I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 189: The temptation of rich people really!

Luoqiujia Community door.

After hearing Luoqiu invited himself to go upstairs, the eyes flashed a different, because the last time Lin Qiushui, Chen Mo is now not willing to go home with a woman.

The boy is going out to protect himself.


Luoqiu seems to have seen the strangeness in Chen Mo's eyes, smile and profit: "Chen Mo, what are you doing here? Let's go online with me!"

"Time is so late, I am not very suitable to go upstairs with the lonely men's widow."

Chen Mo said.

"What is appropriate, not suitable, it is difficult for you to eat you?" Luoqiu helpless smile.

"You don't always want me to be your boyfriend?"

Chen Mai helidly returned a sentence.


After listening to this sentence, Luoqiu didn't help but kneel it directly on the ground.

"What are you laughing at?"

Chen Mo's expression asked in Luoqiu.

"Haha, you are really teasing, you have to laugh at me ... I have said that I am joking with you in the car, you won't think I really look at you." ? Who is Luoqiu? Like my man, I will follow you, you have to lose money, you have no long-pends! "

On the side of Luoqiu, I reached out with Chen Mo.

"Since you don't look at me, what do you still have to live? I still go home!"

Chen Mo is somewhat angry by Luoqiu, so I don't want to turn directly to my roadside.

"Are you angry?"

Luoqiu saw Chen Mo's expression was somewhat, and he shouted.

"No, I am a bit tired, I want to go back early!"

Chen Mo did not shouted,

"Xiao Chen Mo, I let you go to my home, I am worried about those who have encountered the horse in the half road. You don't forget, what you are in Nanyang City now, if you are caught by him, you Will die very bad! "

"He can't take me!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"Are you crazy? The other person is so many people, can you play them? No matter what, today, this is because I have, I don't want to see what is surprised, so you still don't leave, Stay in my family to hide! "

Luoqiu saw Chen Mozhen to go, stunned with Water's big eyes.

Chen Mo was heard of the words of Luoqiu, and he suddenly flicked, he suddenly felt that these words just mentioned by Luoqiu did actually be quite real.

When I was in the same way, I also knew that Chen Mo was walking with Luoqiu. In case it is true to find someone on the way halfway or is Chen Mo's door to block him. Chen Mo will definitely be dangerous. And now time is not early, Chen Mo doesn't want to trouble Du Tianhao to protect himself.

So Chen Mo's home, I really can't reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"That, since you have no idea for me, then I will live in your home today!"

Chen Mo returned to Luoqiu shouted.


Luoqiu heard Chen Mo's words couldn't help but gently Chen Mo, then said with a small mouth: "I don't know how many people are fighting for the saying words with my sister, you fell, I Take the initiative to live in a night, you seem to be very disappointed, do you think who you are? "

Chen Mo listened to the words of Luoqiu, smiled, then followed Luoqiu to walk in the community.


After ten minutes, Chen Mo came to Luoqiu's home.

The home of Luoqiu is not a special pattern of two rooms.

Although the room is not big, the renovation inside is still very warm, and it is very comfortable to give people a very comfortable.

"This house is you renting or bought?"

When Chen Mer is sitting on the sofa, it is asked softly to Luoqiu.

"This house is I bought, there are two rooms inside, you will stay in it today!"

Luoqiu returned back.


Chen Mer is lightly nod, just want to get up and prepare to go to bed, Luoqiu directly reached out and opened his shirt's button, as if prepared to take off.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Chen Mo was shocked by this movement of Luoqiu, and quickly shouted in Baba.

"Take off your clothes, what else can you do!"

Luoqiu returned to a sentence, then took his own shirt away.

Chen Mer's consciousness closed his eyes.

And Luoqiu saw Chen Mo, I couldn't help but laugh, and then said: "Chen Mo, you are too fun, you open your eyes, my sister, I wear clothes!"

Chen Mail listened to this sentence, and then slowly opened his eyes. He found that Luoqiu did not lie to himself. At this time, Luoqiu is wearing a white hanging with a small vest, showing the sexy upper body and White skin, double peaks in the chest give people a feeling of distinguishing, and the slim waist is particularly attractive under the strap vest.


Chen Mer didn't help but took a sigh of breath, try not to let him go to Loqiu, but there is no way Luoqiu this woman is too tempting. Her body seems to attract Chen Mo's sight like any magic.

"How? Is my figure be better than your fiancee?" Luoqiu saw Chen Mo's look, the smile on his face seems to be more splendid, and the soft rushing.

"No, my fiancee is good!"

Chen Mo wants to shook it directly.


Luoqiu couldn't help but Chen Mo, then said softly: "You are here for a while, my sister, I went to take a shower!"

After saying this, I still don't wait for Chen Mo., Luoqiu turned into the bathroom.

Taking a bath?

Chen Mer sat in the original place, and then suddenly thought of it. When Lin Qiushui took himself to the home, it seems to use this set, first lie to the building, then go to the bath, after a while, after shower, it is estimated Have a set of sexy clothes to seduce themselves.

In fact, it is not Chen Mimi, mainly the woman in Luoqiu is a bit too tempting.

And Chen Mo itself does not want to do things that can't afford to Su Mu, so he will so suspiciously, and the most important thing is that Luoqiu did today, and the first Lin Qiushui is simply exactly the same, it is the same routine. !

"The temptation of rich people is too much, I will go first!"

Chen Mer sat in the sofa hesitated for more than ten minutes to get up to leave, he felt that he would continue to stay here, not there.

But when Chen Mo has just stood up, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened.

When Chen Mo saw Luoqiu, who came out from the bathroom, the moment was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very surprised.

Because Luoqiu has not only finished the bath, it has also changed a new set of clothes!

Luoqiu is wearing a black sling dress. The fabric of the skirt is the fabric that is very very heavy, the side is very high, showing the long-term legs, and the round and hips are outlined. Sexy sexy The arc of the sultry, the whole person sees sexy and sultry, the charm is full!

Chen Mimo took a breath and couldn't help but lamented in his heart: "What do you want to do with this Loqiu? Is it really seduce me?"

Chen Sail didn't understand. If Luoqiu is not in order to seduce Chen Mo, why is she going to replace such sexy clothes in her home?

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