Dark night on the street.

A Mercedes-Benz big G stopped behind Chen Mo, and the girl inside the car directly rushed to Chen Mo. "" Get off, go home with me! "

Chen Mo looked at the exquisite pretty face of the woman, and the eyes flashed, wrinkled with brows: "Do you know me?"

"I certainly don't know you!"

The girl faintly returned.

"Then why do you want me to get on the bus?" Chen Mo listened to the girl's eyes more doubts.

"I just drank a drink in the bar. I worry that I will check it in front of it, so you drive me home, then I will give you money ..."

After the girl reacted, he said softly to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded, then said that there was no expression: "What, you still call a generation, I am also ready to go home!"

"If I can find a driver, I still look for you? And my family is not particularly far from here, I will give you five hundred dollars?"

The girl with a sequential face with a drunkenness, as if the light is shine, it seems more charming.

Chen Mai hesitated for two seconds in place. He felt that if he is now throwing girls here, if there is something that is really, he will not go, so I will go straight to Mercedes. In the past.

After the girl saw Chen Mia, he pushed the car directly under the door.

After getting off the bus, Chen Mo's real look at the girl.

The girl's hair is tall and tall, revealing the long white neck, and the crystal clear ears wear a pair of linear earrings, give it a bit more enchanting.

Girls are wearing a black tight short needle weaving, chest, double peaks, the slight waist is profitable, the lower body is a cowboy skirt, showing a pair of slender legs, step on a pair of high heels, the whole person It looks highly of sexy.

Moreover, the girl seems to be because of drinking some wine, so the pretty face has a slender, and the whole person looks very tempting.

"What do you stand there?" Go get bus! "

The girl shouted softly to Chen.


Chen Mo listened to this, then quickly returned to a sentence, then opened the door directly on the door.

"I give you a guide, you will open it according to what I said!"

At the location of the co-pilot, the girl is slightly smoking, and it seems that the magic is generally attracting Chen Mo's sight.

"Little brother, is you always staring at my legs? What do you think about me?"

The girl saw Chen Mo did not answer his words, shouting with a small mouth.

"No ... no ..."

Chen Mo's expression helplessly returned, then started the car to go out.

"What is your name? I have seen you, how do you see you?"

The girl turned into the mouth of Chen Mo, and the expression was slightly confused.

"My name is Chen Mo!"

Chen Mo fell back,

"I haven't heard this name!"

Girl shook his head gently.

"What is your name?"

Chen Mo hesitated and asked his girl.


After hearing this name, Chen Mo was directly in the original place. The expression on his face was very incredible, then twisted and looked at the girl said: "Are you a Nanyang University's Loqiu?"

"How? Do you know me?"

Luoqiu said faintly.

"It's really you!"

Chen Mo listened to this, couldn't help but exclaimed, the expression on the face seems to be more shocked.

"I am so famous in Nanyang University? Ascending to the look like this?"

Luoqiu asked with a small mouth.

When Chen Mo had just came to Nanyang University, he once listened to the girls in Luoqiu. It is said that it is the first school flower in Nanyang University, but also said Luoqiu is a net red. It has more than 5,000 short video software. Wan's fans, of course, this is not the place where the most people are the most, it is most implied that this Luqiu seems to be hobby!

"I am a student of Nanyang University, I have heard of your things in the school, listening to them, you say you are a net!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Luoqiu.

"What is the red, it is all the brokerage companies, you see me so surprised because you heard that I am a homatics?" Luoqiu asked directly from Chen Mail.


Chen Mo stunned, then he helped to ask: "Is you?"

"Yes, I am gay!"

Luoqiu wants to nod directly.


Chen Mo's consciousness looked at Luoqiu's towering double peaks and the slender skinny legs, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "Such a girl is even homatics, this is a little too tyranny?"

"My sister, I only like women, so there is nothing interest in men, do you still don't call me, know?"

Luoqiu rushed to Chen Mo.

"Your net red should not like me this kind of ordinary person, I have no idea to you, but your leg is very good!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.

"Then do you want to touch it?"

Luoqiu smiled and asked Chen Mail.


Chen Mo listened to this again.

"Speak? Want to still want?"

On the side of Luoqiu, I rely on my legs to Chen Mo's position, and asked in the temptation.

"miss you!"

Chen Mo nodded very honestly.

"I want you to work hard, waiting for you to have money, like a beautiful leg like this, how much can you have?"

Luoqiu said the focus on Chen Mo.

The expression on Chen Mo's face is very helpless. He originally thought that Luo Qiu can let himself touch her legs!

A few minutes later, Chen Mo stopped Luoqiu's car inside the parking lot of her community, and then prepared by the previous agreement to give Chen Mo five hundred dollars, but Chen Mo did not have money, but to choose Luoqiu WeChat.

After Luoqiu hesitated, he did not refuse Chen Mo, but it was reminded that Chen Mo didn't hit her idea.

After adding WeChat, Chen Mo also returned home.

Torting a whole night, Chen Mo fell asleep after home.


The next morning is 7:00 in the morning.

Chen Mo's bed washed some, and then came to the school to prepare for class.

When Chen Mo walked into the classroom, all the students in the class looked up at Chen Mo and the eyes were very strange.

But Chen Mo did not care too much, after all, these students have been this way, but also to see Chen Mo has always been a strange look, he subconsciously look to Kai with high Fifi two positions.

Li Kai did not come to class, but Gao Feifei is still there.

At this time, Gao Feifei squats on the table, Liu Di and Xu Jiao and others are sitting around Gaffield. I don't know what whispered.

Chen Mimi's doubtfully went to his desk, and found that Meng Liang and Liu Rui were also looking at themselves with a different eye.

As if a moment, everyone see Chen Mumei is like a monster.

"No, what do you do this?"

Chen Mo said that I asked Meng Liang Liu Rui.

"What is the one, you still have yourself!"

Meng Liang said helplessly returned, and then reached out from his schoolbag and took out a piece of photo to hand in front of Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hesitated and took photos.

When Chen Mo saw the content above the photo, it was straightforward, and the expression on his face was shocked.

"This ... where is this?"

Chen Mimei shouted in Mengliang.

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