I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 209: Field Meaning

"Are you a rich second generation?"

Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo with a big eyes of Water, and his face was very unfolten.

"Yes, if I am a rich second generation, it is the money in my hand enough to have two spendings. What will you react?"

Chen Mo smiled and repeated.

Chen Union asked this question very simple, he just wants to test it if Su Mu, knowing his true identity, will be a reaction.

"Why do you want to ask me like this?"

Su Mu Bai fell back.

"Nothing, I am curious to ask you!" Chen Mo smiled and said.

"If you are a super rich second generation, then you have been deceiving me, I will definitely not forgive you!"

Su Mu Bin replied.

Chen Mo listened to Su Mu Bai, instantly in the original place.

In general, if the boys pretend to be rich in front of the girl, after being demolished, girls will choose breakup.

But if the situation is changed, a rich second generation is pretended to be poor silk. If the girl knows the identity of the rich, it will generally not choose breakup, but it will feel very surprised, then continue to live with the rich second generation. together.

However, Su Mu Bai's answer is that she will feel that Chen Mo has been lie to her, so she can't forgive Chen Mo.

Chen Mo felt that Su Mu Bai answered very incredible.

"If I am really rich second generation, will you choose to break up with me?"

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu Bai asked.

"Yeah, my most annoying thing is to be deceived, I can not discard you poor, I can not discard you, but you have to honest with me, if you have cheated me, I won't forgive you. ! "

Su Mu Bai slowly said.

After listening to these words of Su Mu, Chen Mo's abnormally collapsed, after all, he won't be able to hit Su Mu Bai.

But Su Mu Bai wants to know that he has been lie to her. So, when Chen Sime began to have some guilty, he began to consider how he would explain his identity.

"You won't really be a rich second generation?"

Su Mu Bai hesitated, and he asked Chen Mail.

"Do you think I am a rich second generation?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

"When you brought Li Jincheng to our company, I did doubting your identity. After all, Li Juncheng is not a chance to know, but later I think you should not be a rich second generation, if you It's really a rich second generation, you will not live for me to live every month! "

Su Mu Bai slowly said.

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu White and smiled, nothing to say.

At this point, he is thinking about how to explain these issues with Su Many in the future.

"If you don't want to come to my company, I can give you the money yourself to do something!"

Su Mu Bai saw that Chen Mo did not speak, he thought he had just said that Chen Mo's self-respect, so quickly opened the topic.

"No, I think it is good to go to work, I will work with you, I will run your company!" Chen Mo looked at Su Mu Bai.


Su Mu Bai is busy nod, and then began to eat something.

Chen Mo is a thoughtful look at Su Mu, at this moment, Chen Mo is found that he may really fall in love with Su Mu Bai's woman!

When Chen Mo saw Su Mu, when he saw Su Mu Bai, he just felt that Su Mu Bai was very beautiful. He didn't feel the for Su Mu, he wanted to marry Su Mu, but it was only for successful inheritance. Wangcheng's legacy.

Therefore, Chen Mo is not to move to other women, but try to control her desire in his heart.

But when Chen Mo saw Su Mu, after the attitude of his identity, the heart was very worried. Once you wait until the day of his own exposure, you should explain these issues with Su Many.

A blink of an eye, half an hour's time passed.

Su Mu Bai left the restaurant after dinner with Chen Mo.

This meal Chen Mo can be said to be a bold, first, Luoqiu's appearance has taken him a big jump, and then followed the words that Su Mu Bai told himself to the words.

However, Chen Mo also thought about it, anyway, I can't expose the identity in front of Su Many, so it is better to wait until I want to solve the way, I don't know what it is now.

After Chen Mo left the beautiful town of Xiuwei, Chen Mo opened the car back to the company, and then he left the company alone.

After coming out of Su Mu, after the company, Chen Mer's consciousness took out his mobile phone to see it, when he saw the mobile phone, he suddenly remembered the WeChat sent to him.

WeChat's content is very simple!

"Xiao Chen Mo, my sister, I am going to compete with you!"

Chen Mo did not understand this sentence in the autumn, so after hesitating, dialed the phone directly.

"Dudu ..."

The phone rang two sounds, Luoqiu turned on the phone.


The sound of sexy temptation in Loqiu sounds.

"What does you mean by sending me on WeChat?"

Chen Miman frowned and asked.

"What can you mean, it is literally meaning!"

Luoqiu said faintly.

"That is what it means? What is you want to compete with me Su Mu? What do you want to do?"

Chen Mo's faceless shouted, he now finds that he really can't understand the woman, no matter what she do, people can't touch the mind.

"Do you forget my sister?"

Luoqiu said with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Sister, I am gay, is you forgotten?"

Luoqiu said with a smile.


Chen Mo listened to Luoqiu, suddenly the reaction came over!

It turned out that Luoqiu said that he would compete with Chen Mo's prisoner, that is because Luoqiu likes Su Mu Bai!

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