I am the heir to the richest man

The first six hundred and fifty-nine chapters: Zhangjia chaos

"There is a medicinal medicine in our Tianshan Zongmen. This kind of medicinal medicine is specially refined for the trial. As long as it is a person who eats Xia Dan, no matter what he will say, I will tell this, so I can take this less. People bring our Tianshan Zongmen to interrogate! "

Jiangxi said softly.

Feng Xixing heard a fear in the eyes of Jiangxi, and even shouted: "Chen Mo, I have already told you all the people I know, you don't let these people take me away. what!"

"I can't determine what you said is true or fake. Now I have a chance to give you a good prove, I think Jiangxi is good!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, then turned to Jiangxi: "Since you have a way to say that this person tells the truth, then you will bring this person to Tianshan Zongmen!"


Jiangxi was busy nodded.

"Chen Mo, you can't let these people take me away, once I miss it, the people of the silver business will certainly be noticed!"

Feng Xing sent a little excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"Even if I don't let people take you away, then the people of the silver business will also find ways to find you, so you are better to follow them two back to Tianshan Zongmen, at most, you don't have to worry The people chased! "

Chen Mo looked into Feng Xixing explained.

And Feng Xixing has heard a variety of strangeness after hearing this sentence, he thinks that Chen Mo said this sentence is still very reasonable.

Anyway, if he went to Tianshan Zongmen, then his life is not dangerous.

Therefore, Feng Xing did not continue to say after thinking about a moment.

"Less palms, things are not suitable, if there is no other thing, I will leave this person with Jiangxi!"

The two elders know that Chen Mo's battle between Zhang Chenghua is not very moving, so he feels that Chen Mo and others should not wait too long in this place.


Chen Mo looked at the second elders nodded.

Two elders have walked to Fengxing, and a hand knife directly cut it directly above the neck of Fengxing, and Feng Xing was coma.

Then the two elders walked in the position of Feng Xingben.

Jiangxi he hesitated and said softly from Chen Mo: "Less head, if there is no other thing, I will leave!"

"Jiangxi, this time thank you for your old age!"

Chen Mo said.

"You are so polite, protect your safety is our responsibility!"

Jiangxi was busy and laughed back.

"Right, how is Luoqiu?"

Chen Mo suddenly asked.

After the last time I came back from Hong Kong Island, Chen Mo has always studied things to deal with Feng Xing so unclear the situation on Luoqiu.

"Miss Luo arrived in our Tianshan Zongmen, she took the medicine, and she woke up after a few days. Miss Luo woke up after I woke up, I told her about the things. And Miss Lu said, thank you. Leaving our Tianshan Zongmen, it should be abroad, is she not in contacting you? "

Jiangxi is a little unfollowed by Chen Mail.


Chen Mo looked at Jiangxi shook his head.

Chen Mima knows that he has been so unfolded by Luoqiu, and Luoqiu should not want to contact himself, and I don't want to have anyone with himself.


Jiangxi nodded and then continued: "Less head, although I don't know what is the relationship between Miss you and Luo, but Miss Luo is still very deep about your feelings ..."


Chen Mo asked someone.

"Miss Chi Luo has been shouting with your name for your name when you are coma ..."

Jiangxi loudly replied.

Chen Mo was in a moment after hearing this sentence in Jiangxi.

"Okay, less head, if there is no thing, then I will leave it first?"

Jiangxi smiled and said in Chen Mo.


Chen Mo looked at Jiangxi nodded.

After Jiangxi hesitated, he turned directly to leave.

And Chen Mo is standing in the same place, at this time his mind is complete.

After all, he thought that he found Feng Xing to revenge for his parents, but when he heard Feng Xing's words, he felt that his parents had a bigger conspiracy, he thought It seems that it is not as simple as he thinks about his parents.

But now Chen Mo is not clear that the words that Feng Xing talk to him is true or fake. How much is it true, so Chen Mo can only be patient waiting for the two years of the old news.

After the long-elderly river left, Chen Mo also left Feng Xing's villa.

At this time, the villa has been borrowed, but Chen Mo is not worried about these things, because he knows someone in this place will clean up.


On the other hand, in the villa of the Beijing Zhangjia.

At this point, the living room of the villa is brilliant, and all the high-level high-level families of almost Zhang family have been gathered here because they know that it is still very important for their Zhangjia today.

Zhang Fan Sheng let Zhang Chenghua out of Chen Mo, once Zhang Chenghua removed Chen Mo, then everything can restore calm.

However, Zhang Chenghua did not remove Chen Mo's words, it is definitely a big bad news for Zhang Jia.

So, the expression on one of these high-level faces of Zhangjia is very nervous.

Zhang Fanheng stands on the front of the window, looking out the scenery outside, I don't know what I think.

"Master, big things are not good!"

However, at this time, a young man in a bodyguard rushed into the living room, and the tone shouted very excited.

Zhang Fan Sheng was flashing in the eyes after hearing the bodyguard, and quickly turned and rushed to the bodyguard: "Is there any news in China?"

"Chenghua teacher is dead!"

Youth biting the jam.


"Is it dead?"

"How is this possible? How come Chenghua die?"

In an instant, everyone of Zhang's family fell into the shock, and the expression on a face was very incredible, even Zhang Xize is also a horror.

"How is Chenghua dead? Is it killed by Chen Mo?"

Zhang Fanheng tried to calm his emotions and asked whispers.


The youth looked at Zhang Fanheng hesitated, then whispered: "Yes, Chenghua brother is killed by Chen Mo, Chenghua teacher is not Chen Mo's opponent, and finally killed by Chen Mo ..."

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