There is the office of the 4th floor of the Qiqin Club.

Everyone looked at Chen Mo with an envious eye. They felt that this opportunity to put in Chen Mo's face is just a good opportunity for a thousand years. Chen Mo should not find any reason to refuse Gu Qing.

"Chen Mo, what are you doing here? Miss Gu Miss can look at your blessing, you can't agree!"

Su Yucu found that Chen Mo did not stand in place, thinking that Chen Mo stunned by happiness, the whole person was stupid, so quickly reminded a sentence.

Although Su Tuyu's relationship with Chen Mo has always been very, this time, Su Yugu is still very hope that Chen Mo can promise, the reason is very simple, Su Yucheng feels that Chen Mo is only able to be able to be the head of this Gucheng Club, Su Mu Bai no longer has to be launched by others to find a waste as a fiance.

To put it bluntly, Su Yucu is still very hoping that Chen Mima is good, but sometimes I saw Chen Mo's neocketing, she had a feeling of hate iron.

And Su Mu, who is also looking forward to Chen Mo, and she feels that Chen Mo is now just being frightened. I don't know what to say when I don't know what to say.

"How? Are you still hesitating now? Is it not enough? If you think that these conditions I have come out, what do you want, now you can mention it, as long as you don't have too much, I can try to satisfy you! "

Gu Qingzhi said with Chen Mo, holding his shoulders.

"Miss Gu, these conditions you have come out are very good, but I am not interested in you, I don't want to come here!"

Chen Mo said calmly rushed to Gu Qing.

When Gu Qing heard this, it was directly in the original place, and the expression on his face became confused.

Other people in the scene are all stupid. They have grown up the eyes of Zhang Dazhu to watch Chen Mo. They are now skeptical if they have had problems in their ear!

Chen Mo did not hesitate to agree to Gu Qing's request as a person guess, but directly refused the invitation of Gu Qing.

This is impossible in their eyes!

Because they really can't find any reasons to let Chen Mo refuse Gu Qing.

Don't say anything else, just the five million salary of the year is already an astronomical figure for the poor silk like Chen Mo. If it is a normal college student, it is estimated to be excited. If you can't say it, you have to know that a lottery ticket is only five million, but now Chen Mo actually refuses Gu Qing, which is a little expected to everyone.

At this time, so many people in the office seem to have only a calm expression in Zhou An.

The reason is very simple, Zhou An felt that Chen Mo refused Gu Qing just just want some money, in his eyes, there is no matter what money is not able to solve.

But he may not know, in this world, no one is eligible to use money to touch Chen Mo.

Because everyone has no money to have money.

Five million in the eyes of ordinary people may not be a small number, but it is too insignificant in Chen Mo's eyes!

If it is in a few months ago, he may not hesitate to agree, because the five million of the five million for Chen Mo is indeed a number who doesn't dare to think, this money is enough to change Chen Mo's life.

But he is not short of money now!

Maybe this is the benefits of richness, as long as you have money, you can choose what you like, you also have the right to choose.

"Chen Mo, what are you talking about here? Are you excited to say something wrong?"

After the Su Tuyu responded, he quickly ran to Chen Mo's side, and his expression was excited to shun.

"Yeah, Chen Mo, this is really a good opportunity, you have to consider it!"

Su Mu Bai also came to Chen Mo, frowning softly said with Chen Mo.

"I didn't say anything, I also considered clear, I am not interested in when the person in charge of this gongqin will!"

Chen Mo said that he was very calm and said with Su Mu Bai and the two people of Su Mu.


Southern Suiyu and Su Mu Bai two people heard this sentence, directly in the original place, the expression on the face is very disgraced, they don't think Chen Mo is now doing.

And Su Hongfei is an anxiety!

Because Chen Mo wants to really refuse Gu Qing, it is not only a chance to change the life of the people, but also sinned from a certain angle to Zhou'an two!

In Sujia Town, no one dared to reject the family with Gu Jia.

Chen Mo is now rejected Gu Qing's invitation, but Chen Mo's invitation, but also affects itself, but also affects the relationship between Sujia and Zhoujia.

Bai Xue and Zhang Qingder are a standing point in the same place, because two of them feel that this is a little too strange, first, Chen Mo's piano wins Zhao Xiaosun Yang, now Chen Mo, Gu Qing The appreciation, the last Merger refused Gu Qing!

They feel that everything happened today is more than their imagination!

They feel that all this is like dreaming!

"Do you make sure you want to refuse me?"

Gu Qing asked by Chen Mail, laughing.

"Yes, I am not interested in this gorgeous party!"

Chen Mo looked nodded at Gu Qing.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Qing looked at Chen Mi and smiled.

"Small young, you still don't ring with this kid. He now refuses you that just think more about it, it is not enough, then give him a hundred million!"

At this time, Zhou An suddenly opened his mouth on the sofa.

"Okay, that is a hundred million!"

Gu Qing gently nodded, then looked at Chen Mo said: "This is good, I will give you a year, as long as you can come to my Guqin Club as the person in charge, if you can express it, I will also Consider giving you some of the shares of the Qiqin Association, you have to choose your own time, I will not interfere with your management of the Qiqin Club! "

After all of the people heard the words of Gu Qing, all of them took a breath.

They can think that Gu Qing is so generous, and the opening will double the salary of Chen Mo!

Five million directly became tens of millions!

Chen Mo is now, if it promises, it is the existence of the annual salary!

This is directly on the rhythm of the peak of life!


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