
Su Ling is still aware of Hong Tao Securities, according to the common sense, Du Hongtao should not appear in this place, so he will ask Chen Mo's middle-aged people who are not Hong Tao securities.

"This person is Hong Tao Securities Du Hongtao. I have seen a side with Duong!"

Chen Mo has not spoken yet, Wang Long rushed back to a sentence.


Su Ling looked at Chen Mo with a deep eye in confirming Du Hongtao, and he found that Soviet is the only thing in Sujia San Generation, but now sits now. Berses in front of them seem to be more terrible with energy.

"Hong Tao Securities?"

Snow sitting on the side is flashing in the eyes after hearing this name.

"How is this name so familiar? Yes, Xiao Xue sister, is your fiance Zhao Kai is Hong Tao Securities as a deputy?"

Zhang Qingder squatted and rushed in White Snow.

"Don't mention it with me!"

Bai Xue biting his teeth and lowered his eyes, and his eyes were brought together.

This time, Snow feels that you are just shameful to get home!

At the beginning, she was in front of Su Mu, who had the relationship between Su Mu Bai, but who can I want to get her before, I have seen Hong Tao Securities's boss to see the bodies of the biki to respect the bruises!

She originally thought that Chen Mo's gap between Sun Wei was a day in a sky, but at this time she reacted, people in the sky were not Sun Wei, but Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's gap between Sun Wei is more than a star!

"I didn't expect this Chen Mo, I didn't even know that Du Hongtao learned that when Su Mu Bai failed to laugh in my heart!" Snowy now, the more I feel that my performance inside the hotel is too shameful.

At this time, Chen Mo is a collapse, and the heart is thinking about how many people who come here will explain how to explain themselves with Su Mu Bai.


On the other hand, Du Hongtao walked to Su Lieheng, whispered: "Mr. Su, Hong Tao wish you a blessing Donghai Bi Nanshan!"

After that, after this, Du Hongtao took the Sutan deeply bowed.

A big boss with a least more than 10 billion billions, actually rushed to Su Lieheng, to know that even Su Li sent Su Lie, the price of the two people did not necessarily be more than Du Hongtao, let alone mixed in my brother. The worst Su Lieheng!

"Du boss, what are you doing? Get it, I can't afford it!"

Su Lieheng was shocked by Du Hongtao, and quickly stepped away from Du Hong Tao to reach out to support Du Hongtao.

"Mr. Su, I can't make a gift for you this late generation ..."

Du Hongtao took a gift box from his driver's hands while talking to Su Lieheng.

"Du boss, what do you mean? You can give me this face, I'm very happy, this is not allowed!"

Su Lieheng has a courage to take Du Hongtao, and people Du Hongtao are on Su Lieheng's social status.

"Su Lao, I have brought it, you will be free ..."

Du Hongtao stuffed the gift box in his hand on the hands of Su Lieheng.

Su Lieheng hesitated, knowing that he was refused to give people a face, so it can only be helpless.

"Mr. Su Lao, there is still something else, so I don't bother you, let's take a step!"

After saying this, Du Hongtao rushed to Su Lieheng, and then turned around to go outside.

Su Lieheng was originally intended to leave Du Hongtao, but Du Hongtao insisted that there was no way to leave, Su Lieheng did not have any way, and finally I have sent Du Hongtao to the door.

Chen Mo saw Du Hongtao leaving, long out of breath.

I have to say that this Du Hongtao has a very set of things, and his main purpose of this is to give Chen Mo, and will leave a good impression to Su Lieheng, and now his purpose has reached, if you continue to stay here It will make Chen Mo's reactive, so it is better to leave directly.

Wang Long seems to realize that he stays here, so it is somewhat impromptu, so casually find an excuse to leave!

"Is this people really Hong Hongtao?"

"Yeah, how do I feel that this person is not like a boss, anyway, is like a person who comes to Su Lieheng ..."

"It is said that Du Hongtao can be the existence of more than 10 billion. Why do he give Su Lieheng gift? And it seems to be because of the fiance of Su Mu Bai!"

"This person will not be an actor who Chen Mo came over?"

Those who don't know Du Hongtao have begun to tell the whisper.

First of all, they think that Chen Mo should not know Du Hongtao. Secondly, even if Chen Mo knows Du Hongtao, Du Hongtao has no reason to give Su Lieheng gift!

After sending Du Hongtao, Su Lie He went directly to Chen Mai directly, then he asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, Wang Longdu always because you came over?"


Chen Mo stunned, whispered back.

"How can you know the big character of Wang Du?" Su Lieheng was full of doubts at this time. He really couldn't help Chen Mo told these two people.

"Grandpa, Chen Mo's relationship with Li Jincheng is very good. At the beginning, Chen Mai helped me find Li Qi, Li Giicai will invest my company ..."

Su Mu Bai quickly helped Chen Mo explained a sentence.

"Chen Mo also knew Li Juncheng?"

After listening to this sentence, everyone was in the original place. The expression on his face was very shocked. Because everyone left with Su Mu Bai and the other of Su Mu, I didn't know if Chen Mo and Li Jincheng. relationship!

Su Lieheng Su Jifa Su Li Guang three old people see Chen Mo's eyes have changed very obviously!

Li Juncheng This name is very influential throughout Jiangnan Province!

"Mo, this kid didn't want to stay by me because he knew Li Juncheng's sake? If this is true, Chen Merlim is really better than staying around Li Jincheng!" Su Lieheng couldn't help but inside the heart .

"Chen Miles recognize Li Jincheng, and Wang Long is the person under Li Jun Cheng. Wang Long came over to please Chen Mo is also a possibility, but Du Hongtao is related to Li Juncheng? Why did he come over to please Chen Mo?"

But at this time, Su Ling suddenly shouted.


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