I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 302: Amounted Beast? Avian beast is not as good?

After Chen Mo's bed, Su Mu Bai's mood is still very nervous, directly use the quilt to wrap the body, then look at the Chen Mo, who should be around himself.

Chen Mo saw Su Mu Bai, then he helplessly smiled, then whispered: "In fact, you don't have to be so nervous, let's know so long, don't you know me? And you are my unmarried wife, It's my woman in the morning and evening. I don't have any need to do it now ... "

"Who is your woman? I haven't promised to be with you, good?"

Su Mu Bai heard that Chen Mo's words couldn't help but gently, but her heart was restless, because she felt that Chen Mo said these words still very reasonable.

"You don't promise me now, you will be promised in the morning and evening, you can rest assured, have not been allowed, I will not pass, you will be relieved to sleep!"

Chen Mo said helplessly rushed to Su Mu.

"Is you really true?" Su Mu Bai was asked by Chen Mail.

"It is definitely true, you will take a break!"

Chen Mo made Su Mu Bai assured that he directly turned his head to one side.

Su Mu Bai hesitated for two seconds and slowly closed his eyes ready to sleep.

Perhaps because of the day of today, Su Mu Bai is indeed a little tired, so it has not been asleep when she will sleep for a while.

Chen Mimo watched Su Mu Bai, this is the first time to observe Su Mu Bai, a delicate pretty face.

At this time, Su Mu Bai has entered a sleeping state, Chen Mo can even hear Sudan's faint breathing sound.

Chen Mo won the faint aroma on Su Mu, looked at Su Mu Bai's white and seductive skin. The original Su Mu Bai's body is very good. At this time, add Su Mu Bai only wear pajamas, Chen Mo's eyes began The heartbeat of the stagnation, the heartbeat of the horses also started acceleration.


Chen Mo's swallowed his mouth, ready to see these things to sleep.

But at this time, Su Mu White body moved slightly, then changed a more comfortable posture.

Su Mu Bai's posture is not tight, but her chest is soft as if she is not too obedient, plus Su Mu Bai is lying on the side, so the gully in the chest is more obvious!

This time, Chen Mo can't sleep well.

Perhaps because it is a bit too tired today, so Sue-white sleep is very fragrant, and the little mouth that is delicious will still be twice.

But all this is a naked temptation in Chen Mile, and Chen Mo is now there is no way to control the heart.

He suddenly thought of a very old joke in his mind, it was a young man to go to the hotel. The girl said if you touched me, then you are a beast, so the boys did not touch girls in one night, but the second In the morning, the girl found that his clothes were in the future, and the boys were not as good as the boys, and then left.

At this time, it is the same as the same problem.

If Chen Mo is doing something to Su Mu, it is a beast, but if nothing is done, it is not as good as the beast!

Chen Mo is now starting some tangling!

"Su Mu Bai is my girlfriend, is also my unmarried wife, I am just exercising the right to do as a fiance, there should be no problem?"

After Chen Mo's self-comfort, Chen Mo's right hand rushed to Su Mu Bai's position.

However, when Chen Mo's hands should touch Su Mu Na's white tender seductive double peak, he suddenly stopped, then said helplessness: "If people find it, I am so long. Time efforts is not a white fee? If Su Mu Yong will be a metamorphosis, then I can really jump into the Yellow River and can't wash, can't do it ... "

Chen Mo took a breath and took the hand that he had already reached out and was lying on the bed and ready to sleep.

But at this time, Su Mu Bai actually changed a posture.

This time Su Mu Bai directly turned his face to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu, who was seductive and delicious, hesitated for two seconds, then whispered: "If I have a pro, I should not be separated?"

After saying this, Chen Mo gave a little bit in the mouth of Su Mu Bai!

But because when you do a thief, Chen Mo just touched Su Mu Bai's lips in his lips, so he did not feel at all.

However, such Chen Mo is already very satisfied. After the hob kisses Sudu, it also closed his eyes and entered his dreams.

Magic, a luxury villa.

Among the luxurious living room, a twenties of youth sitting on the sofa looking at TV.

The young people are very handsome, a handsome face is enough to fans thousands of girls, but only the young eyes are brought with a silky, and people are not cold.

And the youth is sitting on a beautiful woman, a beautiful woman wearing a red bag hip tight dress, sexy body is more fascinating under the outline of the dress, and the white legs have a black stockings, stepped on the feet. A pair of high heels, exquisite faces with wine red big waves, give people a temptation that can't be said.

The beauty of the woman also holds a white cat, and the little paws of the cat are placed directly above the chitinous double peaks of the beautiful chest.

It is not known that this action doesn't know how many men can envy.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, the youth suddenly rang on the phone on the tea table.

"It should be the news on Jiangnan Province!"

The youth looked at the phone and smiled, then pick up the phone directly and connected the phone, and smiled: "Hey?"

"Young master, our plan failed!"

The opponent was tense back to a sentence.

Youth heard this sentence, the expression on the face is ugly, then bite the teeth, asking: "How can the plan fail? What is going on, you tell me clearly ..."

"I have put the news to those bosses of Jiangnan Province, but I don't think I don't understand what is going on. The Su family still did not detect Chen Mo's identity, I ..."

After a few minutes, the youth drove his mobile phone directly on the wall, then smashed the beads, and shouted with an expression: "Waste, it is a group of waste, even fucking is so little things!"

"Brother, what happened?"

Women see youth's emotions are somewhat uncomfortable, can't help but ask.

"I originally planned to expose the identity in front of Su Mu Bai, but Su Mu Bai is a fool? So many bosses have given Su Lieheng, but because Chen Mo has, she has not responded yet. I really took me! "The youth bite his teeth.

"It turned out to be because of the poor!" The woman fell back, then faintly said: "Brother, you don't have to be angry, if you really want Chen Mo's exposure, actually very simple, I am It's okay to be idle in a few days. Otherwise I will go to Sujia Town to play with Chen Mo? "

"Can you do it? Will you fight the snake?"

Youth whispered.

"Don't worry, I must have a way to make Chen Mo's eligibility for the inheritance of the heritage!" The woman said very confident.

"That line, you will try it!"

Young people nodded lightly.

"I will go to the ticket now!"

The woman smiled very happy, then got up and twisted the little butt and walked upstairs.

Youth sitting in place, gazing, staring at the woman, a round hip.

"Chen Mo, Chen Mo, I will die in the morning and evening!"

After a few minutes, youth lamely sigh.

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