I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 273: Three choices!

"Can you go out of Sujia Town Isn't Zhoujia said that it is still a calculation?"

After listening to Chen Mo, Su Lieheng has flashed an angry in his eyes. He shouted with Chen Mo.

"Legs on my feet, I want to leave natural, no one can stop me!"

Chen Mo looked calmly looked at the riverside in front of him. Although he had no way to explain his identity with anyone, but in fact, Chen Mo's character has changed a little bit.

If it is Chen Mo for a for a while, he can't say these words at all.

But now, Chen Mimic has a truth.

That is, some people are not your polite to him, he will be polite to you.

Su Lieheng is such a person, since Su Lieheng looks down like Chen Mo, Chen Mo will also choose to use the most tough attitude to attack him.

But in Su Lieheng's eyes, Chen Mo's performance is simply coming.

Zhou Jia is in Sujia Town, it is a hand covering the existence. If it is in other parts, Su Lieheng feels that Chen Mo has such a silky, but he is sinned in Sujia Town, can only be a dead road. .

"Child, you are too arrogant, you can understand, but if you are too strong, you don't have any benefits!"

Su Lieheng said softly from Chen Mo.

"You said that I am arrogant, because I have a arrogant capital, and you want me to leave Su Mu, you are not qualified to say these words!"

Chen Mo turned his head to the Su Lieheng, said quietly.

"I am not qualified?"

Su Lieheng couldn't help but smir, and then the tone was angry. Chen Mo said: "Then I will ask you, what is the capital is arrogant? Are you still a background? Do you think just? It is so arrogant to know Li Juncheng? "

Obviously, when Su Lieheng said these words, the body was shaking slightly, and the eyes were also disappointed with a woman!

Chen Mima may not know what is good for Su Lieheng and what he said.

Su Lieheng did not want Chen Mo and Su Mu, because of the short contact, Su Lieheng found that Chen Mo is still good, but it is a little weak, if so, Chen Mo is with Su Mu Bai. If you are sure you have trouble!

After all, Su Lieheng knows that the followers around Su Mu Bai are too much too much.

So Su Lieheng deliberately shouted here, and said that he had just now, he thinks that if Chen Mo is not true to Su Mu, it will definitely, after listening to his own words, choose Susu Bright holiday.

But if Chen Mo is sincere, then Su Lie is planning Chen Mailheng to stay with Chen Maili, and cultivate Chen Mo, although not to bring Chen Mo to a height that is enough to let everyone look up, but want Chen Mo It is not a difficult thing to become a good person!

However, Chen Mo's reaction is beyond his expectations. Although Chen Mo did not choose to leave Su Mu Bai because of Chen Jia's threat, it was very arrogant, which made Su Lieheng feel very disappointed!

Because for young people, no matter what identity, you need to keep a humble heart!

But Chen Mo doesn't seem!

"Is this social society not succeeded?"

Chen Mo slowly rushed to Su Lieheng asked.

"There is no future background that doesn't necessarily be successful, but there is no home background. You can't deal your family!"

"Zhou's home, Wang Chengyang is the richest city of Sujia Town, even if you look at your Nanyang City, it is also the top ten richer!"

"Zhou Chengyang has a very good relationship with the mayor of Nanyang, and also knows Du Tianhao!"

"His relationship can be said to be black and white, do you have to eat, such a big person, you tell me what to deal with? I want to rely on Li Jincheng to help you, do you think reality?"

Su Lieheng said that he was very excited to rush to Chen Sail in front of himself.

After hearing these words, Chen Mo is just helpless, because Su Lieheng may still don't know, whether Li Jun Cheng is also good, Zhou Chengyang Du Tianhao is only a employee under Chen Mo's hand!

Which one saw Chen Mile not yelling in Chen Gongzi?

"Why don't you talk? Do you feel that you are ridiculous?"

Su Lieheng looked at Chen Mail.


Chen Mo did not speak.

"I will give you three choices now. The first choice is to leave my granddaughter immediately. I will give you a lot of money to help you fight the things there!"

"Second choice?"

Chen Miman did not consider and asked directly.

"The second choice is to wait for death, Zhoujia people have to find your way, I will never take care of you!"

Su Lieheng looked at Chen Mo.

"What is the third choice?"

Chen Mo asked again.

Su Lieheng heard a deep breath, then slowly said: "The third choice is that I can help you sing the family's family, or you can agree with my granddaughter, but my request is that you stay. My side, wait until I think when you have the ability to take care of my granddaughter for a lifetime, when will I let you leave! "

Chen Mo listened to Su Lieheng's sentence to understand his true intention.

To put it bluntly, Su Lieheng still looks down with Chen Mo, you want to exercise Chen Mili.

If the ordinary person will be grateful to zero in the face of such a chance, even the busy agreed, but Chen Mo is different!

In his eyes, whether it is Sujia, it is not a big family, he is not a family, he naturally has a waste time with Su Lieheng, even how can it get Su Lieheng?

Chen Mo is now the richest world. It really needs him to do it, but it is just to get married with Su Mu Bai.

The rest of the things have no significance to Chen Mo.

"Sorry, you will not accept this three choices!"

Just when Su Lieheng agreed to the third choice to agreed to the third choice but did not hesitate, Chen Mo shouted.

"You ... what do you say?"

Su Lieheng looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and the expression was very incredible.

"I said that you will not promise these three options!"

Chen Mo repeatedly, and then turned and wanted to leave.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy?"

But at this time, Su Mu Bai ran out later, and squatting with the waters of the water.

"Mu Bai, how are you here?"

After Chen Mo saw Su Mu, the expression was slightly confused.

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