I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 176: Crazy Gaffield (two more)


Dozens of cash fans on the face of the gathers.

Red banknotes are flied in the wind, and the scene is very spectacular.

Everyone in the field is stupid, no one thought that Chen Mo, who looks like a poor silk, actually so much money, and thousands of dollars threw their eyes without blinking.

And these money itself was taken out in the bank before going to school today, but he did not expect to use this girl's body.

"You ... do you dare to hit me?"

The girl squatted at the eyes of the eyes.

"You don't want money? I have already given you money now, please don't bother me!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"You ... you are waiting for the old lady, I will definitely let you regret today!"

The girl shouted at Chen Mo, and then bending his waist and started the money on the ground.

Chen Mo saw this after this scene, I couldn't help but sneer. When I mighten my heart, I really can solve a lot of trouble.

After seeing girls, Chen Mai walked into the rice restaurant in the rice.

The girl quickly took all the cash on the ground, and then took out his mobile phone to dialed a call.

"Husband, I gave a poor silk in the rice restaurant, you will come back to help people now ..."

The girl shouted with his mobile phone.

"Baby, you don't have to be afraid, I have passed now, I have to see why people are so big, even my woman dare to bully!"

The phone has passed the sound of a boys.

"Okay, people are waiting for you at the door of the restaurant, what?"

The girl gave a little mouth to the phone, and then hanged the phone, turned to look at the position of the restaurant door, and shouted: "You have a poor silk, actually dare to use money to play my face, give I am waiting……"


On the other hand, Chen Mo has entered the rice restaurant restaurant, and found that the renovation in the restaurant is really very luxurious. Whether it is a decoration style or a tableware, it looks very good, and people who can come to this place, wearing a dress Very stylish.

Compared with these people, Chen Mo is obviously incomplete.

Therefore, when Chen Mo is now in these people's sight, everyone has revealed the eyes.

They may not understand why Chen Mo is coming back in this restaurant.

Chen Miman has a simple found in the restaurant, and finally found Gaffeffef in a location that relying on the window.

Gao Feifei is clearly dressed in today, a delicate melon face has a touchless makeup, and the lips are painted on the lips. It looks an abnormal temptation, wearing a beige T-shirt, denim shorts, feet Stepping on a pair of high heel sandals.

Have to admit that G G G G Gwe is really very beautiful.

But Chen Mo is now watching this woman, and it has not been able to feel a beautiful beauty. On the contrary, he feels that Gigfifi is simply ugly to the extreme.

After Gaffield saw Chen Mo, he quickly slammed Chen Mo waved, and then shouted: "Chen Mo, you come over?"

Chen Mo looked at G G Gifei and sat directly on the chair.

"I don't know what you like, so I just got a little just now!"

Gaffey saw that Chen Mo sat down, laughing in Chen Mimi.

Chen Mo smashed the vegetables on the table, although Chen Mo didn't have time to eat, but you can see that the price of Gaffe-Philippine points should not be cheap, and many dishes have been eaten more than half, where is this It is given to Chen Mo, which is obviously Gao Feifei's own point. Anyway, we have to pay for Chen Mo.

"Let's talk, what is the purpose of spreading our two photos in our school?"

Chen Mo did not match Gao Feifei, this meal, so I didn't have an imperiality than these things, and I asked directly on Gao Feifei.

"Chen Mo, I do this is for what you are not clear in your heart?"

Gao Feifei asked Chen Union.

"I am not sure……"

Chen Mer shook his head.

"I do so much thing now, don't you want to save you?"

Gao Feifei's expression is excited.

"Returned me? Do you do these things to save me? Is your brain?" Chen Mo's expression shouted at Gao Feifei.

"Yes, I am sick, I think I can't leave you now, I have to be with you with you!"

Gao Feifei is very unlikely to shout.

Chen Mo didn't touch it directly in the words of G G G Gifei.

"Gao Feifei, you don't think you don't feel disgusting now? What do you think is for my money?" Chen Mo shouted.

"I don't care what you think. Now, now the photos have already sent it. Everyone knows that G G Gifei is your woman, the woman, there is no woman dare to grab you with me, and you are not The way is with other girls, so you can only be with me, if you don't with me, you will be seen as a slag male by the students of the school, you are honored, today's photos Just start, I will send a photo tomorrow, and I will send me the evidence for you ... "

Gao Feifei said softly from Chen Mo.


Chen Mo stunned, then shouted with excitement: "When did you fight for me?"

"I didn't play a tire for you, but I can forged these evidence, we haven't gone to the bed yet, now everyone does not all believe that we have two beds?" Gao Feifei came back A sentence.

"Gao Feifei, are you crazy?"

Chen Mo's crying crashed.

"Yes, I am crazy, how can you take me?"

Gao Feifei smiled nodded and then continued: "Chen Mo, now there is only one road in front of you, you will comply with me and marry me, otherwise I will continue to spread the two things in the school, you can Transfer, but where you have, I will follow, my Gao Feifei will follow your life. If I can't get you, I ruined you! "

Chen Mo looked at Gao Feifei in front of him, and his eyes were very helpless.

Because he clearly now Gao Feifei has been completely crazy.

"Gao Feifei, I advise you now the best thing you do now, otherwise I will let you regret a lifetime!"

Chen Mo looked at G G G Gifei whispered.

"How do you still kill me?"

But Gigfifi is not only afraid, but it is very disdainful to Chen Mo smile.

Chen Mo saw Gao Feifei's reaction, and his eyes flashed.

He didn't understand why Gao Feifei at this time didn't seem to have changed a person. Is there anyone behind G G Gifei finger her?

Otherwise, in accordance with Gaffield, the IQ of the woman, you should not think of these things at all!

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