I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 193: The system has problems? (Four more)

After the live PK officially started, Wen Rui's opponent is clear as if it is changing in an instant, and it is shouting with the camera: "The little brother, people give you dance, you think that you feel good, give me more Brush the gift! Qing Qing first thank you for your brother! "

After saying this, Qing Qing directly stood up and started to take the front post against the camera.

Although Qingqing dance is very general, the girl's body is still very nice, especially at this time, it is still a short dress. It is very popular with the beautiful legs, which looks very attractive.

Moreover, it will make some sexy and sluggish little actions from time to time when it is dancing, and it is dumbfounded directly to the water friends who are watching the game.

"Who is in a hurry to get a hundred fish balls!"

"I am Zhang Ge, send a card for Qingqing!"

"The little alarm clock 501 is a lucky ring for sunny!"

The water friends inside the live broadcast have begun to brush a small gift after seeing Qingqing so sexy dance, but these gifts are not very expensive, and the most is one or two dollars.

Look at Wen Ruoi.

Wen Rui started from PK until now, it has been sitting in place. There is no active to find a new friend to have a gift, but the popularity is still very high, and there is also a lot of gifts.

"Big Bear brother sent a plane to Wen Ruo!"

"I want to win a villa for Wen Ruo!"

"Oh, the laughter sent a diamond!"

Similar to such a bucket began to fly over the screen of Wen Ruo.

Although the gift of Wen Ruo is not particularly much, most of them are a gift of one hundred dollars, so the pink progress bar of Wen Rui is crushing the blue progress bar representing the value of the sunny gift value.

Chen Mo saw that the names of these sorrows couldn't help but smile, because when Chen Mo went to Wen Ruo, these people often greeted Chen Mo, Chen Mo's impression on them.

Qingqing's consciousness looked at the screen and found himself to jump for such a day, but the gift schedule actually only 10%, and Wen Ruo is sitting in the same place, just saying two words, and even received a few thousand one's gift!

"Oh, I have been jumping former days, I am tired of sweating, how do you give this gift? Forget it, don't jump ..."

Qingqing duded his little mouth, sitting directly in the chair to rest.

"How did the anchor don't jump?"

"Yeah, continue to jump, we will give you a gift!"

After the water friends saw Qingqing stopped, they started to send the barrage.

"What is jumping? Even a good gift is not, don't jump, don't jump ..."

Qing Qing shouted with a small mouth.

"You continue to jump, we give you a gift!"

"Yeah, let's continue to brush, I will give you a gift for a month!"

The water friends continue to shout.

"Cut, what is the gift you sent? All the small gifts of some dollars, you look at the five or six gifts, how do you compare with others? I Still don't jump, don't look at it! "

Qingqing is so angry at this time, and it is natural to speak.

"How do you talk this anchor?"

"Yeah, who do you say is a silk?"

"Garbage anchor, we don't look, go to the brush gift!"

"Yes, brothers, let's go side!"

The words of Qingqing have caused anger. All the audiences have ran into the live broadcast of Wen Rui.

This also leads to the live heat of Wen Ruo, and the top floor is higher.

It doesn't matter if it is fine, it seems that there is no remorse for the leave of these sorrows.

"Is this woman there is a problem with my brain? People give her gift to give a gift, how can I still abandon the gift of people?"

Chen Mo said very unexpectedly.

"People don't care about this small gift at all.

"She took more than 50 gifts, and Wen Ruo was more than 10,000, how did she lose?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Waiting you will know!"

Luoqiu returned back.


Chen Mo stunned and continued to stare at the screen.

A blink of an eye, fifty minutes.

Wen Rui received nearly more than 20,000 gifts, while the sunny is still around the fifty dollars, but it is not enough to be in a hurry, and it has been sitting in place to play mobile phone. He is always the best in the foreman. Compared to her, it seems like a person who has changed.

"Everyone is very grateful for your support, regardless of the gift size, my heart is very grateful, but everyone makes money is not easy, so don't continue to brush!"

Wen Rui saw that his noodles were basically no, so she felt that she had already won today, and she didn't have to spend the lives in the live broadcast.

"The anchor is not only beautiful, the heart is beautiful!"

"Yeah, it is really touched, more than the opposite!"

"No, I can't eat the bubble noodles this month, I have to give you a gift!"

The arsenic in the live broadcast did not only stop the meaning, but also more excited, and the gift is also getting more and more!

"A group of stupys!"

After seeing the landscape inside the Wen Ruoyi live, I couldn't help but snorted in my heart.

Countdown last ten minutes!

At this time, the live broadcast has drifted through these big characters again.


09: 58

The countdown is also officially started!

"Let you dislike the gift of us to send, is it dumbfound now?"

"Yeah, your anchor is living, no one is watching!"

"See you still arrogant, if you are more than you!"

Those sorrows in the live broadcast, I feel that Today's Wen Ruo is definitely won, so I have started to run into the sunny live broadcast to start ridicule.

It is also a face disdain after seeing these babies. I am joking, or hurry back to the site to move brick! "

Anyway, things are already like this, and Qingqing speaks naturally to the watermaster.

"You have to lose, you are still arrogant!"

"Yeah, you are installed here to paralyze!"

The Water friend heard the clear words, and the emotional excitement, and it was beginning to break.

But after two sentences, they suddenly found that the pink scheme representing Wen Ruo is even disappeared!

Just a blink of an eye, the blue progress bar replaces the pink progress bar!

"what happened?"

"Is there any problem with the system?"

"Don't you be all pink?"

The watermares began to launch a question mark in the live broadcast, and Wen Ruo himself is also an intake.

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