I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 195: Sorry to let everyone wait!

"let time pass by!"

"let time pass by!"

"let time pass by!"

These four words have begun to roll in Wen Rui's room, and those who support Wen Ruo's sorrows know this time it is estimated that only the past will have the wind to help Wen Ruo.

"What is the mother who is brushing and the past? The past is sent to the wind in the wind, the brothers, I will come back to a password red envelope, put this for me to do it!"

After the dragon is finished in the world, I once again sent a red envelope for 10,00088.

The scorpion is not allowed to fight with the past.

And Wen Ruo is not known because of the people who are touched by those sorrows or the popularity of her, and the tears are ticking down, and the appearance is very poor.

Chen Mo took a breath, turned to Luo Qiu: "Where is your home toilet? I went to the bathroom!"

"Just in the most inside the room!"

Luoqiu is staring at your mobile phone at this time, so I didn't find that Chen Mo's face was not too strong.

Chen Mile originally didn't want to consume this thing. After all, she can feel that Wen Ruo himself is not very wanting to play this game, but the other party is really deceived. It is also a result. It will be done. Telling Wen Ruo's privacy, and all are all fake, so Chen Mo will not choose to shoot.

But because Luoqiu is sitting by Chen Mile, he will not give a gift for Wen Ruo, so he has to find an excuse to come to the bathroom.


On the other hand, Wen Ruo seems to have a bit of humiliation that can't stand the other party, and at this time, the end of the game has only one minute left, she is definitely the defined.

So Wen Rui is planning to close the live broadcast.

However, when I was going to turn off the live broadcast immediately, a barrage flew over.

"The past has entered your live broadcast with the wind!"

Wen Rui looked at this shock and shocked, because Wen Rui has not seen this name for a long time.

The arsenions inside the live broadcast are in seeing the past, and it will come back in the moment!

"The wind is coming!"

"The past is coming with the wind, the opposite is dead!"

"The past is not going to travel at all, those people are in rumors!"

"Feng brother, hurry to die"! "

"Feng brother, hurry up!"

The water friends have begun to send the barrage crazy, and Chen Mer feels the general treatment of the emperor.

Wen Ruojing looked at the words of the past, she originally thought that the past will never appear in her live broadcast, but I didn't expect the past, it turned back!

The Qing Qinglong is still a little stupid at this time. They originally thought that the past has been closed, but if he is really closed, how did he enter the live broadcast?

"Sorry, let everyone wait!"

At this time, Chen Mo slowly played these words.

In an instant, Wen Rui's supporters didn't know how to reply, only crazy sending past four words!

"The past sent a super-supreme spaceship for Wen Ruo!"

In an instant, a very angry universe spacecraft appeared on the screen, the effect was extremely shocking.

You know, this super-sufficiency spacecraft is the most expensive gift of the seafood platform, one is 20,000 yuan!

"The past will send ten super-supreme spaceships for Wen Ruo!"

The arsenic in the live broadcast seems to have not reacted what is going on, and Chen Mo will send out ten spacecrafts!

I will send it out for 20,000 blink of an eye!

Now that Wen Ruo's progress bar has exceeded the sunny, two people are more than 20 million gifts.

Wen Ruojing looked at the computer screen, she didn't know how to describe her mood.

"The past is with the wind, don't give gifts, lose, lose, it doesn't matter!"

Wen Ruoyi shouted.

"Nothing, this little money can't be done!"

Chen Mo has simply returned a sentence.

In the live broadcast, the arsenions were very excited at this time, some people boast Chen Mo, and some people began to ridicule fine and sunny.

"Husband, they actually married me, you gave me a gift!"

It is also somewhat not sitting, and the expression is excited.

Dragon row, he heard this in the world, biting his teeth and continued to brush the gift, after all, twenty thousand, if they lost, then the money was all in the water, the dragon is naturally not Willing, I am busy brushing a gift of 100,000 yuan in the last time.

But when his gift has just been sent, he is dumbfounded.

"The past is sent to Wen Ruo Wei to send a hundred super-supreme universe spaceship!"

This crash makes all the spectators present.

"One hundred ... 100?"

The dragon rushed to look at the beads and looked at the screen. I don't know how to describe my mood.

To know that hundreds of super-soiled spacecrafts are two million!

And the dragon is only prepared for 300,000 today!

These thirt hundred thousands of can't put it in front of two million!

A moment of Wen Ruo, the pink schedule once again squeezed the sunny progress bar, and the people who have given the sunny brush gift are still stupid!

Luoqiu originally thought that the game was already over, so when she put down the mobile phone to see the past, after the wind sent so many gifts in Wen Rui, they were directly stunned, and the expression on the face was very incredible.

"Is this people who have been sent to the police station? How can I send gifts?"

Luoqiu glared at the big eyes of my own water, and the expression was very incredible.


At this time, there was a sudden tone that came in the game in the live broadcast.

Qing Qinglong, the world and others, I have never thought of the last thing that I didn't even have to win the game, but I still have more than 300,000 in contrast!

Sitting in the place where the sunny eyes is stagnant, there is no appearance of the extensiveness before!

"This is the real local luxury!"

"Yeah, the past is the style of the earth, and those people count!"

"Why don't you continue to force it? Continue to talk!"

The Wen Ruo Live rooms began to ridicule the sunny and the dragon.

"I have given me, Wen Ruo is a friend who is my past, who will dare to bully her, I will definitely not let you!"

Chen Mo took the mobile phone slowly launched this line.

Wen Rui looked at Chen Mo's words, a unprecedented sense of security turned in the heart, she said that she would like to thank the past, but she didn't wait for her to say, and saw the past. These words!

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