I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 179: Is it rich with me? (Five more)

Inland Restaurants in Michelin.

Non-mainstream youth and the wanderer flooded directly from Chen Mo's position.

The security guards in the restaurant are not in the future, and they quickly blocked their young people, then smiled, and asked the youth: "Brothers, what is going on?"

"You are giving away, my wife is bullying, who is stopped me today, who I play!"

Non-mainstream young people stunned the beads shouted.

"No, brothers, our restaurant does not let trouble, if there is anything to go out to solve it?"

The security expression is difficult.


A youth behind the non-mainstream youth reached out, and then slammed the guard of the security guard, then smiled at the beads: "It's okay? You didn't hear it with you? Let you hear the scorpion? Don't be This more tone I tell you ... "


The security guard hesitated for two seconds later, and then quickly hid it regardless of the speech.

And the brother walked to Chen Mo, then asked Chen Mail, then picked up the eyebrows: "Isn't your kid who bullied my wife?"

"Is there anything you need?"

Chen Mo's top and down, a non-mainstream youth, asked calmly.

"Your kid is very arrogant, I dare to play my wife's face!"

The brother shouted, and then reached out of Chen Mo's nose shouted: "Are you rich?"

"Well, there is money than you!"

Chen Mo nodded very natural.

"You ... do you have money than me?"

Non-mainstream youth, I can't help but laugh after hearing Chen Mo, then twisted towards the winds and girls around him: "Baby, have you heard this kid? He actually said I have money than I! Hahaha ... "

"I really don't know how to do it, you look at him this poor acid, it is estimated that it is a monthly salary of Huang, which is still more money than my husband, I really don't know the sky!"

The wind has returned to a small mouth.

"Hahaha ..."

Non-mainstream young people have also begun to laugh, Chen Mo just said this sentence is a big joke in their eyes.

Those guests around also have surrounded Chen Mo and a non-mainstream youth and others.

"You don't believe it?"

Chen Mo rushed to the non-mainstream youth.

"Of course I don't believe, no one dares to say money in front of me Zhang Hao?"

Non-mainstream youth is not a rich second generation, just a boss of a small company, he is nothing more than if he wants to install a force.

"is it?"

Chen Mo asked faintly.

Non-mainstream youth Zhang Yan doesn't smile, then directly reached out from his handbag, then said with Chen Mo: "Kid, I just like you, you are not very arrogant, saying that I am very Is money? And I also had a hobby this person, that is, I like money to get rich people! "

"How to get it?"

Chen Mer asked his eyes.

"This is 10,000 yuan, you now give my wife, I apologize, you will take it!"

Zhang Jian hookped his own cash in his hand, and the tone shouted.

He feels that he must use money to settle Chen Mo to make himself a face, so he gave up the idea that I want to be poisonous.


Chen Mo heard that I couldn't help but looked at Zhang Wei, and then said: "I give you 20,000, you apologize for me!"

"Oh, is your kid, is it fucking on my bar?"

Zhang Wei heard Chen Mo's words couldn't help but.

"Yeah, can you come out of 20,000?"

"This kid will definitely can't get 20,000 yuan, he is in this!"

The waters also have the younger brothers who have started whispers.

"I give you 30,000, you apologize for my wife!"

Zhang Wei said with Chen Mo.

"I give you 50,000!"

Chen Miman is still calm back.


Zhang Wei looked at Chen Mile can't stand it. He now doesn't know if Chen Mo really can take this money, but he did not expect Chen Mo actually took the price directly to 50,000.

When Zhang Wei thought he had 30,000, Chen Mo may promise it. After Chen Mo leaves, he will take this money back.

In this way, he not only does not have any losses, but also in front of the wind, after all, Zhang Hao is more than half a month in front of the woman, and has never found a right opportunity to open a house. Zhang Wei feels today is a chance. .

But he did not think that Chen Mo did not only agree, but also on the bar, but also stocked.

"I will give you 100,000, you fucking me!"

Zhang Wei hesitated, and then bite directly and shouted.

Anyway, this money is sure to come back, say that the price is high, Chen Mo will definitely be true, this kind of face is also looking back.


After Chen Mo listened to this price, I couldn't help but smile, and then sighed in my own heart: "Now this social fool is really much, just kneeling, apology, I will give 100,000 yuan!"

If the previous Chen Mo may say some heart, but at this time, Chen Mo does not lack this money, he will naturally not agree.

Gao Feifei also noticed the situation here, but she now is thinking about it. If I get the money, I should have, I haven't worry about Chen Mo.

"Speak? How is 100,000?"

After Zhang Yan saw Chen Mo, he asked Chen Mail in the words.

"I will give you a million, you give me a mistake now!"

Chen Mo hesitated, faintly returned.


After listening to this sentence of Chen Mo, everyone is in the original place, and the expression on the face is very incredible.

No one thought that Chen Mo actually added the price to a million!

You know, even if Zhang Hao said is very attractive, if Zhang Hao is really a lot of money, it is not impossible to take out 100,000 yuan, it is not impossible. After all, 100,000 yuan for one. Ordinary people may have a lot, but for a rich second generation, it is not particularly much.

100,000 is still some, but Chen Mo has just said it, it is a bit too scary.

In this world, there is another person who has money, and it is impossible to suddenly take one million at once, and just want the other person to kneel down.

Zhang Wei heard Chen Mo's words, then looked up and bowed to Chen Mo, and asked very much: "Is your kid play me here? Your mother can take a million ?"

"Yeah, even if you sell you, you can't sell one million?"

Zhang Hao's wind is also can't help but shout.

"Can I get it out that is my business, don't you want to have money than anyone? If you have a million words, maybe I can think about it, I will give you a mistake!"

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Wei and said his tone.

After listening to Chen Mo's sentence, everyone suddenly realized that Chen Mo now shouted for one million. In fact, just want to raise the price.

"How? Do you dare not take a million?"

Chen Mo smiled, he was rushing to Zhang Wei.

"You ... You do you think I am stupid? How can I apologize for a million?"

Zhang Yu shouted with a big eye.

"You are stupid in my eyes. If you have no money, you will hurry to give me away, don't be here!"

Chen Miman pushed Zhang Wei, and then went to the restaurant outside.

"You fucking me, you have stopped this kid a few!"

Zhang Wei reflected the younger brother who brought himself.

But at this time, the door of the restaurant suddenly pushed away, Zhang Ming also had another bank employee to carry a very big money box.

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