I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 2: Who has this courage?

Originally Luoqiu thought that Feng Xiaoying should not borrow money, but she didn't expect that Feng Xiaoye finally borrowed.

When Chen Mo saw the name of Nanyang Wei Gongzi, I couldn't help but smile, then smiled and sighed: "I didn't expect it to be so clever!"

He knows that the Nanyang Wei Gongzi is not someone else. We have had some contradictions before Chen Mo, and Wei Xiaole naturally doesn't know that the past is Chen Mo, but Wei Xiaole knows that the past is in the wind.

"I didn't expect that I finally lost ..."

Luoqiu's eyes flashed a desperate, and the heart is also a sweethen.

Luoqiu came to this live broadcast platform for a long time. It is not a lot of people who know the rich people, and now there is only two minutes left, Luoqiu can receive it, it is absolutely impossible to be in such a short time. Library.

At this time, Luoqiu's heart is still very unhappy, not just because the money is spent out, but more importantly, Luoqiu is unwilling to lose the qualifications of the playing female one.

"Thank Wei Gongzi's super rocket, it is really grateful, thank you Wei Gongzi!"

After Feng Xiaoying came out from the bathroom, the expression was very excited.

Others sent nearly a million gifts, Feng Xiaoyu, did not so excited, but at this time, he saw the rocket of Wei Gongzi, Feng Xiaoying was sent to the heart, after all, this is the real snow to send a charcoal.

"Small cold is my Wei Gongzi, this game Feng Xiaoying must enter the top three, so those aesthetics that encounters small cold, you are best to stop!"

Wei Gongzi was very attractive to play this line.

His meaning is very simple, that is, if you warn all the anchors, if you encounter Feng Xiaoying, you will directly abstain.

"Wei Gongzi!"

"Wei Gongzi is really too powerful!"

"Wei Gongzi, why are you so handsome!"

After seeing this sentence, Feng Xiaoche fans will all become excited, and crazy sends the barrage.

Luoqiu sat in the same place, after a few seconds, trembling the little hand closed his live broadcast room.

"The game has not ended yet, what do you close the live broadcast?"

Chen Mo saw Luoqiu closed the live broadcast, and asked the expression.

"You don't know, this Nanyang Wei Gongzi is a very famous local might. Since Feng Xiaoying can find him to help, then I definitely be derived today, and I have been taunting the live broadcast, I am not as good as directly! "

Luoqiu sits on the chair. It is powerless to rushing to Chen Mima.


Chen Mo looked at Luoqiu and nodded, then he got up: "I will go to the bathroom!"


Luoqiu now has no mood, Chen Mo, whispered back.

Chen Mai took his mobile phone to walk in the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Chen Mo opened the live platform and found that the end of the game was only less than a half.

The fans of Feng Xiaoying have been cheering at this time, Wei Xiaole is very enjoyable, and will send one or two barcings from time to time.

"I tell you, as long as I am the people I Wei Xiaole, whoever dares to bully, then it is absolutely not good!"

Wei Xiaole's golden barrel is slowly flying in the live broadcast.

"Wei Gongzi, you are too handsome, people must love you!"

Feng Xiaoying naturally won't let this Bayi Hao, and you will be happy to make Wei Xiaole.

Anyway, Feng Xiaochan is to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to go to the top, and have a lot of martyrdom to sleep.

"Small cold, I have time, please ask you to eat!"

Wei Xiaole understood the meaning of Feng Xiaoyuan, and it was faint to return.

"Okay, people ask you!"

Feng Xiaocjiao said.

"The past has entered the live broadcast!"

But at this time, a notice slowly flew in the live broadcast.

When everyone saw this notice, all of them were in the original place, and the face on the face was very incredible.

"How come the past come with the wind?"

"Yeah, how did you come over?"

"Is it difficult to bring less and less?"

The past is still very famous in the seafood live platform, as long as this name has naturally caused attention.

"Feng less, how come you? Welcome less, welcome less ..."

Feng Xiaoyang seems to be scared by Chen Mo, and even the drip of Jiao Jiao shouted.

At this time, Luoqiu has closed the live broadcast, so she feels that the past is not rushing to Luoqiu. If it is not rushing to Luoqiu, it is certainly rushing to himself, how can Feng Xiaoying? Will give up such a good opportunity, can't wait to take off your clothes directly to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo saw Feng Xiaoying's appearance, disdain smiled, and then I didn't want to directly send gifts.

But everyone didn't think of it, the newcomers sent by the wind don't give Feng Xiaoyuan, but give Luoliu!

"The past sent 20 super-supreme spaceships for Luoqiu!"

The golden barlight directly brightens the eyes of all people present.

After 200,000 Luoqiu, after Chen Mo sent these gifts, completed reversal again, and this time Luoqiu only led the lead, Feng Xiaoying could not be 100 yuan!

Luxiu, who has already desperately looked at his computer screen, surprised to find that he has completed the anti-superhand in the last half minutes.

And people who give them a gift are not someone else, but the people who have just appeared in the platform.

Luoqiu can't believe that everything you see is true. I quickly reached out my eyes, and then I watched it carefully to make a mistake.

Luoqiu is sitting in the same place, the expression is very incredible.

Feng Xiaoyled was also stupid. Where can she think that the past is like the wind like the wind, I will send a gift to Luoqiu.

However, she has not been here to think so much, even if she is busy shouting: "Wei Gongzi, the other party leads us a thousand dollars, you will help me brush a gift to exceed him!"

Feng Xiaoying feels that a thousand dollars should be nothing wrong with Nanyang Wei Gongzi. It is 25,000 to send it. Can you be a thousand?

Wei Xiaole saw that the past is in this live broadcast. He is shocking in the heart. He is very clear that this past is definitely can't afford it. If you give Feng Xiaochao gift, it is not equivalent to the past. Warfare?

Therefore, Wei Xiaole hesitate to send a barrage directly.

"Wind brother, I will admit it!"


After seeing Wei Xiaole's slogan, Feng Xiaoying was once again dumbful. Now it is only one hundred dollars, Wei Xiaole actually admitted.

"Wei Gongzi, don't joking, the game is about to end!"

Feng Xiaozhi shouted with the big eyes of the water, and shouted.

"Nanyang Wei Gongzi took out the live broadcast!"

However, Wei Xiaole did not take care of Feng Xiaoying at all, and directly exited the live broadcast.




Just at this time, the last ten seconds of countdown appeared.

"Dear big brother, whoever has a gift, didn't brush it, I beg you, hurry to help me brush a gift, let's get one thousand, I beg you!"

Feng Xiaochao's expression is very excited.

"Today, I have to see who has this courage!"

But Chen Mo's barrage directly crushed all the hopes in Feng Xiaoying!

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