I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 285: Zhou Qiagram to!

Chen Mo saw Su Mu, after standing behind him, the next consciousness took his mobile phone, and then he asked in Su Mu Bai, "Mu Bai, how did you come over?"

"Chen Mo, you are nothing? My grandfather just said to you, don't go straight, in fact, he ... he just said, it is just some breath!"

Su Mu Bai worried that Chen Mo is really gone because of this incident, so it is comforted by Chen Mo.

"It turned out to be because of this!"

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu Bai's longevity. In fact, he did not put Su Lieheng's words in his heart. He is now concerned that Su Mu Bai has just heard what he is talking about him.

"Do you have anything else in addition to this matter?" Su Mu Bai slammed the big eyes and asked.

"No ... no ..."

Chen Merloo was busy shaking his head and hangs up his call with He Wei.

"Chen Mo, I will take you to a good place. Anyway, now there is no two things around you, it is better to take this opportunity to take you to play ..." Su Mu Yimei wanted I feel that I can't let Chen Mo leave. She is ready to wait for Su Lieheng to completely consumbrely, and I will explain with Chen Mo's past.

"Don't you go back to the birthday banquet?"

Chen Mo's expression went to Su Mu Bai.

"What is going on? Since my grandfather has already rushed you out, then I will follow you!"

Su Mu Bai was a relaxed back, then turned his eyes and asked Xiao Mo, and asked: "Chen Mo, can you tell me the truth? Today is the one who gave me grandfather's birthday? Is Du Hongtao? "

"Every time, will n't you doubt me?" Chen Mo smiled and said in Su Mu.

"Chen Mo, don't misunderstand, I have no doubt what you mean, I am curious, why do you know Du Hongtao, and why is Du Hongtao so big boss why do you want to give me a gift like a grandfather? Is it a little too much? "

Su Mu Bai asked with a doubt.

"I know that Du Hongtao also has a relationship with Li Jincheng. There is only a few people who know that Hong Tao securities has 70% of Li Juncheng, but because some reason Li Juncheng has not recognized this thing outside, only Du Hongtao why Give your grandfather's kind of gift, I am not very clear! "

Chen Mo explained a sentence.

"So this is ah!"

Su Mu Bai nodded gently, although there was still a little confused, but did not continue to ask more.

"I know that you may not believe it now, wait until you return to Nanyang City, you can go to Hong Tao Securities to inquire, you know if I have lying with you!"

Chen Mo looked at Su Muhu to continue.

"I certainly believe in you, but I believe what you have, my grandfather believes that you are really ..."

Su Mu Bai sighed, then smiled and smiled and said: "Well, let's don't talk about these things, although it may be some misunderstanding, but I think these misunderstandings are clear and evening. ... "

"It can be explained clear!"

Chen Mo did not say much to what he didn't say, because he didn't care about what someone else didn't think about him. As long as Su Mu Bai didn't mistake him.

"There is yesterday, my grandfather wants you to stay with him, why didn't you promise?"

Su Mu Bai suddenly remembered that last night, rushed to Chen Mail in his mouth.

Chen Mo listened to this, smiling, whispered: "I don't want everyone to look at me, I think people can't be poor, I hope I can make money through my own efforts, not by you. Grandpa's help is qualified to marry you! "

"I didn't expect you to have a bone, how did I not see it?"

Su Mu Bai heard that Chen Mo's explanation was a lot in an instant, and said.

"Some things I may have a good performance, but it doesn't mean that I don't know in my heart."

Chen Mo said that he was very serious about Su Mu.

Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo, hesitated for two seconds, there was not much to say anything. At this time, Su Mu, who felt that Chen Mo was not as simple as it would be imagined, from Chen Mo's performance in the Guqin Club, she can feel it. .

How can a child who come out from a normal person will be proficient in the piano piano?

But Su Mu Bai has no mood to discuss these problems with Chen Mo, whisper: "Chen Mo, I will take you to our playground in Sujia Town. When I am small, I often go there. Two is exactly today. Can go to see ... "


Chen Mer gently nodded and followed Su Mu Ben to go around the Mercedes-Benz.


On the other hand, the hotel's lobby is.

Su Ling finally went to the hope of Su Mu Bai and Chen Mo, Soviet also thoroughly surpli, after all, Chen Mo is too shameful, he has no face now.

After the departure of Chen Mozu, the anger in the heart seems to have still been a bit, and the birthday will continue to follow the guests.

This matter brought to everyone is still very big, Su Jiaren feel very shameful, and those guests present are small in private.

A good life banquet was finally aun, and it was uncomfortable inside.

"Cheng Kai, not my big brother said you, you said that Chen Mo is okay? Why do you want to marry? Do you see your dad today, this is What's going on? "Su Chengguang's old and autumn training is Su Chengkai.

Although the heart is very unwilling to admit, Chen Mo is still a son-in-law of Su Chengkai. Chen Mo is wrong, and Su Chengkai is also responsible, so Su Chengguang said that Su Chengkai can only nod to cope.

"Big Brother, I also want to let Mu Bai left this Chen Mo, but Mu Bai is not left, can I have any way?" Su Chengye asked the Su Chengguang.

"If you really want to leave Chen Mo, it is not simple?"

Su Chengshi is lowered back, and then the mouth will continue to speak.

"Beichuan Jinxiu Textile Group, Zhou Qiagram, Zhou Tong!"

At this time, Miss Yingbin suddenly shouted.

"Jinxiu Textile Group?"

"Is it the biggest textile group in China?"

"How can Zhou Qian map? How can people come here?"

Everyone in the scene was very incredible with a rapid expression after listening to Zhou Qian.


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