I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 298: Chaotic Point

The hotel's hall.

Everyone heard Su Lieheng, all of them turned into envy to Su Chengkai.

At this time, no one dare to joke Su Chengkai Yang Fang, the original owner thought that Su Mu Bai found a waste as a fiance, but now, Chen Miman is not a waste, but a low-key rich second generation .

Su Chengkai Yangfang is naturally a proud of a face.

"If our small jade can find an object such as Chen Mo!"

The mother of Su Tuyu sighed softly.

"Yeah, the children in our family will have to pay attention to the object, don't take the eyes like Bai Xue!"

Yang Fang also raised a frowning, yin and yang strangely shouted in Snow Summeling.

Although Yang Fang also knew that Sun Kai fake understands He weaner, but no matter how people, Sun Wei is a company executive, even if the love is deflated, it is better than yourself. Many, plus white snow has been separated from Sun, so Yang Fang is still nothing in front of Su Meiling.

But now the situation is different, Chen Mo is in the eyes of all people in the eyes of super rich second generation.

The gift that Su Lieheng received today is nearly 10 million, and this account naturally has to be on the head of Man Chen Mo.

If Chen Mo is not a super rich second generation, why do these people come over to please Chen Mo? And don't have to send such a valuable gift, so there is now no one doubts Chen Mo's identity.

"Yeah, our family is watching the eyes when it is."

Summeling was embarrassed to return.

"But you don't have to be too sad, after all, Chen Mo's rich second generation is not able to encounter, our family Mu Bai can encounter it is good, everyone doesn't have everyone's life, some things It is not to be able to get it! "

Yang Fang smiled and said in Snow.

Bai Xue heard the expression of his face in his face, did not say anything after biting his teeth, because she did not say anything now.

"Cheng Kai, I think there is since Mu Bai can find a fiance like Chen Mo, it is actually lucky, so do you have to grasp this opportunity to know?"

Su Lieheng went to Su Chengkai's side, and he was reluctant to rush to Su Chengkai.

"Grasping this opportunity?"

Su Chengkai heard this, and his eyes flapped.

"Yeah, Mu Bai is now the age of life. It is not so much in such a toss, so you are not as good as letting Chen Mo Mu Bai's two hurry to take the marriage certificate. In this case, we will save Heart, are you saying? "

Su Chengkai is now to set up ideas. Be sure to stay Chen Sail in them, so that Chen Mo is married to Su Mu, is the fastest and most effective way.

"I have the opportunity to say it well with Mu Bai!"

Su Chengke said back.

"What opportunities are you looking? Directly let them two tomorrows, the marriage certificate, the province's night long dreams!"

Su Lie Hengzhi did not show a sound.

Su Chengkai heard the helplessness after he was in the future, I don't know what to say, he didn't expect Su Lieheng to be worried than himself.


the other side.

After Su Mu-white leaving Chen Mo, he came directly to a very famous commercial street in Sujia Town to visit the street.

If it is alone with Su Mu Bai, Chen Mo is still very happy, but helpless Southern Jade Tang Qingqing has followed it, so it should be that Chen Mo's two-person world, but now it is Chen Mo gives these three girls as a free labor.

Around for nearly two hours in the big shopping mall, three girls are also full, and the three families are quite good, and this time to buy clothes bags is true for them. I can't do anything.

It was intended to go back to the hotel after visiting the street, but Su Mu Bai has a phone call, saying that Su Mu Bai Chen Mo will live in Sujia's villa for several nights.

Chen Mo knows that they have to go back to Sujia Villa, and the heart is very helpless, because he is nothing to feel about the Su family.

But Su Mu Bai and others did not dare to give Su Lieng's face, so they could only open the car back to Sujia Villa.

After entering the hall, Chen Mo's family is sitting in the lobby.

Su Lieheng saw that Chen Mo was like seeing the benefactor, and quickly walked to Chen Mo, then the expression was excited to rush through Chen Mo, "Chen Mo, you are back?"


Chen Mai nodded helpless.

"Tired is not tired? Sit down and rest and rest!"

On the side of Su Lieheng, he took Chen Mo to the sofa, and then pulled Chen Mo's hand to start the cold and warmth. At this time, Su Lieheng's performance was in front of Chen Mo, and it was two people.

The other people of Sujia have also changed a mouthful face, and Chen Mo's speaking is very polite.

Su Mu Bai sat in Chen Mile, the expression is abnormal, who can think of these people so fast, I thought that Chen Mo was a poor child, everyone looked down, Chen Mo smiled Chen Mo, now I saw Chen Mo met so much. The rich, starting to Barium Chen Mo!

Su Lieheng asked Chen Mo's family situation, but asked if he didn't ask for a while, he felt that Mo's low-key did not want to say these things, so there did not continue to talk about these, but twisted to rush to Su Mu White said: "Mu Bai, Grandpa just saw it, tomorrow is a good day, or you go to Chen Men's first to lead your marriage? Then we are looking for two weddings! "

"Grandpa, what do you say? How long does I know with Chen Mo?" What is the urgent ministries? "

Su Mu-Bai heard the sentence of Su Lieheng, he was speechless, and he shouted with the big eyes of Waterwell.

"Mu Bai, anyway, you are now Mile's unmarried wife, do you have two certificates? Isn't you a morning and evening? It's better to take your grandfather's life, just let your grandfather happy ..." Su Chengkai Also followed.

"I will tell Chen Mo's card is what I am with Chen Mo, what is the relationship with you?"

Although Su Mu Bai has now no disgusting to Chen Mo, she still feels that Su Lieheng Su Chengai and others are very uncomfortable.

"How did you do your grandfather?"

Su Lieheng said excited shouting.

"Grandpa, is you forgotten? Today, you said that as long as you are, Chen Mo does don't want to marry my Su Mu Bai. Now, how do you change your personal? You said, you forgot Yet?"

Su Mu Bai was excited, and the sentence was shouted.

The voice is falling, and the entire living room has fallen into a silent.

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