I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 244: Who is Chen Mo?

The hotel's room.

The two people who were chatting were attracted by a news in the TV. Because the principal of this news is not someone, but last night, there are some misunderstandings.

With the advancement of the camera, He Finished the screen of Wei Dongshuo, who has also chatted with Nanyang Museum.

"It is reported that He Cai, the general manager of Hongxing Hotel, has got a Tang Dynasty blue and white, so I want to donate to Nanyang Museum. Let's take a look at the vase!"

At this time, the host's voice sounded again.

It's just that the picture is flashing, and He Wei will deliver a blue-and-white porcelain with a brocach to the Wei Dongshuo.

When Su Mu Bai saw a vase with Su Chengkai, all of them were stunned, and the expression on the face was very incredible, because the bottle donated by He Wei was a broken vase yesterday.

This vase has two in Hongxing Hotel, one of which is broken by Su Chengkai, so why do you have donated it now is another.

Of course, there is nothing strange to donate this antique in the museum. After all, many businessmen will do this in order to exaggerate their influence in Nanyang City.

What I really let Su Mu Bai Suicai, I think it is incredible. Yesterday, He Cai, clearly, has been able to admit that these two vases are fake, and have been packed, why do you want to donate to the Museum?

He Fin actually gives a fake vase to the museum?

Su Mu Bai and Su Chengkai's doubts.

At this time, the vase has been over, and the reporter ran to Wei Dongshuo, and the reporter asked softly: "Wei Hui, what is the vase?"

"After the identification of our museum experts, the vase of this donated vase is the blue-and-white porcelain in the early Tang period, which has a long history of history, and it can represent the highest level of ceramics in the early Tang period. It has very high historical value. I am conservatively estimated this vase, the market price should be around 50 million, but unfortunately this vase should be a pair, but because Mr. is accidentally lost, otherwise, this will be more historical research value. ! "

Wei Dongshuo returned back.

"Since you are such a expensive vase, why would you donate generously?"

The reporter quickly delivered the microphone to He Cai's mouth and whispered to He.

"The antique this kind of thing is a country, I can't have it, I want to take it out to let more people can enjoy the beauty of this vase!"

He Wei is very low-key back.

Su Mu White and Su Chengkai looked at the interviews above the TV, and the expression on the face was very incredible.

Because Wei Dongshu has already proved that this vase that is donated is not fake, but the real blue and white porcelain.

But since the vase that I donated in this time is true, then Su Chengkai's broken vase last night is true or false?

If it is fake, then when someone changed the vase, did not change two?

Although this vase price is very amazing, if the two vases are placed together, the price can double it directly!

A vase is stealing, two vases are also stealing, no one is stupid to take one away.

But if Su Chengkai's broken vase yesterday is true, why does He will say that the vase is fake?

Su Chengkai looked at the face of Su Mu, two people think this is too unsatisfactory.

"What is the relationship with Chen Mo?"

Su Mu Bai couldn't help it.


And Su Chengkai hesitated for two seconds, then slowly said: "Mu Bai, no matter what the vase I am broken yesterday is true or fake, this is already in the past, let's still don't Studying this thing! "

"Dad, what do you say? If you break the vase, it is true that Chen Mo is definitely in the place between He. Therefore, why always reverse the black and white, deliberately put the vase is fake!"

Su Mu Bai quickly returned.

"But now this is already in the past, there is no meaning in discussing these?"

Su Chengkai said helplessly rushed to Su Many.

"Mu Bai, are you confused? He Bless people don't even give it to your father's face, will you give the Chen Mozi? It must be more you think, I think it is said that the vase that you donate is also donated. False, you are thinking more! "

Yang Fang shouted with his mouth, then looked at Su Chengkai, said: "Oh, you will pick up it, let's go, we have two!"


Su Chengkai nodded, then turned into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Su Chengkai left the hotel with Yang Fang, only the remaining Su Mu Bai thought about what happened last night, she now thinks more, I don't think it is.

Although Yang Fang feels that Chen Miman can't know why, Su Mu Bai doesn't think so, because Su Mu Bai Qing Li Jun Cheng is a attitude toward Chen Mo.

Since Chen Mo can know Li Juncheng's kind of person, knowing that he is not impossible.

And when I was eating last night, everyone felt that He Wei gave them to the wine to send the dish. The room was because Sun Wei, but in fact, He Wei did not know Sun Wei. After the truth, everyone feels because of Su Mu Bai. .

However, Su Mu Bai knows that she is clear about He. She is just the first time, and He Cai is also in the future, she knows that she is a partner with Li Jincheng.

This is to say that when you eat, you don't know who Su Mu Bai is, so He weaner is to send wine to Su Mu Bai. This statement is nothing.

"Is this all because Chen Mo?"

Su Mu Bai shouted, and then squinted his own pair: "It must be because He Wei knows Chen Mo, so it will be so polite to us in the hotel. Later, my dad was absolutely followed. Chen Mo has a relationship! "

Thinking of this, the expression on the face of Su Mu Bai is more confused.

Because she really can't understand why Chen Mo is, why do he know so much big?


Su Mu Bai felt that he couldn't find the answer here, so he walked directly to Chen Mo's room, she intended to find Chen Mo asking things.

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