I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 183: Can't bear it

Black peach three bar door.

At this time, the handsome young man in Luoqiu is horses, and is the son of the chairman of the Madrin Group in Nanyang City, and the family conditions are also good. It is basically that the Nanyang City people know the horse. Master Ma Gongzi, he is also one of the most famous Gao Fushuai in Nanyang City.

Sometimes I saw the dance video released by Luoqiu, I saw Luoqiu, and I quickly investigate Luoqiu's identity, and started to launch Luoqiu with the relationship between my family. A very violent courtesy.

Sorassic is always a homosexuality to reject horse at the excuse.

But let Luoqiu have never thought that Ma Tianshi knows that he is gay, but not only does not know unexpected ideas, but in turn, the extent to arouse the conquest of the horse.

Luoqiu's temperament is also very charming, even if gay is still a lot of different sex pursuit, these men think that if they can get a woman like Luoqiu, how much is it worth showing off. .

This is why many people know that Luoqiu is gay, and there is still no giving up.

But everyone did not think that Luoqiu actually admitted that he had a boyfriend in the face of so many people!

And her boyfriend is a poor silk, the most important thing is that the character is very weak.

Now someone is watching your girlfriend, Chen Mo's first reaction is not standing out to protect his girlfriend, but to turn his head.

This behavior of Chen Mo is simply a soft egg stick in the eyes of everyone.

All onlookers see Chen Mo's eyes are also very disdainful.

Of course, in these onlookers, the most shocking people are not someone else, it is Meng Liang's favorite girl Wei Jiaqi!

Chen Mo has seen a few times with Wei Jiaqi, so I can recognize Chen Mo in a glance.

Wei Jiaqi is also playing with friends today. When I leave, I just saw a large group of people here, so she also joked up and looked at it.

I don't look good, I will take a big jump directly to Wei Jiaqi directly.

Where can she think that Chen Mo, who can think of Luoqiu, even if Wei Jiaqi is not a student at Nanyang University, but also knows that Luoqiu is like existence!

That is tens of millions of fans.

"This ... What is going on? How does Chen Mo's garbage poor silk becomes a boyfriend of Luoqiu? What is Chen Mo's dog?"

Wei Jiaqi looked at Chen Mai and Luoqiu two, and the expression on his face was very shocked. She felt that everything she saw now seems to be like a dream.

Luoqiu did not understand the eyes of all people, and Chen Mo came to Ma Tianshi, and then looked at Hua Tian, ​​saying: "Horse days, this person is my boyfriend, so I will not come to wrap me in the future. Have you heard it? "

When I heard Luoqiu, I couldn't help but looked up, I looked at Chen Mo, and I was full of incredibleness.

Because he didn't expect himself to lose to Chen Mo!

Whether it is from that angle, all normal women should know how to choose?

Although Chen Mo's leading phase is not bad, but wearing a dress is obviously a silk, but people horses the same time, whether it is wearing it, or the temperament on the body, as if he is telling everyone, he is a genuine rich second generation.

In this society, who will put a good Gao Fu Shuai, and choose a silk?

This kind of thing should only happen in the TV series!

In fact, it is not only a helpless, but Chen Mo is very helpless.

He was originally not intended to be mixed with Luoqiu. Because Chen Mo felt that once if you were blended, it would definitely provoke a lot of trouble, and the troubles on Chen Mo's body have been in this time. He is only When you want to low-key, you will explain the G G Gifei's thing with Su Mu, and then make your marriage.

As for other things, Chen Mo is now really interesting.

"You are the boyfriend of Luoqiu?"

When Horset, Chen Mo had two seconds, and the previous step was provoked to Zhang Mail asked.


Chen Mo's mouth wanted to clear the relationship with Luoqiu, but he didn't finish it, suddenly I felt that my waist had a pain, followed by a miserable call.

Chen Mo's drills to see Luoqiu, and found that Luoqiu's white little hand is put on his waist. The expression on his face seems to be warned Chen Mo's not talking, otherwise Luoqiu may kill Chen Mo.

"I am a boyfriend of Luoqiu!"

Chen Mai helpless, I had to choose a compromise, and I said softly to Horse.


When I heard this sentence, I couldn't help but shout.

"What is impossible?"

Luoqiu asked with brows.

"Loqiu, although we don't know how long it doesn't know, I know your character, I also know that there are very many excellent young people in Nanyang City, but you refuse this person, I know You have always been very arrogant, you can't like this kind of poor silk! "

When I gave a look at the beads, I shouted in Luoqiu.


Luoqiu heard the sentence of Ma Tianshi, couldn't help her eyes slightly, because she didn't think of Horse Tiantian is so smart, I will guess it soon, I just let Chen Mo fake it.

"Yes, how can Luoqiu goddess like this kind of boys!"

"The boy is not worthy of Luoqiu, no matter which aspect."

"This kid is definitely fake!"

The onlookers in the scene itself are not very excited to believe that Chen Mo is the boyfriend of Luoqiu, so when these people heard the words of Horse Tian, ​​she started to shout.

And Wei Jiaqi also flashed a shortness of the eyes, said with a small mouth: "I will say, how can Chen Mo's poor silk be with the goddess of people? It turned out that it is a full of filling, don't say it is Luo Autumn, even if the ordinary girl should see him? "

After listening to these people's shouts, Chen Mo said that the expression on the face seems to be somewhat not very happy.

Although I don't seem to be as good as the sky, but I don't think so bad?

If it is the previous Chen Mo, he may not have any reactions, but now Chen Mo is also a rich second generation of trillion billion, which is so lowered by these people, and Chen Mo.com will have some emotions.

"Luoqiu, you don't act here, this kid is not worthy of you, you look at his poor silk look, wearing a broken, how can you like him?"

When I saw Luoqiu, I saw Luoqiu, I continued to say it.

"Horse days, you can not pay attention to it, do you say that you are smashing? How can you talk so difficult?"

The landscape of Luoqiu is flashing, and the big eyes of Water Wang shouted at the horse.

"I said that he is broken!"

When he finished his hand, he fell to Chen Mo.

"Ma Tianshi, you ..."

Luoqiu said, I didn't finish it. Chen Mo finally couldn't bear it. Directly walked to Luoqiu, then he said that he didn't say it in Horse Tiantian: "Do you say that I am shattered?"

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