I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 279: Who is it?

In the face of Su Lieheng's largest enemies, Su Jia people showed very cautious, they would not believe that Wang Long really will give Su Lieheng Hao Shou, even if Wang Long has explained very clear, but Su Lieheng is still not believed. And it is also doubting what the gift from this gift is there.

"Si brother, are you a little too much about me?"

After hearing Su Lieheng, Wang Long was obviously difficult to see a bit.

If it is not because of some reasons, Wang Long is impossible to come over to Su Lieheng Zhu Shou.

But he didn't think that Su Jia people would be so beaten.

"Wang Long, who are you, everyone is very clear, you don't have to talk to me here, you will not have to leave your life, you also have to leave you!"

Su Lieheng is now very sure that the birthday of Wang Long is definitely there is any problem, so the expression is serious back.


Wang Long looked at Su Lieheng for two seconds, reached out, then opened the gift box directly under the eyes of everyone.

After the gift box opened, the Maitreya Buddha made by pure gold was in the sight of everyone!

Su Lieheng saw this Drama Buddha, it was straightforward.

Because he did not expect Wang Long actually really didn't do what didn't make trouble. If Wang Long is coming, how can you prepare such a valuable gift?

If this respect is placed on the market, it will also value millions!

Wang Long actually sent Su Lieheng a million gold Buddha, which in Sujia Town will definitely be explosive news.

"Sin brother, are you still doubtful?" Wang Long said in front of Su Lieheng, and asked Su Lieheng.

Su Lie Heng looked at Wanglong in front of himself. I didn't know how to describe my own mood, because he felt that all is too incredible, this is completely uncommon!

"Wang Long, you ... what do you mean?"

Su Lieheng asked Baba asked Wang Long.

"Si brother, I don't mean anything else. I have been to give you birthday today. Although we have indeed a little contradiction between them, it is because I don't understand, I just take this opportunity. I apologize for you, this golden Buddha is what I carefully prepared, I also hope that you don't think about it! "Wang Long said very seriously.

After listening to this sentence of Wang Long, everyone is full of stupid eyes, stunned standing in the same place, and the expression on the face is extremely shocked.

Of course, the most shocking may still be a Su family!

First, Su Jia people understand the relationship between Su Lieheng and Wang Long. The two people are basically the state of being old and dead. Wang Long can sincerely give Su Lieheng Zhu Shou, which is very incredible. Second, Wang Long can't give Su Lieheng. Expensive gift.

Of course, this is not the most surprised place in Sujia.

What I feel that they feel surprised is that Wang Long's personality has been very hot, igniting.

However, today Su Lieheng is so suspicious that Wang Long, if it is in accordance with Wang Long's character, it is certainly no matter what three seven twenty eleven, it will go, it is impossible to explain so much with Su Lieheng.

But Wang Long actually didn't go, but when the gift box was opened!

This is not to set out to tell everyone. His Wang Long finally succeeded to Su Lieng.

"Wang, isn't you very polite this?"

As the saying goes, take the people!

Su Lieheng saw the Golden Buddha in Wang Long sent a lot of smoke, and there were still some proud of the smoke.

Although those who have just come to Su Lieheng face, the emergence of Wang Long is also a little face to Su Lieheng, and he is naturally happy.

"Nothing is welcome, as long as Su Lao Ge, you don't think it is good!"

Wang Long smiled back to a sentence.

"Don't discover it ..."

Su Lieheng quickly put his hand, then rushed to Wang Long: "Wang Zhou, from today, we have two grievances, you have a summary, how do you see?"

"Good ..."

Wang Long wants to nod.

"Today, there is more guests here, don't entertain you, I have time to have time to eat again."

Su Liheng is excited. After all, it is a good thing to tell Wang Long's reconciliation. It is just that there are so many people who are present, Su Lie is not able to show it, so they will talk.

"OK, you don't have to worry about me, I will just find a place to stay!"

Wang Long said.

"Good ..."

Su Li He nodded, let the Su Chengguang around him will accept the Golden Buddha and start receiving other guests.

Everyone looked at Su Lieheng Wanglong two, and the expression was abnormal.

Who can think of a pair of enemies for many years?

And Chen Miman looked at Wang Long's position, and he was also very doubtful. He always felt that this Wang Long should not rush to Su Lieheng, but he thinks that there is no recalling this Wang Long. Who is this Wanglong? So, when Chen Mo, I don't understand how this is something!

Su Lieheng greeted the guests after the satisfaction, returned to his seat.

"Old three, did not expect you to be a deep hide, now, even Wang Long is being posted by the service of the service of the service you pack ..." Su Ji smiled and rushed to Su Lieheng.

"Yeah, this Wang Long is not a general person. You can pack this Wang Long really make me feel unbelievable, even if I personally shot, Wang Long is not necessarily this attitude!" Su Li Guang said.

"What packages don't clean up, the Wang Wang is always given me a little bit, not what you think ..."

And Su Lieheng hangs a smile, and it is very low-key.

Su Li sent a smile with Su Lie, and did not say much.

"Wang, my father gave you a position there, you have passed!"

Su Chengguang rushed to Wang Long.

Anyway, Wang Long is also a big man with his face in Sujia Town, and just now gives Su Lieheng's face, so Su Lieheng is preparing to arrange Wang Long to arrange the nearby table, which is also Give Wang Long a face.

"No, I will find a position casually!"

Wang Long shook his hand, then quickly smashed the situation in the lobby with his own little eyes. When he saw Chen Mo, he was shining in his eyes, and he was running directly to Chen Mo.

When Chen Mo saw Wang Long walked over, the heart is not good!

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