I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 36: I may have to sleep with you tonight!

If Su Mu Bai has no feelings about Chen Mozhen, it must be fake.

Because with the number of Su Mu Bai and Chen Mer's contact, Su Mu, found that Chen Mo did not seem to have any shortcomings in addition to the poor.

But the poor is not a problem in the eyes of Su Mu Bai, she feels that as long as Chen Menken is trying to work hard, if there is money, the minimum can be done a lot more than ordinary people. After all, Chen Mo is now there. Not the same age, Chen Mo is now talking to Li Juncheng, Li Juncheng can find an ordinary person to find a common person.

Although Su Mu Yin Xin has a little bit of good feelings, but at this time, she faces Chen Mo's sudden confession, still some are not adaptive, I don't know how to answer Chen Mo once a time.

"Mu Bai, I really like you, I know that I may not have money now, but I will definitely work hard, you just give me a chance?"

Chen Mo saw that Su Mu Bai didn't talk, he continued to rush to Su Mu.


Su Mu Bai took a breath, then whispered: "Chen Mo, in fact, I don't know how to handle the relationship between our two, I know you really like me, can you give me some time? Let me think about it? "


Chen Mo knew that Su Mu Bai did not directly refuse his own or play, so he did not urgently asked a result, but intended to give Su Mu Bai's time.

"Thank you, Chen Mo, time is not early, I will go back first!"

Su Mu Bai returned to a pretty face.

"If you consider the result, you must tell me the first time!" Chen Mo saw Su Mu Bai to walk.

"You can rest assured, I will tell you!"

Su Mu Bai nodded gently, then turned and walked out of Chen Mo's room.

After Su Mu Bai left, Chen Mer was lying on the bed and started smirking, because he felt that it was really not far with Su Muru!

From Su Mu, the reaction, Chen Mo, can see it, it is absolutely play.

Just get Su Mu Bai, Chen Mo can be said to the inheritance of the heritage of Wangcheng. At that time, Chen Mo did not have to continue to conceal his identity.


At this time, Chen Mo's mobile phone suddenly sounded.

Chen Mer took his mobile phone and saw a message from Luoqiu.

For Luoqiu's girl, Chen Mo's feeling has always been very strange, because he doesn't know what to do in Luqiu.

Chen Mo hesitated, or opened his mobile phone and found Luoqiu sent him a selfie wearing a self-portrait of ancient costumes, and there is a text.

"My sister, I started to shoot on the first day, how? My alarm is not very beautiful?"

Chen Mo looked at the photos above his mobile phone smiled. It has to be said that the girl is really suitable for the actor. The temperament is very good. After wearing the play, I will kill those so-called star big wrists. But Chen Mo did not reply to Luoqiu, because he felt that he was still a little better than such a girl, and Chen Mo is still doing more important things.

Chen Mo wants to investigate and come out, who is the news!

If today is not a faster than Chen Mo, Su Mu Bai may have discovered Chen Mo's identity. Once it is really found by Su Mu, Chen Mo is now all efforts.

Chen Mo will not only lose the right to inherit the heritage. He will become a big liar in the eyes of Su Mu.

When I started to follow Wang Long, Chen Mo thought that this is just a chance. After all, when Chen Mai came to the two people, they recognized that Chen Mo was also normal.

But later, there were so many bosses, and many people didn't know Chen Mo. He felt that this is certainly not accidental, and some people must expose his identity.

I know that Chen Mo's person is not a lot, what is a fortune, Li Juncheng is one, and the rest is that if Chen Mo is, they don't know that Chen Mo is in Sujia Town!

Chen Mo, the more I don't think it is wrong, pick up the phone directly to the call.

He now thinks that He Cai will say his position, and Li Juncheng should not be stupid to this extent.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang for a few seconds, He Wei took the phone and said that he was very respectful: "Chen Gongzi, do you have any instructions?"

"He Fin, are you telling other people in Sujia Town?"

Chen Miman is cold asked.

"Chen Gongzi, I didn't talk to anyone. You don't let me low-key don't expose your identity? How can I tell other people?" He Yonglian was busy.

"You sure you didn't say it with others?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Chen Gongzi, you can rest assured that you will definitely be done well, I can't talk to anyone!"

He Ying said busy.

Chen Miman flashed a doubt because he felt that he did not make such a thing without courage, so he hesitated and whispered: "That line, I will investigate it. ! "

"Good Chen Gongzi, if you have any instructions, I will call me directly!"

He is busy back to a word.


Chen Mo nodded and hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Mer called Li Jincheng Wang Longdu Hong Tao called, I want to ask why there are people who leak news, but finally didn't ask.

This makes Chen Simic's heart more confusion, since these people are not talking, is there anyone will leak the news?

Just when Chen Mo hesitated how to continue to investigate, a knock on the door.

"Chen Mo, have you slept?"

Su Mu Lany asked softly.


Chen Mo didn't want to hide his mobile phone and then sit back.

"Can I come in now?"

Su Mu Bai continued.

"of course can!"

When I was talking to the side of Chen Mo, I walked to the door and opened the door.

But when Chen Mo opened the door, the whole person was in the original place, and the expression on his face was shocked.

Because Su Mu Bai is in front of a black lace pajama holding a quilt with pillows standing in front of his door.

"Mu Bai, what is this?"

Chen Miman asked Su Mu Bai.

"I may have to sleep with you tonight!"

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