I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 247: Tang Qingqing

Chen Mo's room.

Chen Mo saw that Su Mu Bai had believed that he had just said, and it was still long out of breath, no matter how it finally made this incident.

But he didn't know that this lie he cashed is, and Su Mu Bai is touched.

Su Mu-white knew that Chen Mo did poor poorer, even a general college student was not as good, but after experiencing a series of things, Su Mu-white felt that Chen Mo didn't think that there was no matter what everyone thought.

At the very least, Chen Mo has helped Su Mu Bai several times, and every time Soviet White feels that he can't solve the problem, Chen Mo is finally standing.

Therefore, Chen Mo always brings a inexplicable sense of security to Su Mu.

Su Mu-Bai looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, then whispered: "Chen Mo, since you helped our home to carry such a big debt, how do you plan this money? 30 million for you Do you say that it should be a small number? "


Chen Mail heard this, then whispered: "I haven't thought about how this money is still, but you don't have to worry, I will work hard to make money, fight for this money too. ...... "

"You don't have to have too much pressure. After all, our company is also gradually improved. I estimate how long it doesn't have much, my company can make profits, once my company began to make profits, this money It should not be particularly difficult to ... "

Su Mu-white expression rushed to Chen Mo.


Chen Mimi is seriously rushing to Su Mu Bai.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Su Mu Bai's ringtone suddenly rang.

Su Mu Bai quickly took his mobile phone and looked at it and then said softly: "Hey, Xiao Yu!"

"Cameard, where are you? I have went to Sujia Town ..."

The voice of Su Tuyu sounded on the phone.

"You have already arrive so soon? Then I will pick you up now!"

Su Mu Bai quickly returned.

"Okay, I am waiting for you at the airport train station at the airport train station!"

Su Tuyu is very happy to return.


Su Mu Bai nodded gently and then hanged the phone directly.

"Chen Mo, Xiaoyu also has two Qing Qing two already to Sujia Town, you will take me two more!"

Su Mu Bai put down the phone and turned his head and said with Chen Mo.

"Qing Qing sister?"

Chen Mo heard that he couldn't help but stunned, and his face was a bit.

"You haven't seen Qing Qing Jie? The original name of Qing Qing, is the daughter of my second aunt. At the beginning, I was the best relationship between Sujia, Xiao Yu, the best ..."

Su Mu Bai said softly.

"It turned out to be ..."

Chen Mima seems to have some helplessness, because he found that Su Jia is really a big family, people are really a bit too much.

Yesterday, I have been with Su Mu Bai 's Dawu Mei Ling and Snow, but now I have come to Tang Qingqing again. Chen Mo's time is really difficult to habits such a situation.

"I don't know what this Tang Qingqing looks like!"

Chen Mer couldn't help but lame in his heart.

If Tang Qingqing is like Su Mu Bai, it is the very powerful girl. The Chen Mo really has some headache.

"OK, Chen Mo, let's go!"

Su Mu Bai saw that Chen Mo said that he quickly urged a sentence.


Chen Mo nodded and then came out of the room with Su Mu Bai.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo and Su Mu Bai have driven the train station in Sujia Town.

I still don't wait for Chen Mo to get off the bus. He saw Su Yucun, standing in front of the exit.

Su Tuyu Today's dress is still so playful, wearing a pink short skirt, step on a pair of white canvas shoes on the feet, the whole person looks beautiful, fashion.

And in Su Yuci, I still stand with a girl. The girl's long phase is very beautiful. I wore a white sling. The chest is towering, the waist is slim, and the lower body is a black miniskirt, and the long white leg exposure is exposed. In the air, the feet are stepped on a pair of exquisite crystal high heels.

Whether it is a temperament model, it does not lose to Su-crew, but in Chen Mai, it is still a little bit better than Su Mu, maybe this is the lover's eyes out of Xi Shi!

"Xiaoyu, Qingqing sister!"

Su Mu Bai saw Su Tu Yuxi and Tang Qingqing, I went to the bus and waved my little hand.

Su Yucu went to Su Mu Bai, and then directly gave Su Mu Bai, and shouted: "The cousin, we haven't seen it for a long time, you have Didn't miss me? "

"Of course I miss you!"

Su Mu Bai smiled back to a sentence, then looked up at Tang Qingqing: "Qing Qing sister, you come over!"

"Yes, in fact, I have always wanted to go to Nanyang City to see you, but I have never found any suitable opportunities. This time, I just gave the foreign public wish to see you!"

Tang Qingqing laughed back to a sentence.

"This time, Qing Qing, you have to stay more than a few days. I will take you a good play!" Su Mu Bai returned to a sentence.

"That is sure, this time I have to wait for you, when will I go!"

Tang Qingqing said quickly.

At this time, Chen Mo also came out from the car.

Tang Qingqing saw Chen Mo, I couldn't help but asked softly: "Mu Bai, this is?"

"Oh, the cousin, how do you bring Chen Mo to come over? What is he came here!"

Su Mu Bai has not spoken, Su Yucu shouted with a small mouth, and his face was very unhappy.

"Xiao Yu, do you know this person?"

Tang Qingqing asked in Su Yucheng.

"Of course, I know, Qing Qing sister, this person is Mu Baijie's fiance, and I have seen the most unfamiliar man in this world ..."

Su Yun Yu has been busy back.

"Little jade, you don't want to say!"

Su Mu Bai heard this, and watched the eyebrows.

Soviet Yuxi smashed his mouth, then closed his mouth without talking.


Tang Qingqing's eyes flashed a different look, and quickly bowed to Chen Mo with their own beauty.

Su Mu Bai's vision Tang Qingqing still has some understanding, but she really can't understand why Su Mu Bai is a woman who is higher than the top, why is Chen Mo's fiance!

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