I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 249: Gucheng Club

After the IQ is obvious, Soutu Yu, who has been said after he listens to Su Many, and still did not figure out what happened. She thought that Chen Mo was lie, so Su Mu Bai will feel Chen Mo. Cognition He Wei.

"Small jade ..."

Su Mu's voice shouted very helpless.

"The cousin, you are too simple, Chen Mo's poor silk he knows what kind of person knows? What is it? He counts something? He will definitely deceive you ..."

The Su Mu Bai is very excited to interrupt Su Mu Bai.

"Xiao Yu, Chen Mo did not lie to me, he is really ..."

Su Mu, who didn't explain these things for Chen Mo, but suddenly found that Chen Meng gangled himself, Su Mu Bai quickly turned his head and found that Chen Mo was gently blinked with her, and said not to Continue to say it.

After Chen Mo saw Su Mu Bai stopped, Chen Dynasty suddenly looked back to Su Yucu, and then said: "You said yes, I did brag, I didn't know what I finished, I was only just that day. Going to the interview, I am not a tip of Bi Tianya! "


Su Yucu heard Chen Mo's sentence, very proud of the cold, then shouted with Su Mu Bai with a small mouth: "His sister, have you heard Chen Mo's saying? He nowhere you have admitted , He is blowing, will he know He Europe? Killing me, I don't believe it! "


Su Mu Bai helplessly shook his head sighed, didn't know what to say.

"Chen Mo, this time I look at you is still honest, take the initiative to admit this thing yourself, I will not know with you, I will not find my grandfather, after all, I have helped me. My sister is once! "

The Su Tuyu turned his face and said with Chen Mo.

"thank you!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

He now doesn't want to talk to the Soviet Youth Jade, after all, even prove that he really knows He Wei, and finally can only bring some unnecessary troubles to himself, so he thinks it is still aware of this. The less people are, the better.

"Don't thank you, you will dare to blow you, see how I pack you!"

Silous Su Tu Yu is very happy at this time, in fact, she didn't want to really show Chen Mo's meaning. She is reluctant to believe that they are all being rushed out by Bi Tianya, but Chen Mo's people Can be enabled, this is not a very look of Chen Mo who is very eye-catching before he is not as good as she.

So Su Yucu will want to figure out this matter.

But she didn't think that the investors who came to Su Mu Bai, but the famous Li Juncheng in Nanyang City!

Since Chen Mo can know Li Juncheng, then he knows that He Cai should be very normal?

And Tang Qingqing did not say a word from his head, and he was in quiet looking at the two people.

Tang Qingqing This woman is very smart. Although Chen Mo has already admitted that he bragged, but she felt that things were not as simple as Chen Mo, from Su Mu, the expression on his face, can be seen.

But Tang Qingqing didn't ask more, and I have always launched Chen Mo and others. She can feel that Chen Mo's identity background is definitely not as simple as Su Yudy.


After more than ten minutes, Su Mu Bai stopped the car in front of a restaurant.

Everyone entered the restaurant and then allowed the waiter to open a private room.

Because Su Mu Bai has not met with Tang Qingqing for a long time, two people will meet again, there is a lot of words to say, so when they eat, most of the time is chatting, and Chen Miman I have been eating anything.

A blink of an eye, about more than an hour of time.

The vegetables above the table are basically being eaten by Chen Mo, and the three girls have been chatting, and there is not much thing.

"Qing Qing sister, where are you going?"

Su Mu Bai saw the time is also almost the same, and the sound rushed to Tang Qingqing.

Tang Qingqing heard this time later and saw his mobile phone and then said softly: "I look at it is still early, if I go back to the hotel, there is nothing to do. Otherwise, you have two to accompany me to the gurus. How do you see it? "

"Gui Hui?"

Su Yucu heard this later, I couldn't help but said with a small mouth: "Qing Qing sister, where do you do? What is the fun, I think we are better to go to the bar ... "

"Xiaoyu, you are forgotten, the Qing Qing sister is very small, studying Guqin in Sujia Town, so many years have not come back, she definitely wants to see it!"

Su Mu Bai said.

"It turned out to be like this, I didn't live in Sujia Town since I didn't know that Qing Qing sister didn't study Guqin!" Su Tuyu gently nodded, and then he continued: "Since it is In this way, then we will accompany the Qing Qing Jie to the Qiqin Club, just look at it, just I have never been to the place where the Qiqin Club, my father has always wanted to learn the piano, but I think I don't have music cells. I will not learn something at all! "

Tang Qingqing and Su Ming were listening to this sentence to Su Cheng Yu, and then Tang Qingqing said in a faint saying: "That happens today to take you a good study ..."


Su Tuyu is very happy to agree, and then get up and prepare to leave.

When Chen Mo did not hear these three girls say, so I still dinner at this time, I saw Su Mu Bai and others were ready to leave, and I went up and asked: "Are you going to go?"

"If you eat, eat, you know, do you have heard it?" Soviet Yuxi took the mouth of Chen Mail.


Chen Mo shook his head helpless.

"Hey, I am really taking you, how can I find a fiance like you, starting from entering the private room, you are eating for so long, I haven't finished it, you have a person. More than we have three people ... "

Su Tuyu looked at Chen Mo and said something disgusted.

And Su Mu Bai glanced at Su Yucai, and then went to Chen Mo's face: "Chen Mo, we have intended to go to the Qustune of Qiqing to see, do you want to have a past? "

"Gui Hui?"

Chen Mo listened to these four words directly in the original place, and the eyes flashed a different look.


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