I am the heir to the richest man

Article 293: The coming is always!

Inside the hotel.

Some of the people of Jiangnan Province have got up with Chen Mo's deep!

This picture is really too much too much, almost after Chen Gongzi, the whole hotel is in a silent, all people look at Chen Mo's position, in addition to the eyes Unbelievable is still incredible.

Chen Mo himself did a helplessness.

Here is Sujia Town instead of Nanyang City. So many people present are not knowing these bosses. The most is to know a Zhou Yangcheng, and they can feel it from these people's temperament. These people are absolutely not What ordinary people!

Today's Sujia is also exhausted, as if all the local might of Jiangnan Province gathered here, and the purpose is to give Su Lieheng Zhu Shou.

The original Sujia is just a second-class family here, but after this matter today, Sujia can absolutely count the first-class family with Zhou Jia, the light is amazing. Neather, it is not a week to compare.

A surprised eyes looked at Chen Mo at the door.

And the Su Mu, who is standing on the side of Chen Mo, is even more humane, surprised, unspeakable, doubt, incredible.

A variety of emotions are together!

Although Su Mu-white knows that Chen Mo knows Li Juncheng, some people want to please Li Juncheng and the curve to save the country to please Chen Mo is also understandable!

But she doesn't understand why there will be so many people come and want to come to please Chen Mo!

When did Chen Make have such a big influence!

Chen Mo himself has been thinking about how to explain these things with Su Mu, in the mind.

Chen Miman did not expect to be such a scene today!

Su Ling Su Hongfei Su Chengguang is already stupid, and a louderly looked at Chen Mo, they finally understood, why did Chen Mo had dared to crimes, and Chen Mo's performance is in Sujia. So arrogant!

Chen Make Zhang is because he does have arrogant capital.

Su Chengkai has been humiliated because of Chen Mo, but in this moment, two of them were twisted.

Especially Yang Fang looked at Chen Mo's eyes, no longer the original eyes.


Chen Mo took a breath and walked into the hall.

He knows that since the matter is like this, the worst result is to let Su Mu Bai know that his identity is, if it can cause greater doubts, it is better to face it.

After entering the hall, Chen Mer then sat down, and Su Mu Bai also sat in Chen Mile, and asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, what is going on? These people really Are you coming from you? "

"of course not……"

Chen Mai returned to a sentence, then continued to explain: "I think these people should all misunderstand my relationship with Li Jincheng, so I will come over to pleased me, I don't actually have such a big influence ..."


Su Mu Bai did no longer believe that Chen Mo's speech, Zhang Wang also said.

But just at this time, Zhang Qian is walking to the front of Chen Mo, and then smiled and said: "Chen Gongzi, you can come back!"


Chen Mo listened to this, looked at Zhou Qian, and then wrinkled with brows: "Do we know two?"

Thousands of pictures heard Chen Mo's words didn't feel embarrassed. Looking at Chen Mo smiled, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, you may not know me, but I know you, I am a Hongjin Group's Thousand Map!"


Chen Mo looked at Zhou Xiao nodded and did not say much.

And Zhou Da Tong seems to understand Chen Mo's meaning, whispered: "Chen Gongzi, I am mainly in order to give you unmarried wife's grandfather, if there is nothing, I will go back first!"


Chen Mo listened to the phrase of Zhou Qianhua, it was a long out of breath, because he is really very worried about Zhou Qianhua says something should not be said.

Zhou Qiang twisted his smile and smiled directly, then turned directly to leave.

After Zhou Qiagram, the bosses in the lobby began to run to Chen Mo's side and started greeted with Chen Mo. After all, these people can be because Chen Mo is coming over, so they will definitely talk to Chen Mo after the birthday. The above sentence to prove that he has been, it is also mature in front of Chen Mo.

But let Chen Mo think that these people seem to be as deliberate, talk to themselves, no one will talk about Chen Mo's identity.

This is also a lot of easy Mo. Otherwise, once these people say that they have leaked their mouths in front of Su Mu, it is a bit trouble.

Su Mu Bai has been quietly sitting around Chen Mile, and there is still no solution outside of his face. She is really thinking about how this is something!

A blink of an eye has passed for more than an hour, and the hotel lobby has come to people, and will come to a group of people.

And after entering the hotel, these people are just simple and Su Lieheng said that I wish you a wish, then I have introduced myself from Chen Mo's side, and it is like a person who is too late today is not Su Lieheng, but Chen Mo.

But Su Lieheng is also very happy at this time, because these people who come to him, basically take it out, one is worth up to hundreds of millions, and these people are very generous, and the birthday gift is natural is also very expensive.

What is the name of the car villa manor good wine ancient dyed medicinal material, almost there should be, Su Liengguang is picking up the gift, where there is something to do.

Su Lie has stood in the same place in the same place, and he couldn't help but he had a gift that he received a lot of time. The gifts received by Su Lieheng were simply a day!

Su Chengkai is naturally not idle. Through himself, it is the identity of Chen Mo's old man, and the boss of the present will be hidden.

You must know that these people are usually known, there is no chance to understand!

Today, he must use this opportunity to use this opportunity.

"Chen Mo, you come up with me, I have some words to tell you!"

And Su Mu Bai wants to feel uns, hesitates to stand up and hold the cold and pretty face.


Chen Mo listened to Su Mu Bai, and the eyes flashed a helpless because he knew that some things should always come.

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