I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,685: He does have this qualification!

And Liu Xue seems to be a bit stupid. She didn't think of Chen Mo actually had such a horrible background. She finally understood why Chen Mo's attitude would be so arrogant?

There is such a horrible background as a support, then Chen Mo is not a very normal thing to put Liu's family in the eyes.

"Grandpa, what is the meaning of the summer home?"

Liu Xue looked down on Liu Chengxiao.

"Summer Qingfeng means letting us grab this place from Chen Mo's hands within a month, what to use, he doesn't matter!"

Liu Chengping replied.

"Xia Jia is the first big family of our magic, if Xia family chooses to make Chen Mo's hand, then, if Chen Mo has no money, he can't develop this ground, but Xia Jia this will let us will Show? "

The expression on Liu Xue face is more confused. After all, if you have a lot of things to deal with Chen Mer, it will be simple.

"Summer Qingfeng now doesn't have a way to use their summer home to fight Chen Mo, because Chen Mai has a background more horrible person. This person does not dare to deal with it, so we want to be from Chen Mo. In the hands of this place, you can only choose other ways! "

Liu Chengping slowly said.

"Other ways?"

Liu Xue heard the sentence of Liu Chengping, I couldn't help it.


Liu Chengping nodded gently and continued: "Chen Mo should have been fully prepared before entering the magic, so if we want to use the human relationship to press Chen Mo, it is basically impossible, so At this time, you can only choose some other ways, no matter what, our summer cannot lose this place! "

Liu Xue is very clear in the heart of Liu Chengping, what is the special way, but she has no objection.

After all, the mall is like the battlefield. It is necessary to use different ways, and the reason why Liujia can go to this position today, and the way to deal with opponents, Liu Xue has already gone blamed.

"Grandpa, do you just say that Chen Mo is the disciple of Wu Dao Master? Is that his skills should not be simple?"

Liu Xue said softly.

"Chen Mo's hand is naturally not simple, but we are not necessarily from Chen Mai!"

Liu Cheng was back and faint.


Liu Xue looked at Liu Chengping did not speak.

"I have arranged someone to do it. Although we haven't found a suitable candidate yet, we still have a month, so you can come slowly!"

Liu Chengping looked at Liu Xue to continue.

Liu Xue did not say anything after hesitating, after all, Liu Chengping said that this means telling Liu Xue, now he will handle it, do not need Liu Xue to manage.


On the other hand, Liu Xuanxuan has opened an afternoon with the people inside the company.

It is not an easy task that wants to create a luxurious villa community, and this project is the first major project of the Heyang Group, which has a very important role in the future development of the Tianyang Group, so Liu Xuanxuan does not dare There is a slightest horse, whether it is a small matter, you strive to do your own pro.

Chen Mo saw Liu Xuan Xuan's face tired of coming out of the conference room, and quickly walked to Liu Xuan Xuan, and then said: "Hard work!"

"It is not very hard, but it is the first time to do so big project pressure is a bit big, I am worried that it is not good!"

Liu Xuan Xuan looked at Chen Mo smiled and looked back.

"Time is not early, you also have a rest, I invite you to eat a meal?"

Chen Mo hesitated and felt what his boss should do something.

"no need……"

Liu Xuanxuan shook his head and then continued: "I still have something to do this, Chen Gongzi, if you don't have anything, let's go back, here is gave me no problem!"


Chen Mo heard that he nodded from this sentence, and then turned and left the office.


Because Liu Xuan Xuan's woman is managing the company, Chen Mimes can be easily a lot. Whether it is the company's big events, it is basically Liu Xuan Xuan, a person who is in management. This chairman of Chen Mo is basically a furnish, which is nothing. do.

Liu Xue was not moving again after I found Chen Mo once, and Xia Jia and Liujia seems to have no movements, so after I won the land, I basically play mobile games in the company, even No Meng Lai Liu Rui them are busy.

Such days let Chen Miman feel a little uneasy, because Chen Mo knows that Liu Jia is absolutely impossible to give up this place, and now Liujia is, the more quiet, the greater the next movement.

A blink of an eye is a week of time.

During this week, Liu Xuanxuan has perfected most of the details of the land development this project, and also directly from Behang City, it is responsible for building construction.

The most important thing in a real estate project is that the construction is constructed. If there is no way to ensure the quality of the project, then the following problems will end out.

So Liu Xuanxuan is still very cautious, and did not find a construction company locally in the Magical, but from Behang City, I have a company with Liu Xuan Xuan. In this case, she doesn't have to worry about Xia Jia and Liujia side. What is the foot and feet of construction.

After the construction company enters the market, this project is thoroughly launched.

However, because the construction company needs some time, after all, the preparation of such a large project needs to be done, so the employees of the Heyang Group have nothing to do this time.

Chen Mo also knows those people in the company to be different from themselves. In order to be able to complete this project as soon as possible, most employees are working in overtime, almost nine from the morning to 12 in the morning, so Chen Mo's boss It is also very intimate to give employees three days, let everyone take a good rest.

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