I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,661: Real enemy

After putting down your mobile phone, Chen Mer is sitting on the sofa, and the mind is constantly thinking about what you should do next.


I don't know how long it took, Chen Mo's longer tone, and then took out his mobile phone to find Li Juncheng's call to dial.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, Li Jincheng turned on the phone.

"Chen Gongzi!"

Li Juncheng's voice sounded.

"Li, do you know that you don't know the summer of Xia Qingfeng?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Summer Qingfeng?"

Li Juncheng heard a bit higher after hearing this name, and then asked very much: "Chen Gongzi, how do you suddenly listen to this person?"


Chen Mo hesitated and didn't intend to concealed with Li Jincheng. After all, Li Jincheng was able to count the most trusted people in Chen Mo, so Chen Mo got Feng Xing's things originally told Li Juncheng.

"The original summer is the head of the silver merchant in the Huaxia area, it is too incredible ..."

Li Juncheng sighed behind the truth of the matter.

"Li, you seem to have a very good understanding of this summer!"

Chen Mo asked.

"Of course, I understand!"

Li Jincheng helidly returned Chen Mo, then continue to say: "Chen Gongzi, the summer family in this summer is the first big family of the magic, but not only the magic, even if it is looking through the whole Huaxia, the Chinese can absolutely calculate it. It is the first family, and the summer bride is the home of Xia Jia, how can I not know this person? "

"The summer family in Xia Qingfeng is actually the first family of Huaxia?"

Chen Mo said that he was a little surprised.

"Even if you look at the world, Xia Jia is also able to discharge the forefront of the top ten, so Chen Gongzi you want to revenge your parents, this is not a simple thing!"

Li Juncheng sighed.

"Of course I know is not simple, otherwise I will not call you this phone, I want to ask you now if I want to deal with the summer, there is any good way?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Xia Jiaqing in Xia Qingfeng has a martial artist sitting in the town, and the strength is compared with Li Zongshi. I don't know who is very low, so Chen Gongzi you want to kill the summer, it is not an easy thing!"

Li Juncheng said slowly.

"Summer is still a master of the town?"

Chen Mo's eyes were flashing in a shock.

Inside his heart, since the summer has a martial artist, then this way they want to kill the summer and clear winds will definitely do not work.

"If you use our relationship with our group to fight Xia Jia?"

Chen Miman thought of the second way.

"This approach may be more difficult than directly killing the summer, and we have been working hard to enter the magic, but every time we endure, so now there is only Hong Kong Island and Magical Our branch of our team, there is no way to open the branch to the magic, so Chen Gongzi is not very feasible ... "

Li Juncheng said slowly.

Chen Mo listened to Li Juncheng's words, and he did not think that the summer strength of Xia Qingfeng was so horrible.

"The foreign enterprise wants to enter the magic or very difficult, because Xia Jia has a very comprehensive network, simply saying that all large groups of Monopads are now attached to Xiajia, and a company has passed. Summer's consent can only survive in the magic, if there is no summary of the summer, you are inch inch, I also tried to open the company in the Magic, but the summer broth is a silver businessman, naturally will not Agree, let's Hui Ding Group entered the magic capital market, so our branches after two years have closed! "

Li Juncheng slowly relieves the release.

"I didn't expect this summer, the wind is so powerful!"

Chen Mo's soft sigh.

"It can become the general person in charge of Yinner in Huaxia. It is definitely not a general person. Let alone Xiajia's bottom itself is very deep. Summer Qingfeng has been the old opponent of Wang for so many years. Even if the king is in summer What is the way, so Chen Gongzi, I think you are not suitable now to deal with summer breeze! "

Li Juncheng moved softly.

Although Li Juncheng knows that the summer bride is the culprit of killing Chen Mo's parents, he feels that there is also the ability to Hui Ding Group now. If you want to deal with Xia Qingfeng, it is a folk stone, and there is no such thing as a result.

After all, Xia Qingfeng is not a kind of people in Feng Xing'an Town, which is not so easy to deal with it.

"Then what do you mean?"

Chen Mo hesitated and asked softly.

"I think Chen Gongzi should still go to other cities, according to the way to deal with Fengxing, break the person in charge of the silver business in other provinces, and then let's hit the power to go to the summer, this is the best. select!"

Li Juncheng suggested.

"I have no mood to take care of the small fish of the silver merchants. I want to deal with Xia Qingfeng for my parents!"

Chen Mo said.

"Since Chen Gongzi, you have already decided, then you will do it according to what you mean, if you need me to help, you can contact me at any time, but I still think that you go directly to the magic to deal with Xia Qingfeng is not a step. chess!"

Li Juncheng is the most people who know Chen Mo. He knows that once Chen Mo has made a decision, he has no way to change, so he has not continued to persuade Chen Mo to do not deal with Xia Qingfeng.

"Just now, let's Hui Ding Group do not have any relationship in the magic, and there is a martial artist's protection around the summer, so I can't walk through these two roads, then I can only choose to take my own road. ! "

Chen Mo said.

"You ... what do you mean?"

Li Juncheng seems to have some unclear that Chen Mo said, and then asked.

"I mean is very simple, since there is no way to use Hui Ding Group to deal with Xia Qingfeng with Tianshan Zongmen, then I will deal with Xia Qingfeng, I plan to bring some people to go to the magic, and set up my own company in the magic , Then find ways to hit the summer family! "

Chen Mo slowed down.

"Chen Gongzi, if you want to set up your company, you will take a long time, and even if the company is established, Xia Jia will not allow you to develop in the magic, after all, Xia Qingfeng should already know. Your identity! "

Li Juncheng said quickly.

"Establishing company is not easy for ordinary people, but don't forget, I didn't have anything, but I was rich. I have a problem. I will use money. I don't believe it. I put all my assets all in the company, I can't create a big company with Xia Jiajia? "

Chen Mo said firmly.

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