I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,649: Meet Feng Xing!

Sometimes, in this world, the money is really not necessarily universal.

There are a lot of things that don't be solved.

Money may be very important for ordinary people, but for people who are really free, maybe just a number.

Chen Mer's person stands quietly in the position of the center garden, and the time is still a second.

A blink of an eye has passed half an hour.

Chen Mai took his mobile phone to see that time I found out that I have already arrived at eight o'clock, but the other party still did not appear.

"Don't I be played?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt, at this time, he thinks about himself in his heart, don't leave here.

Because Chen Mima always feels some things today, it may be a little less right. If the other party is not Feng Xing's person, but the people of Zhangjia, it may be very dangerous now.

However, when Chen Mo hesitated, a black Mercedes-Benz slowly stopped by Chen Mile.

Chen Mo got up and down, but did not move.

The window of Mercedes-Benz slowly swayed, and a middle-aged person got up and down, then he asked whispering Chen Mail: "Should you wait?"

"who are you?"

Chen Mo is very cautious to rush through the driver.

"I came to pick you up!"

The driver returned to a faint.

"Who let you pick me up?"

Chen Mo looked at the driver to continue asking.

"This one……"

The driver flashed in the eyes, it seems that it is not willing to answer Chen Mo's problem.

"If you don't tell me who let you pick me up, then I will not leave you!"

Chen Mo said with the driver.

The driver said softly after hesitating: "I am Feng's general people, Feng always let me pick you up!"

"Feng Xing?"

Chen Mo listened to the driver, after the eyes flashed, it flashed.


There is no concealment of the driver, nodding directly.

"Where is Feng Xing now?"

Chen Mo looked at the driver to continue asking.

"What is Feng always knows, my task is to be responsible for sending you to Feng's head!"

The driver looked at Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo got up and down, the driver did not speak, although Chen Mo is still unclear what the tricks are playing in the end, but he knows that you can see Feng Xing's best opportunity. If he doesn't have to meet Feng Xixing now After that, I would like to find Feng Xing is not so easy.

"Chen Gongzi, please get on the bus!"

The driver saw Chen Mo without speaking.

Chen Mo looked at the driver for two seconds, and finally I chose to go to the door of Mercedes-Benz, and opened the car on the door.

After getting on the bus, the driver did not continue to talk to Chen Mo, but accidentally opened the car.

Chen Mo's mood is a little nervous. After all, I am busy for so long. He can finally see the person you want to see most, and the only one may know how his parents are in the past!

Chen Mo came to Behang City for so long, it is nothing more than two purposes. The first purpose is to find Su Mu, now Su Mu Bai has found it, and still recovering memory, so Chen Mo is already completed.

There is also the second purpose to investigate your parents because of death.

At this time, Chen Mo's mind is thousands of thoughts. He has been thinking about the various situations you may encounter, and how you should go to the situation.

Chen Mo's arms have three borrowed God Dan, and the current Chen Mo's realm can be compared with the military high people. As long as Feng Xing does not ask the martial arts, then Chen Mo has a whole body.

Even if you look at the whole Huaxia, the quantity of the martial artist is not numbered, so Chen Mo feels that although Feng Xing has a very horrible person relationship background, but he absolutely no energy, a murder, a murder, if Feng Xingzhen Have such a thing, the Feng Xing should not need to meet himself, you can ask the martial arts to kill himself directly.

Therefore, Chen Mo felt that Feng Xing wanted to meet himself with himself to negotiate with himself.

This is why Chen Mo's reasons will come.

Chen Mer thinks about these problems while thinking about these problems, very obvious that the driver does not seem to have to bring Chen Mo's way to the way, and did not want to give Chen Mirun.

After Chen Mo took the bus, the driver did not say a word with Chen Mo, and he was in a quiet driving.

Chen Mo learned that he has come to the suburbs of Behang City at this time.

Soon the car parked in front of a villa.

Chen Mer's consciously saw the villa, the villa was brighter, it seems to be very lively.

"Chen Gongzi, Feng is waiting for you here!"

The driver turned to see Chen Mo and said with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo took a breath, then directly reached out and pushed the car.

The driver is quietly sitting in place, as if it doesn't mean it at all.

After getting off the car, Chen Mo directly walked into the yard in front of the villa. The yard is still very big. There is a garden in the swimming pool. Basically, as long as it is a luxury villa to appear in the yard.

However, when Chen Mo did not appreciate these things, he has always observed the situation in the villa with the viewing method.

But let Chen Mo feel a little surprised is that there are not a lot in this villa, and most of them may be only five or six, and most of the realm is very low, this shows that there is no ambush in this villa.

"Is Feng Xing really planned to negotiate with me?"

Chen Mer couldn't help but lamented a sentence, then continue to go to the front.

After a moment, Chen Mo finally walked to the door of the villa.


Chen Mo took a breath and then slowly pressed the doorbell.

To know that Chen Mo's mood is still very nervous. After all, I waited for such a long time. Chen Mo finally saw Feng Xing, and he is getting closer and closer to the truth of his parents.

"Hey! Hey!"

After the doorbell was twice, the door of the door slowly opened.

A young man who made a bodyguard appeared in front of Chen Mo, and after the upper and lower, Chen Mo had a few eyes, whispered: "You should be Chen Mo?"

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