I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 219: How do I repay you?

Next to the public toilet of Bi Tianya Villa.

Liu Liu is sluggish to look at Chen Mo, and it is full of opinion. Because she really doesn't understand Chen Mo just said that I have to stay here.

"Chen Gongzi, you ... what do you want me to do?"

Liu Liu hesitated, and asked Chen Mail.

"I let you do it very simple, that is, I will wash a month here. If you can't do it, then I will plan to handle it today ..."

Chen Mo said calmly rushed to Liu Liu.

After listening to Chen Mo's sentence, Liu Liu has grown up his eyes. Because she didn't think Chen Mo took himself to this place. It was not to be able to help himself.

Previously, Liu Liu also thought that he could escape, and she didn't know that Chen Mo did not let her plan from his head.

This person, this person has always been award, and there will be a hatred.

Those who had the girls in Longfeng Pool have been sinned by Chen Mo, but they just ridicule Mo's two sentences, and Chen Mo did not have a deep hatred.

But this willow is different. If it is not because of Chen Mo's relationship, he thinks that Liu Liu's woman will definitely make He we will poke his eyes, facing such a vicious woman, Chen Mo will not be polite.

"Willow, Chen Gongzi, do you understand? Are you ready to wash your toilet here, or planned to let me handle you?"

He Cai was in understanding Chen Mo's meaning, and he shouted directly to Liu Liu.

Liu's consciousness looked at He Europe, although this toilet was very dirty, it was very disgusting, but she knew that if she fell in the hands of He Europe, she was absolutely a hundred times more than washing the toilet, so she was busy "Chen Gongzi," Chen Gongzi, I beg you to let people go? As long as you can let me let me, you can let the slaves can do anything ... "

"I am not interested in women like you, you don't have to ask me!"

Chen Sile did not have an expression, and then turned directly to walk in the distance.

He Yonglian is busy with Chen Mo, while Liu Liu stands at the place where the sterile smoked day is standing. It is some time to be a good time, and the tears will take out!

For so many years, Liu Liu's sexy is that there is a man who is held in his hand in his hand. When is a man who is so desolate?


"Chen Gongzi, if you feel that the penalty for this willow is somewhat light, I can also find someone to teach her!"

He Wei is worried that this matter is in the mood of Chen Mo today, so it is said with Chen Mo.

"Liu Liu is a woman, there is no need to be too much more than a woman!"

Chen Mo is today just a warning to these people, and it doesn't really want these people.

"Or Chen Gongzi, you have a lot!"

He Cai smiled.

"I will come here, I don't have to prepare these things. I also have a person who is not married. I am not very interested in these beautiful women. You just need to do your job well, waste time money experience to get these things inevitable Some are not worth it! "Chen Mo looked at He Cai and continued.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

He Wei faces Chen Mo's head.

However, although he said in his mouth, he couldn't help but looked at Xiahe behind them. He is secretly sighing: "Although Chen Gongzi said that there is no need this kind of thing, but it is still not bringing a beautiful woman. Come out? How can I have a non-color man in this world? "

And Beibei is now nervous, she doesn't know what Chen Mo brings her out for it.

"What is your name?"

At this time, Chen Mo suddenly turned his head asked with Xiaobei.

"Chen ... Chen Gongzi, my name is Zhang Xiaobei, you ... you call me a small ... Beckham is good ..."

Zhang Xiaobei is extremely nervous at this time, talking to Baba.

"Oh, you don't have to be nervous!"

Chen Miman took the shoulder of Zhang Xiaobai, and then said: "I have nothing to bring to you, I just said that your mother is sick, so it is necessary to do medical expenses to treat disease?"

"Chen Gongzi, you ..."

Zhang Xiaobei suddenly looked up with Chen Mo, and his eyes flashed.

"How many medical expenses do you need your mother?"

Chen Mo has interrupted Zhang Xiaobei, asked calmly.

"About more than 700 million, I have 300,000!" Zhang Xiaobei returned back.

"Seven hundred thousand!"

Chen Mo smiled and then turned directly to He Wei: "You go to Xiaobei to prepare more than 700,000, and let her leave here after the banquet!"

"Good Chen Gongzi!"

He Yongni promised to agree.

"Chen Gongzi, you ... what do you mean?"

Zhang Xiaobei did not think that Chen Mo did so generous, and even did not ask himself to 700,000.

"I don't have anything else, you don't have to worry about what I do for you, I just think that you can do so much rare for your parents, seventy thousand people may be a person, but for me Just is a word, wait for your mother, you will do some work, don't do these things, understand? "

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Xiaobei faint.


Zhang Xiaobei looked at Chen Mo with big eyes. Excitedly said that they didn't know, she didn't know what speech he should use to describe her mood.

"Beckham, what do you still do? Not soon with Chen Gongzi, thank you?"

He Dong saw Zhang Xiaobei did not talk, and quickly reminded a sentence.

"Thank you Chen Gongzi, thank you Chen Gongzi!"

Zhang Xiaobei drued to take a deep bow in Chen Mo.

"you are welcome!"

Chen Mo smiled.

"Chen Gongzi, I understand that I don't have to be in the truth, you ... if you have any requirements, you can mention it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do ..."

Zhang Xiaobei looked at Chen Mo shouted.

"What are the requirements?"

Chen Mo listened to this, then couldn't help but got up and looked at Zhang Xiaobai sexy and seductive body.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi, you saved my mother's life, you let me do anything, I know that I am not qualified to become your girlfriend, but even if I let me do your lover, I have no regrets!"

Zhang Xiaobei has not been nervous before the heart, she is willing to repay Chen Mo.

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