After Sun Wei, after leaving himself to resolve Su Chengkai, all people got the eyes of Sun Wei to whisper. On the contrary, they saw Chen Mo's eyes more disdainful.

Your Chen Mo did not have money, but Su Chengkai has just been out, and people don't say let you lose money. If you stand there, you don't dare to say what is going on!

Su Chengkai Yang Fang two people are also very disappointed with Chen Mo, and the heart is secretly regret why I will find a fiance like Chen Miao.

"Little grandchildren, this thing is not much related to you, people who smash the bottle are not you, how can I leave you to handle this thing!" Su Chengkai said softly.

"Su Buffe, nothing, you have also drank a lot of wine today, or go back to rest early, and if the rest is given to me!"

Sun Wei seems to be insisted to stay, and the tone is firmly rushing to Su Chengkai.


And the snow hesitated, she felt that Sun Wei left and definitely wanted to contact He Cai, so quickly followed: "Head, our family is a general understanding, this matter is also an accident today, so Still letting Sun Kai stayed with Sun Communication, you have been coming out for so long with my aunt, should you be tired? You still go back soon! "

"Yeah, it is a family, you will be a family with the little grandchildren, no need to be so polite, let's go!"

Su Mei Ling has a good thing in order to show Sun Wei, and he will go directly to Su Chengkai in the outside of the hotel.

Su Chengkai is really tired today, and just drinking a lot of wine, standing here is a little hard, if you continue to wait, it is inevitable that you will not hold it, so he hesitantly followed Summe Ling, a piece of hotel.

Chen Mo Siu Mu Yanyan saw Su Cheng Kai Su Mei Ling left, naturally did not continue to stay here, directly followed everyone to go outside the hotel.

When Su Mu Bai passed by Sun Kai, he hesitated, whispered: "Sun Wei, how much is this vase to pay, don't come out, don't come out!"

"Mu Bai, you see that you are too polite, we are all family, who can you?"

Sun Xiang said.

"Sorry, you are a family with white snow, but you are not a family with me!"

Su Mu Bai returned to a word, and then directly glanced with Chen Mo's position to go.

After listening to this sentence of Su Mu Bai, the smile on his face instantly sat down, and his expression was abnormal.

"Husband, don't take care of this Su Mu, she is like this!"

Bai Xue saw Sun Wei's embarrassment, and he quickly held Sun Yi's arm, and smiled and shouted.

"I just see that she is your relative, don't care!"

Sun Kai's face has no expression.

"That is, my husband has a lot of people, definitely will not be the same as her!"

Bai Xue smiled very happy, then continued: "Husband, today you are really great, I don't know if you have a face, even He weaner seems to be afraid of you ..."

"Oh, okay!"

Sun Wei seems to have a little laugh, anxiously waiting for the arrival of He.


On the other hand, Su Mu, Chen Mo, etc.

Because Chen Mergette did not drink, he played a driver's role.

Su Chengkai Su Ling Yang Fang three people sit behind.

"Big sister, your family is a good son-in-law, you can find a good son-in-law!" Yang Fang said in Sume Ling.

"Oh, what is good, Xiao Sun, this child is more than some young people, the rest is general!" Su Meiling returned.

"Such a small age can know why, it is not a matter of success, I have been in Nanyang City for so many years, and I have not said a word!" Su Chengkai sighed.

"Also, what is the good boy like Xiaosun, which is a little bit of Xiaoxue!"

Su Meiling smiled, and then looked up at Chen Mo and said softly, said: "Xiao Chen, aunt says you don't want to be!"


Chen Mo looked at Su Mei Ling, saying that there is no expression: "If you know that I am not happy, don't say it!"

"You ... you have this child ..."

Su Meiling looked at Chen Mo's instant.


"Today, people are really happy, you see that Su Mu Bai is angry, I will be happy now, I think of Su Mu, I am happy!"

White Snow Station shouted with Sun Ji's arm.

After hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but twice and watched the snow, then smiled and asked: "Snow, you still don't remember to come to Sujia Town, you promised me?"


Bai Xue stunned, and asked the expression.

"You don't say that as long as I express this, will you give me a reward? What do you think of today is not?" Sun Yizhen asked.

"Satisfied, of course, satisfied!"

Snow is busy nodded.

"Then you should fulfill your commitment?"

Sun Wei continued.


Bai Xue heard the words of Sun Kai, the beautiful glance flashed, then gently played Sun Wei, whispered: "You have a big wolf, what you think in your mind?"

"Mainly, we have two more than a long time. How do I do it for you, do you have any fewer yourself?"

Sun Heavy hands on the small hand of Snow, said.

"That ... that is seen on such a good copy of you today, I wait for my mother to fall asleep at night. How is I going to your room?" Bai Xue blinked the big eyes, very tempting I have returned.


After Sun Wei heard this, his face was very excited, and he shouted with his voice.

"Of course, it is true, when will I deceive you!"

Snow is nodding gently.

Sun Wei looked at the white snow and excited. I didn't know what to say. If you really can push the snow, the Sun Khan felt that all the money today did not have a white fee.

And Snow also saw Sun Wei's true strength. He has long been a good impression on Sun Yi, in the face of such a good man, and white snow naturally will not let go.

At the beginning, the reason why Snow is not going to bed with Sun. That is to worry that Sun Kai's strength is not enough, but now Snow has not had such an idea. On the contrary, she still feels that Sun Wei's strength exceeds her imagination, so she does not use it. What is going on.

Just in the heart of Sun Wei, I finally got the woman in Snow, and a black Mercedes-Benz car parked in front of the hotel.

After the car stopped, He Cai directly pushed the door and walked down.

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