I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,697: Car accident?

Zhang Ziqing walked anxiously in front and Xia Xingze followed behind Zhang Ziqing, Xia Xingze looked at Zhang Ziqing's sexy figure, and his eyes flashed a different.

In fact, Xia Xingze likes Zhang Ziqing. It is no longer a day and two days, but because Zhang Jia has always disagree with this marriage, Xia Jia does not dare to force Zhangjia, so Xia Xingze has no chance to pursue Zhang Ziqing.

But now the situation is different, Zhang Jia is moving with Xia Jia, and I have promised this marriage, and Xia Xingze is naturally very excited.

Zhang Jia and Xia Jia's joints have a very good benefit to Xia Jia, and Xia Xingze can also hold beautiful people, which is a good thing to have two birds.

After a while, Zhang Ziqing got a black Porsche Sports car on Xia Xingze. This car came from Zhang Ziqing.

Because Xia Xingze found out all things happened, I don't know where to go, so Zhang Ziqing is responsible for driving.

One side of Zhang Ziqing thought about how he should got Xia Xingze.

"Miss Zhang, what happened to what happened to let you leave?"

Xia Xingze sat in the position of the co-pilot and asked Zhang Ziqing.

"Yes, my friend has just broken up with her boyfriend, but his boyfriend doesn't seem to die. Today, a large group of people put my girlfriend in the door, she is very afraid of her. What impulses of the former boyfriend, so let me have passed ... "

Zhang Ziqing has long thought about how to cope with this problem of Xia Xingze, so pretending to have an urgent expression to answer.

"It turned out to be such a thing!"

Xia Xingze nodded gently, then said someone else said: "If it is just because of this little thing, you will not be so embarrassing?"

"You don't know, my girlfriend's boyfriend seems to be above your magic, if this kind of person can make a feat, what can be made ..."

Zhang Ziqing said quickly.

"I understand……"

Xia Xing is gently nod, then smiled and said: "Miss Zhang, you don't have to worry, if the other party is really the people above the devil, then I should still say, I just know The other party is mixed with anyone, just make a call, you can get it ... "

"That's really, thank you Xia Miao ..."

Zhang Ziqing said some excited.

Xia Xingze is a faint smile, saying softly: "What are you talking to me?"

"this is necessary……"

Zhang Ziqing said very helplessly.

Xia Xingze he hesitated and whispered: "Miss Zhang, how are you thinking about what you said to you?"

"What's the matter?"

Zhang Ziqing pretended to look out why she didn't know, wrinkled with her brow.

"It's what we are together, you should also know that I am sincere, I really want to be with you, so I still hope that you can consider what I said before ..."

Xia Xingze said seriously, he said with Zhang Ziqing.

"I will carefully consider what you said!"

Zhang Ziqing looked at Xia Xingze nodded helpless.

"That's good……"

Xia Xingze laughed back to a sentence.

Zhang Ziqing did not speak, continued to think about how to get Xia Xingze to get rid of this.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, Xia Xingze's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Xia Xingze hesitated, and then bowed his head to find his mobile phone to turn on the phone.

Zhang Ziqing saw Xia Xingze down to find his mobile phone. There was no hesitation at all, directly stepped on a foot throt.


A loud noise.

Zhang Ziqing's car directly hit the car behind the car waiting for the traffic light.

When the other party felt that his car was hit, he got off and shouted: "How is your mother opened?"

Xia Xingze seems to be scared, and after two seconds, it reacted.

"Xia Gongzi, it is too embarrassing, I ... I have a little anxious, so put the throttle as a brake, accidentally hit it ..."

Zhang Ziqing said that his lips said.

"It doesn't matter, I will go to see how it is!"

Xia Xingze simply sorted out his clothes and then pushed the car under the door.

Xia Xingze has just got off the bus, and the people in the car will directly surround them.

Although Xia Xingze is the eldest son of Xia Jia, it is actually very introverted, not like other rich second generation.

He knows that this is because Zhang Ziqing's mistakes, so I quickly explained what happened to the other party.

Zhang Ziqing also followed the car, and said softly to Xia Xingze: "Xia Gongzi, my friend is really anxious, or if you stay, I will help me to handle this thing, I will go to my girlfriend ..."


Xia Xingze helplessly saw Zhang Ziqing, and then looked at the car.

The other party's car is hit, so it is definitely not a few thousand dollars to get it, and there is naturally need someone to leave this.

Xia Xingze saw Zhang Ziqing seems really very anxious, and it is not easy to say. It can only be a bit gently said: "Well, I will leave to handle this thing, you go to you first!" "

Zhang Ziqing saw that Xia Xingze promised that he left a lot of excitement after the eyes were there, and said that he had twice and stopped a taxi.

After a while, Zhang Ziqing took a taxi to leave, and Xia Xingze began to call people, so that he came over to solve this trouble.

On the taxi, Zhang Ziqing had simply observed for a while, and found that Xia Xingze did not follow it, and took out his mobile phone to dialed Chen Mo's phone.

"Dudu ..."

Chen Mo quickly turned on the phone.

"where are you now?"

Zhang Ziqing asked directly.

"You don't have to come over to find me, go directly to the warehouse next to happiness ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.


Zhang Ziqing agreed, and then hanged the phone.

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