returned.

Ren Jian slowly turned his head to Chen Mo before him. At this time, Jian seems to have some unclear how to describe his own mood.

Originally, Jian thought that Chen Mo is just a poor silk. There is no other identity background. If it is not because of the relationship between Qin Yibing, Ren Jian may not have any intersection with Chen Mo's silk.

But let Ren Jian million did not think that Chen Mo's background is so horrible. Chen Mo is actually the boss of this casino!

For a time, Ren Jian is already a little dumbfounded, he doesn't even know what should be done.

"Chen ... Chen Mo, I think there is a little misunderstanding between the two, it is too embarrassed, I will leave my people now ..."

Ren Jian is not a fool, his heart is very clear, this casino is the site of Man Chen Mo, if you continue to stay here with Chen Mo, then the last thing people will definitely, so there is only one idea in the mind now. That is to hurry to leave this casino.

Chen Miman looked at Ren Jian, and the expression on his face was very calm.

Ren Jian saw that Chen Mo did not speak, he took a sigh of relief, then twisted his whisper and said: "Let's go!"

The bodyguards of the fitness side know how this is something, so they don't have any hesitation, directly follow Ren Jian run outside the casino.

"Ren Jian, now you want to go, is it a little too late?"

However, at this time, Chen Mo's voice suddenly rang behind him.

Ren Jian heard the body of Chen Mo, then I couldn't help the body slightly fuse, and then the battle was twisted toward Chen Mo, whispered Chen Mail: "Do you have anything?"

"I have told you last time, what you won't forget?"

Chen Silebler is rushing to Ren Jian.

"You ... what do you say to me?"

Ren Jian's commented on Baba.

"I told you, if you are daring to harass the ice sister, I will interrupt your leg!"

Chen Mo looked with him.


Ren Jian was heard in the original place after hearing Chen Mo, the expression on his face was extremely fearful, and even shouted: "Chen Mo, I think there may be a misunderstanding between two. Can you listen to me ... "

"I have no mood now to listen to you, I have warned you, I don't know how to cherish the opportunity, then you will not blame me today!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, then he said: "Interrupted this person's legs, then throw it out!"


The security captain didn't seem to think that his new boss will actually be so cruel, but he has not said much, and directly took the position of Ren Jian.

"Chen Mo, I know is wrong, can you give me a chance?"

"Ice, do you help me ask for a good time? I guarantee that I will never come over and harass you ..."

Ren Jian saw the security guards and thoroughly and completely dumbly, and the expressions shouted in Chen Mo Qin.

And Qin Yixin is also very clear. If you don't give Ren Jian's little lesson lesson, then you will definitely continue to harass yourself, so Qin Yi Ice is deeply absorbed. I didn't listen to the words of Ren Jian, turned directly to the upstairs.

Chen Mo he hesitated and left Qin Yibing, and his heart inside the rest of the situation in the casino should be able to handle it.

Ren Jian saw that Chen Mo was leaving with Qin Yibei, and the whole person was stupid, and the embarrassment of the appearance of the expression on his face.


After a few seconds, Ren Jian made a miserable call, and then he was thrown out from the casino.

After the security guards were thrown out, the entire casino was in a silent.

Chen Mo has dealt with a homework in today, but he is also a chance to kill the chicken monkeys. After all, he just took a casino. Now there is a lot of people who don't take the gas for Chen Mo, but after this happened, Chen Mo felt the casino Those people should be very honest, so it is more convenient for Qin Yi Bing.

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